Tuesday 30 April 2024

Cardiologists Confirm Covid Shots Caused Sudden Heart Attack in 'Healthy' 29-Year-Old

Cardiologists investigating the sudden heart attack of a “healthy” 29-year-old have concluded that the Covid mRNA vaccine she was forced to take for her job is the cause of her cardiac failure.

International marketing executive Florencia Tarque is speaking out after finally discovering the cause of the heart problems.

Tarque, who leads an athletic lifestyle centered around wellness, suffered an unexpected heart attack on April 16.

She says doctors were “baffled” and initial testing “showed signs of a heart attack.”

She was then rushed for an angiogram which showed “no blockage or heart attack.”

However, Tarque, who says she “has played sports her entire life,” pressed doctors to continue investigating the issue.

She says an MRI scan proved on April 23 that she did, in fact, suffer a heart attack.

After doctors initially claimed the heart attack was “caused by a virus,” Tarque says cardiologists have now confirmed it was “the result of the Covid vaccine.”

Doctors diagnosed Tarque with Covid vaccine-induced myopericarditis.

Myopericarditis is inflammation in two different parts of your heart, but mostly in the protective sac around it (pericardium), according to the Cleveland Clinic.

Covid shots are a known cause of myopericarditis, which causes heart attacks and ultimately death.

In a post on Facebook, Tarque says she’s “feeling better” but “I am ANGRY.”

“I am angry because I had to get the JAB in order to travel to keep my JOB,” she explains.

“I’m angry because tons of 20-something-year-old athletes now have heart problems.”

This news comes as health experts around the world are increasingly raising the alarm about the dangers associated with Covid mRNA injections.

As Slay News reported earlier, one of the world’s leading cardiologists has called on citizens around the globe to begin “warning others” that Covid mRNA shots are “dangerous” and “not safe for human use.”

The call to action was issued by Dr. Peter McCullough.

McCullough is one of the most published cardiologists ever in America.

Speaking during a new interview, McCullough used members of the public to alert their friends and family about the dangers associated with the injections.

He argues that the only way to get the vaccines banned is if the masses rise up and demand action.

“The COVID-19 vaccines: none of them are safe nor effective,” Dr. McCullough warns.

“They’re so dangerous that in Texas, we had to ban any mandates…

“The vaccines are not safe for human use.”


Leading medical authorities, including the World Council for Health, the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, and Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo, are now united in their call for the vaccines to be pulled from the market.

As Slay News has reported, the Covid mRNA shots have been linked to the spikes in sudden deathscancersstrokesheart failureblood clots, and more.

Earlier this month, McCullough also raised the alarm about soaring cases of “turbo cancers” among the vaccinated.

“The COVID vaccines have at least three mechanisms by which they could start a cancer, or they could promote an existing cancer, and it may occur more rapidly because tumor defense systems are taken down,” said Dr. McCullough.

“That’s what we call turbo cancer.”

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