Forget any perceived long-term threat from BREXIT; forget
any purported military and cyber aggression from Russia; forget any threat from
a global trade war initiated by the USA; forget for the time being the threat
to humanity from growing global industrial climate emissions and climate change;
forget the threat of a nuclear
holocaust; forget the global threat that Avian Flu has for humankind with the potential to kill over a minimum of 400 million humans worldwide when it eventually evolves into another human-to-human killer virus as it
will according to former D-G of the WHO Dr Margaret Chan who has always said, it is
not if, but when (there are no cures to date and never will be as the virus
continually mutates to bypass our human immune system)…the ‘REAL’ threat to the
human civilization is something completely different and something that people
know very little about, but where it will totally devastate the human
experience and humanity far more sinister than anything else in the history of the world.
Indeed, this ‘real’ and constantly growing ‘ULTIMATE’ threat
to all of us is driven completely by the selfish financial interest of the world’s
top bankers and the world’s richest 1% that have no empathy (or intelligence I
have to say) with 99% of their fellow man, woman or child.
For this ‘ULTIMATE’ threat to our species and humanity is a little known
or understood mechanism that was created by the hyper-rich and 'The World Economic Forum (The WEF)' and were it is called,
A simple word, but which will destroy all that we love and hold so dearly.
Indeed, ‘Derivatives’ are what
Warren Buffet one of the richest men in the world who knows, has described it as “financial
weapons of mass destruction”, but where he is part of this ultimate destructive
force on humanity, by being one of the 1% 'elites' and by not forcefully changing this ultimate destructive force of humankind, the totally "Armageddon" power of ‘Derivatives’. And a far more
destructive force than any World War or anything else for that matter by a factor of 10,000-times more. For those behind the WEF have created this unparalleled global killer that is like no other in terms of killing power when it melts down, as it is doing so and will be with us in the not too distant future - that is all "The GREAT RESET" is all about in reality and where the covid global lockdown Pandemic and the Ukraine war are just mere pieces within the 'dire' jigsaw of global annihilation of humanity, and just to save the financial knecks of the ones who have created it through their totalitarianism and human suppression of the world and its people - just like the 'deadly dark years' of Nazi Germany in the 1930's and early 1940's, but where this time, it will be global with no 'white knight' coming to the rescue of civilization like operation Overlord, when all has been achieved by The WEF's total decimation of humanity.
“In our view, however,
derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction, carrying dangers that,
while now latent, are potentially lethal,” wrote Buffett in Berkshire
Hathaway’s 2002 annual letter
For those that do not know what
‘Derivatives’ are, they are speculation in futures and credit default swaps and other exotic
instruments et al by the bankers and the world’s
richest investors that is totally driven by sheer greed, as they can never
spend what they have got, never mind a few more trillions here and there.
No-one can ever forget the global
meltdown of 2008 that affected the world like no other where the global
populace was overridingly impoverished and will be for many years to come. That
is except the 1% rich and powerful writing the history of the world including
the top bankers who are part of this global control cabal. Indeed, these elites
did not suffer but greatly prospered through the peoples’ losses and hidden
debts that we the people have to pay off, not the rich 1%, because they knew
what was coming, as they had designed the system that they knew would
eventually fail.
We the people were left to bail
out the banks and to pay off the interest on this unimaginable hidden global
bad debt created by the very few in control (note not to pay off the principal
debt which will never in reality be achieved and an impossible situation). As
an example USA
citizens lost $11 trillion when their property market collapsed and
‘DERIVATIVES’ did their worst in wreaking havoc on the world. It is also the
reason why Deutsche Bank AG has major financial problems and Merkel knows this
very well as their exposure to ‘Derivatives’ is over $70 trillion.
For DERIVATIVES are not securitised,
but where they are just contracts and when the underlying security fails (that
has no contractual connection), derivatives are not worth the paper that they
are wrote on…worse still than ‘junk’ bonds. This is what happened in 2008 when
the underlying securities failed and derivatives became worthless (as they
really are from the very start of the casino investment mechanism that goes
into quadrillions of dollars every year now (yes, $1000,0000, 000,000,0000s or
$1,00,000 Billions) and dwarfs the present annual global GDP (total economic
turnover of the world economy) of around $87 trillion in nominal terms (2018).
