World's Future Existence CAN ONLY be Guaranteed by the People and not the Establishment Elite Who Destroy Planet Earth by the Year
The Elitist System is a false one and it is not coming from the right wealthy background or highest educational institutions where genius and creativity reside, but in people with little educational qualifications and from poor to middle-class backgrounds
The elites tells us that they
know best, but where they tell us this for their own financial wellbeing. We
cannot do without them they say. Ask any powerful banker and he will tell you
the same, but where this section of the elites has caused more mayhem and
suffering around the world than most.
When we really study the people who have had real world-changing intelligence and creativity, we find very few indeed came from
the elitist background that basically control us and which is sheer madness of the highest order.
Examples of this are such people
1. George Boole - Inventor of the ‘0’s and ‘1’s that drives the digital revolution
Without Boolean Algebra the WWW
and computers just would not operate. It took a man with no formal
qualifications whatsoever to invent the means so that the modern world could
operate and function, not a professor for example from any Ivy League or
Oxbridge university to do this
Boole came from a poor family
(his father was a lowly shoemaker) and was a totally self-educated
mathematician who had no degree whatsoever from any educational institution. He
was all self taught, but where he determined the mathematics of Boolean
algebra. Indeed, because his mind had not been corrupted by the establishment
mindsets of blinkered learning, his mind was allowed to flourish and enable genius to
emerge. But where although he was a mathematical genius, it has to be stated that he had to make his way in life the hard way to show the elites that he
knew better than they did, which he ultimately did. For otherwise they themselves would
have credited for the invention of Boolean Algebra and where the history of science and technology is full of people who stole the work of geniuses and where some were unfortunately awarded Nobel Prizes. In this respect it took years for him to be accepted as a
mainstream mathematician, but where eventually with no qualifications he was made
professor of mathematics at Cork
University. His genius
was so great that eventually the most prestigious scientific institution in the
world that Newton
partially founded, The Royal Society’, made him FRS (Fellow of the Royal Society). The first person ever to
be awarded the Fellowship of the Royal Society without any degree.
Therefore the elitist system when
looking at Boole alone is totally flawed and where it can be seen as a mirage
in many ways to keep the elites in ccntrol of society through the constant brainwashing of
the people into thinking that the elites are the ones with the best brains and
ideas to preside over us. Unfortunately for the lives of the people, they certainly are not and where even
Bill Gates had to buy the brains who invented MS-DOS, the most important thing that
he bought and made him the richest person in the world. But if truth be told, he simple just
purchased MS-DOS from its inventor and with a bit of bluff with IBM, the rest is history. So
Gates has not a creative brain or is a genius in any way whatsoever, just an opportunist that basically struck it lucky. Sheer serendipity and being in the right place at the right time with a rich father, but certainly
not a person with an inventive or creative brain. Gates is therefore a fine
example in the corporate world of a person with little creativity and at the
opposite end of the genius spectrum to people like George Boole, Michael Faraday, Albert Einstein or even Issac Newton. It is strange that people look up to mere opportunists therefore and then place them on a pedestal to a Gofd-like figure. For nothing could be further away from the truth if people would only use their brains independently and not take the hype from mainstream media and the corporate establishment as a truth. We live unfortunately in an illusion sold to us by modern story tellers with a personal vested interest in deceiving the world and the people who inhabit it.
2. Michael Faraday – Inventor of the Means to Create Electricity at Will
Michael Faraday is given the
courtesy title of the ‘Father of Electricity’. The reason for this was that
no-one else had invented a means to harness and create electricity at will and
for the use that it is put today. Indeed without Faraday’s inventions the
modern world would not be as it is today and no modern day computer or
infrastructure system would be the case. In this respect also, without
electricity on demand, the modern world would soon come to a full stop and our
standards of living would decline very quickly. For electricity-on-demand is
the economic and social life-blood of all modern economies and the
world-at-large. Without it they and the modern world, just simply could not
function. Therefore Faraday’s genius was without doubt the main reason why the
world is as it is today, as without it, life would be totally different and
less rewarding by far – no matter if you are the richest person in the world or
even someone who sleeps rough on the
streets, as both gain from invention of electricity even though both at the
complete opposite ends of the wealth spectrum.
Faraday was born into a poor
English family (his father was a blacksmith) and where he only had
rudimentary education up to the age of 12 years and starting out in life as a lowly bookbinder. But although he had little education he had the intelligence and
an intense interest in reading some of the manuscripts that he was binding, often borrowing those
to read at home in his own private time before they were given to the authors.
Faraday soon found that his interests were in the emerging field of
science and engineering where he read avidly what the scholars of the day were putting in print.
There are many references to
Faraday on the WWW, so we shall not go into the full details of his life, as
this can be researched fully by any reader. The fact is though that Faraday invented
possibly in the history of the world, the no.1 invention of all time in my humble opinion, as most other
inventions that have revolutionised the world, cannot exist without electricity and need it to actually function;
the WWW being just one example.
Therefore Faraday again shows
that the elitist do not produce the things that make people’s lives better or change the world forever and
where even Faraday knew the full worth of the Establishment and the elite's honours,
declining a knighthood from HM Queen Victoria in the process;
"I was born simply Mr. Faraday and I will die simply as Mr. Faraday"
3. Sir Isaac Newton
Newton although he eventually worked for the
Establishment was not one of them when he started out in life. His father was a
farmer who was completely uneducated and could not even sign his own name. At
Cambridge Newton was enrolled for a BA degree (there were no BSc degrees in his days and only general degrees in the Arts) and
where he was a poor scholar. Indeed he lost his ‘groats’ (a financial deposit
if you did not attain a certain level) and was awarded the lowest BA degree
that Cambridge
could bestow on a student. Indeed at the time his far wealthier contemporaries
(the elites of their day) stated that ‘nothing
would ever come of Newton’.
But Newton with an uneducated father, who could
not even sign his own name, became debatably the greatest scientist of all
time. This again shows to a great extent that those who come from the elite
families and dynasties are not the ones who give, but actually take all the
time if people have any intelligence?
did not start to show the ‘real’ Newton until
after his formal Cambridge
education was completed.
For although Newton
never studied for an MA formally (people did not do that at Cambridge
at the time) he was awarded this degree due to the fact that he had stayed on
at Cambridge for
a few years after his BA degree and had become a tutor. This change allowed Newton’s mind to flourish and to be drawn towards
scientific discovery that were basically outside the confines of classical Cambridge education. With
this new liberalisation, he started to think differently to those elitist
contemporaries et al who had scorned him in the past and the rest is now
Therefore again Newton is like Boole and Faraday in many
ways, not having the privilege of an elitist upbringing or vast wealth.
Considering this fact again, the establishment
elites that constitute approximately 73 million people out of 7,500 million
people currently, are not of the Newtonian kind and where they actually create
little that benefits the human experience or humanity in general, only
4. Albert Einstein – Thinker of a New World of Science
Einstein was born into a
middle-class family where his father was a salesman and partner in an
engineering business that went bankrupt. Initially Einstein failed his polytechnic entrance
examinations to higher education and had to re-sit them. He did not consider
that the rigid educational system was conducive to creativity and learning in
general and was in many ways a maverick in his outlook on education. Einstein
was certainly not one of the elites or establishment types and in many ways resented
their ways. But over his lifetime he changed the mindsets of the scientific
world to one of new horizons, based upon an in-depth new way of understanding the universe.
There are many articles on
Einstein and any reader can research his life and achievements, but where he is
another example that the establishment elites do not change the world
themselves, but rely totally on othersto do that. Al they do is to enrich themseles and always on the back of others who unfortunately, only serve them. Therefore according to the history of
the world, it is others from the working-class and middle-class levels of society who actually
do change the world and where history does not lie. Unfortunately the elites and
establishment do not wish to accept this truism of the first order, but use the
thinking and inventions of others for their own personal vested-interest, giving
very little back if anything during their lifetime to humanity.
Therefore what governments around the world should be doing is not to concentrate on the education of the elite and their elitist institutions (Oxbridge and Ivy League systems et al), but in creating the 'Innovation Infrastructure' for the masses. If they did this, humanity would find solution to all its problems, as the solutions reside in numbers, not the few. Unfortunately though, with the Establishment people being in control from one generation to the next, this will never happen as they think in their madness, that they know best. That of course is how the elitists think, but where history has shown that this is not a fact and the opposite is true. For even though history cannot lie, the elites perpetuate the myth because of their own personal vested-interests, not the interests of 90% of the people, where the elites know very little of how they think or live. Basically they do not care or want to care when it coms to universal human empathy towards others.
Dr David Hill
CEO, World Innovation Foundation
5 November 2016
Therefore what governments around the world should be doing is not to concentrate on the education of the elite and their elitist institutions (Oxbridge and Ivy League systems et al), but in creating the 'Innovation Infrastructure' for the masses. If they did this, humanity would find solution to all its problems, as the solutions reside in numbers, not the few. Unfortunately though, with the Establishment people being in control from one generation to the next, this will never happen as they think in their madness, that they know best. That of course is how the elitists think, but where history has shown that this is not a fact and the opposite is true. For even though history cannot lie, the elites perpetuate the myth because of their own personal vested-interests, not the interests of 90% of the people, where the elites know very little of how they think or live. Basically they do not care or want to care when it coms to universal human empathy towards others.