In this respect quite a few
informed economists and respected analysts have estimated that this in 2018 is
in the order of $2.5 Quadrillion ($2.5 Million Billion),
1. Total Global Debt of the people,
governments and business - $247 trillion
2. Fiscal Gap (what governments,
people and business have financial legally-binding commitments to pay in the future) – $500 trillion
3. Off-balance sheet debt of the banks - £17 trillion
4. Off-balance sheet debt of governments - $1 trillion
5. Reported ‘Derivatives’ - £750 trillion (in 2017)
6. Unreported ‘Derivatives’ and non-securitised bank investment contracts – estimated at $985
trillion (but could even be higher)
Therefore if these estimates are
right or within the right region within a statistical confidence of 5%
according to by eminent analysts, ‘Derivatives’ declared and undeclared account
for nearly 70% of all world debt (current and forward) and where derivatives are
not secured by any individual security, other than speculation. Therefore if
the underlying security (which they have no contractual relationship with)
fails, ‘Derivatives become worthless and that is what happened in 2008 with the
knock-on effect of this casino gambling with the world’s futures.
But this next time when it comes
and it will, the repercussions will be catastrophic for humankind. The big
question is, how have our politicians allowed this to happen over since after
the Crash of 1929? Indeed, after the
2008 global financial meltdown, how have our politicians allowed global debt to
get to these levels and allow the
‘Derivatives’ market to grow to destructive levels? The only answer to
these questions can only be that politicians are hand-in-glove with the banks
and the world’s richest 1%, who apparently care little for their people.
Indeed, this can only be the case as otherwise this psychopathic mentality in a
sane world would never have been allowed to happen.
The terrible hidden and secret
situation held back by our political elites and the world’s richest investors
(out of sheer greed) from the people is that the global financial market is guaranteed
to fail over the next two decades and most probably around 2032. But, and this
is a big BUT, the fallout from this catastrophe will really take the global
economy down (not just the financial markets like last time) and where
humankind will it has to be stated, never recover from this unique but
devastating catastrophe in the history of the human experience. That shows how
much in reality our politicians think of us mere humans who know nothing.
It is time therefore that people
became ‘real’ to what is really on the horizon for us all and recognise that
politicians are not for us, but for themselves and their powerful and
controlling friends.
Dr David Hill
CEO, World Innovation Foundation
14 October 2018 (updated 12 May 2022)(NOTE: The financial figures stated in this blog are 5-years ago and where global debt due to The WEF's elite's insane lust for 'money and power', has increased significantly since - so you should be frightened...very frightened, not through wars and killer viruses, but through the elite's insane greed.)
Another Financial Crisis Looms as World
Marks 10th Anniversary of the Lehman Bros. Collapse - https://www.lombardiletter.com/derivatives-trigger-financial-crisis/30104/
Brexit and
the Financial Derivatives Time Bomb - https://www.globalresearch.ca/brexit-and-the-financial-derivatives-time-bomb/5533819
Global debt hits record $247
trillion - https://www.irishexaminer.com/breakingnews/business/global-debt-hits-record-247-trillion-854806.html
Political and Corporate Sociopaths and Psychopaths are Destroying the World Order, but where the Political and Corporate Psychopaths are Really Not aware of what they are doing to the world-at-large, because of their insane thinking - Globalization is the Weapon they are using to Sequentially destroy the planet and the People are the Only Ones who will ultimately suffer, not the rich and powerful who have created this monster - https://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.com/2014/12/corporate-psychopathy-is-destroying.html
Global debt hits record $247
trillion - https://www.irishexaminer.com/breakingnews/business/global-debt-hits-record-247-trillion-854806.html
Political and Corporate Sociopaths and Psychopaths are Destroying the World Order, but where the Political and Corporate Psychopaths are Really Not aware of what they are doing to the world-at-large, because of their insane thinking - Globalization is the Weapon they are using to Sequentially destroy the planet and the People are the Only Ones who will ultimately suffer, not the rich and powerful who have created this monster - https://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.com/2014/12/corporate-psychopathy-is-destroying.html