Dr David Hill
CEO, World Innovation Foundation
5 November 2016
(Amended 11 November 2017)
Why the 'Innovation Chain' is so
Important for the Future World and Why things have to Change for Humanity – https://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/why-innovation-chain-is-so-important.html
22 things creative people do
differently than the rest. If you’re creative, you will understand… - http://justsomething.co/22-things-creative-people-do-differently-than-the-rest/
The ‘Establishment’ Makes Amends
but where the ‘Establishment’ does not change its spots when it comes to its
own - https://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2013/12/the-establishment-makes-amends-but_720.html
Creativity - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creativity
Ian Pearson’s Futurizon - http://www.futurizon.com/
Globalization has failed Humanity
and Capitalism will ultimately dispatched the Human Experience to the ‘Ashes of
History during this century - https://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2016/10/globalization-has-failed-humanity-and.html
Isaac Asimov Asks, “How Do People
Get New Ideas?” - https://www.technologyreview.com/s/531911/isaac-asimov-asks-how-do-people-get-new-ideas/
Visions of the Future World -
Politics is all talk because politicians and political pundits have not a clue
how to create a dynamic and prosperous economy, other than in mere intellectual
words and hyperbole that always leads to nowhere for the people’s future and
the future of all future generations to come - https://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2016/08/visions-of-future-world-politics-is-all.html
Innovation - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Innovation
Ray Hammond Futurist - http://www.rayhammond.com/
Is War Inevitable or is it
Planned by Powerful People Behind Closed Doors in the Interests of Personal
Economic Gains? Daesh could be an indicator of the Truth - https://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2015/12/is-war-inevitable-or-is-it-planned-by.html
Technology - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technology
CONTROL - The Most Powerful Word
in the World and What Corporate Leaders and the Political Elite Crave For to
the Extent of Being Psychopathic in 'Their' Thinking and Actions Against the
People - https://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/control-most-powerful-word-in-world-and.html
MIT Technology Review - https://www.technologyreview.com/
Global Containment and Control -
The 'Game' of Controlled and Systemized Human Conditioning - https://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/global-containment-and-control-game-of.html
Climate Catastrophe, Coming Even
Sooner? - http://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/climate-catastrophe-coming-even-sooner
Where do we go when we die? A
simple question from time immemorial and where it depends on whether we are
good or evil ultimately - A personal take - https://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2014/09/where-do-we-go-when-we-die-it-depends.html
Globalization has made our
economies more vulnerable to climate change - https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/07/the-earth-really-is-getting-hotter-and-we-re-poorer-for-it/
The USA's and UK's economic
Decline' is due entirely to our political classes' Inept Management of their
respective economies and where they have given Control over the lives of 90% of
the people to the Powerful Corporations and with that, total control over our
political leaders. Unfortunately with the Emerging and Dominant Asian Economies
this will lead to even more extreme poverty for 9 out of every 10 of both the
American and British people - https://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/the-uks-and-usas-per-capita-decline-in.html
Expressway to Universal Slavery - http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/11/01/globalization-expressway-to-universal-slavery/
With Global Natural Resources
Running Out this will lead to Global Wars that will Destroy the Human
Experience if Political Leaders and the World's Most powerful Corporations Do
Not Come to their Senses over the next 20-years - https://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2014/05/global-resource-running-out-will-lead.html
A Decade of Evidence Demonstrates
The Dramatic Failure Of Globalisation - https://off-guardian.org/2016/08/24/a-decade-of-evidence-demonstrates-the-dramatic-failure-of-globalisation/
COP 21 (Climate Change Agreement)
- Welcome to 'Planet Hell' in a Mere Generation - https://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2015/12/cop-21-climate-change-agreement-welcome.html
Free Trade Has Failed Because
It’s Neither Free Nor Fair - http://economyincrisis.org/content/free-trade-has-failed-becasue-it-isnt-free-or-fair
The KINGS of KINGS and Masters of
Humankind's Ultimate Kismet - the 'New' WORLD ORDER that will eventually
dispatch Humankind to Oblivion and its Ultimate Extinction - The Greed of the
Few Combined with Our Planet's Natural Resources Running Out will make this
Inevitable...We have to Change Our Development Mechanism from Corporate
Globalization to Sustainability before we have Used Up 'All' the
Non-Replenishable Natural Resources of the World...the planet belongs to all of
us NOT the Few ! - https://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/the-kings-of-kings-and-masters-of.html
10 Horrifying Future Wars We Will
Live To See - http://listverse.com/2016/08/26/10-horrifying-future-wars-we-will-live-to-see/
Corporate & Political
Sociopaths and Psychopaths are Destroying the World Order, but where the
Political and Corporate Psychopaths are Not aware of what they are doing to the
world-at-large - Globalization is the Weapon they are using to Sequentially
destroy the planet and the People are the Only Ones who will ultimately suffer,
not the rich and powerful who have created this monster - https://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2014/12/corporate-psychopathy-is-destroying.html
Here's how World War Three could
start tomorrow - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/04/14/heres-how-world-war-three-could-start-tomorrow/
Global Poverty and Inequality are
the Reasons for Wars and our Politicians and the Super Rich should Clearly
Understand This ! - https://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/global-poverty-and-inequality-are.html