Derivatives: $1.5 Quadrillion Time Bomb - https://www.globalresearch.ca/global-derivatives-1-5-quadrillion-time-bomb/5464666
is a derivative - https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/12/derivative.asp
What is a
Derivative and How Do They Work? - http://financeandcareer.com/what-is-a-derivative-and-how-do-they-work/
Financial weapons of mass
destruction: Brexit and the looming derivatives threat - https://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/economics-and-finance/financial-weapons-of-mass-destruction-brexit-and-the-looming-derivatives-threat
Big Risk:
$1.2 Quadrillion Derivatives Market Dwarfs World GDP - https://www.aol.com/2010/06/09/risk-quadrillion-derivatives-market-gdp/
Destroyer of Worlds...the present Globalization 'model' - https://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.com/2014/10/the-destroyer-of-worldscapitalism-and.html
Derivatives: The Big Banks' Quadrillion-Dollar Financial Casino - https://seekingalpha.com/article/241573-derivatives-the-big-banks-quadrillion-dollar-financial-casino
Eight Years
After an Epic Banking Crash, America’s Biggest Threat Is Still Its Banks
- http://wallstreetonparade.com/2016/12/eight-years-after-an-epic-banking-crash-americas-biggest-threat-is-still-its-banks/
Shhh! Don’t
Tell this Bank Regulator We’ve Got a Derivatives Problem - http://wallstreetonparade.com/2016/12/shhh-dont-tell-this-bank-regulator-weve-got-a-derivatives-problem/
coming economic world crisis by James I. Ausman, MD, PhD - https://haciendapublishing.com/articles/coming-economic-world-crisis-james-i-ausman-md-phd
- The Most Powerful Word in the World and What Corporate Leaders and the
Political Elite Crave For to the Extent of Being Psychopathic in 'Their'
Thinking and Actions Against the People - https://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.com/2015/01/control-most-powerful-word-in-world-and.html
Multi-Trillion Dollar Derivative Bubble: Deutsche Bank, The Biggest Derivative
Exposure In The World - https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-multi-trillion-dollar-derivative-bubble-deutsche-bank-the-biggest-derivative-exposure-in-the-world/5333472
2007-9 CRISIS WILL RETURN IN 2018 – WITH A VENGEANCE - https://goldswitzerland.com/the-2007-9-crisis-will-return-in-2018-with-a-vengeance/
Derivatives: Gambling at Public Expense - https://seekingalpha.com/article/131257-derivatives-gambling-at-public-expense
Derivative (finance) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derivative_(finance)
Gause and The Real World of Money – Derivatives: 2.2 Quadrillion Dollars in
Bets That Are Really Risky – August 13, 2014' - https://oneradionetwork.com/the-real-world-of-money/andrew-gause-real-world-money-derivatives-2-2-quadrillion-dollars-bets-really-risky-august-13-2014/
The Six
Too Big to Fail Banks in the U.S.
Have 278 Trillion Dollars of Exposure to Derivatives - https://www.globalresearch.ca/the-six-too-big-to-fail-banks-in-the-u-s-have-278-trillion-dollars-of-exposure-to-derivatives/5442764
Buffett used 'financial weapons of mass destruction' to make billions of
dollars - https://finance.yahoo.com/news/how-buffett-used--financial-weapons-of-mass-destruction--to-make-billions-of-dollars-175922498.html?_fsig=lhInQlx2FCqtDWGABxmrNw--
– A RECIPE FOR DISASTER & SYSTEMIC COLLAPSE - https://goldswitzerland.com/derivatives-a-recipe-for-disaster-systemic-collapse/
These Instruments
Could as Easily Spark a Financial Crisis Today as They Did in 2008 - https://www.lombardiletter.com/derivatives-trigger-financial-crisis/30104/
close are we to another financial crisis? 8 experts weigh in. - https://www.vox.com/2018/9/18/17868074/financial-crisis-dodd-frank-lehman-brothers-recession
How Banks Make Money in Derivatives
- http://capitalinstitute.org/blog/how-banks-make-money-derivatives/
How can derivatives be used to earn
income? - https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/060515/how-can-derivatives-be-used-earn-income.asp
Financial Derivatives – The Next
Crash Waiting to Happen - http://sorensenfinancial.com/the-state-of-todays-market/financial-derivatives-the-next-crash-waiting-to-happen/
The Role of Derivatives in Creating Mortgage
Crisis - https://www.thebalance.com/role-of-derivatives-in-creating-mortgage-crisis-3970477
The Real Cost of the 2008
Financial Crisis - https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/09/17/the-real-cost-of-the-2008-financial-crisis
close are we to another financial crisis? 8 experts weigh in. - https://www.vox.com/2018/9/18/17868074/financial-crisis-dodd-frank-lehman-brothers-recession