In 2004 a lady called Petula
Parks from Sheffield contacted myself at the
Foundation with regard to hard drug addiction and how her two only sons were
long-term hard drug addicts. This was in response to a letter from the Foundation that had been published by a MSM outlet concerning the Vietnamese humane cure for
hard drug addiction. That brief conversation led to several visits for me to
Sheffield to try and help Petula, a native of Scotland.
Vietnam Experience
In the 1990s the late Kofi Annan, director-general of the United Nations instigated an unprecedented investigation in UN history. He had received leading-edge information that in Vietnam they were using a natural and humane non-addictive cure for hard drug addiction where one week Vietnamese drug addicts were 'high' on drugs and out of their minds and where when visiting them the following week in their villages, were without any drug effects. Annan, authorised nearly US$1/2 million as he knew in his homeland that natural traditional medicines had saved his life together with 100s of thousands of his countrymen and that these plant based medicines cured illnesses, even some that western medicines could not do. Therefore what this article is about started at the very top of the world's foremost humanitarian organization and in the United Nation's building in New York. The following is an overview of what happened and where the UK government 'remarkably' turned this nonaddictive cure down, even though the hand of help had been given at the highest level within the government of Vietnam and where this cure is now used within the Vietnamese NHS and unique to Vietnam; because Britain's Home Office declined the Vietnamese hand-of-help with no reason whatsoever given (just pre silence) after 3-years of meetings and communications between former executives of the United Nations (who worked very closely with the director general) and top Vietnamese scientists.
In 2003 the Foundation was invited by senior Vietnamese scientists of the Foundation who were leading government scientists including Professor Dr. Trans Van Sung, director of the Institute of Chemistry, Hanoi. to attend a two-week demonstration of a revolutionary humane cure for hard drug addiction. In this respect they were some of Vietnam’s most respected senior scientists and doctors who like several thousand of the Vietnamese fraternity of scientists had been educated in ‘traditional medicines’ and also ‘western medicines' including modern pharmaceuticals in Germany. Therefore Vietnamese scientists are educated in both eastern and western medical sciences and where the former is based upon over 2,000 years of experience in those that cure and those that harm humans – the trial and error system that western medicines use on a largely limited scale unlike the eastern timeframe. Indeed, whilst in Vietnam these highly knowledgeable scientists and doctors expressed the situation that they use traditional medicines to cure/control diseases that western medicines cannot do.
Therefore we have in reality in 'the West', a lot to learn from eastern medicinal treatments and where because the giant drug companies have manipulated the government regulators in the West through their unrelenting political lobbying power, these cures/treatments are not allowed to be used in the West, even though they have been tried and tested for over 2,000 years and therefore are completely safe. This is the dire control that the global pharmaceutical companies have over western governments through total manipulation and sheer corruption, and where they cite safety considerations, but where they do not tell people that they have been used safely over a period of more than 20 centuries. In comparison modern pharmaceutical drugs (quite a few of them have significantly harmed humans in large numbers with dire consequences with multiple deaths and unnatural malfunctions of the body and brain) have only been around for a maximum of a mere one and half centuries at the very most in reality. But it has to be stated here also, that the ultra-profitable global pharmaceutical industry has been trying to get their hands on this natural treatment and cure for hard drug addiction for over 20 years now and where the last time was in Switzerland where one of the largest drug companies in the world had been negotiating with the Government of Vietnam to introduce this herbal drug cure jointly with that government. But on the very day of the signing of the global agreement, this vast drug company demanded that the government of Vietnam give them the patent for the medication and where this was never ever in the negotiations, as the government of Vietnam knew that this treatment was for humanity and not predominantly for mere vast profit generation (basically what the pharmaceutical industry as the greater profit maker is in business for, not CURES) and where if they allowed the drug company to have the patent, they would control the medication and simply not use it. In essence the drug industry could just carry on as usual selling their present non-performing and medium to long-term killer medications such as Methadone, that makes some of the highest profit margins for the powerful global pharmaceutical industry - so why introduce a competitor, even though it cured unlike Methadone et al that just sustains drug addicts and is according to scientific research, even more addictive than heroin or cocaine et al. For that is how the pharmaceutical industry really operates when you research into them and where the profit motive is far more important than human life.
In 2003 the Foundation was invited by senior Vietnamese scientists of the Foundation who were leading government scientists including Professor Dr. Trans Van Sung, director of the Institute of Chemistry, Hanoi. to attend a two-week demonstration of a revolutionary humane cure for hard drug addiction. In this respect they were some of Vietnam’s most respected senior scientists and doctors who like several thousand of the Vietnamese fraternity of scientists had been educated in ‘traditional medicines’ and also ‘western medicines' including modern pharmaceuticals in Germany. Therefore Vietnamese scientists are educated in both eastern and western medical sciences and where the former is based upon over 2,000 years of experience in those that cure and those that harm humans – the trial and error system that western medicines use on a largely limited scale unlike the eastern timeframe. Indeed, whilst in Vietnam these highly knowledgeable scientists and doctors expressed the situation that they use traditional medicines to cure/control diseases that western medicines cannot do.
Therefore we have in reality in 'the West', a lot to learn from eastern medicinal treatments and where because the giant drug companies have manipulated the government regulators in the West through their unrelenting political lobbying power, these cures/treatments are not allowed to be used in the West, even though they have been tried and tested for over 2,000 years and therefore are completely safe. This is the dire control that the global pharmaceutical companies have over western governments through total manipulation and sheer corruption, and where they cite safety considerations, but where they do not tell people that they have been used safely over a period of more than 20 centuries. In comparison modern pharmaceutical drugs (quite a few of them have significantly harmed humans in large numbers with dire consequences with multiple deaths and unnatural malfunctions of the body and brain) have only been around for a maximum of a mere one and half centuries at the very most in reality. But it has to be stated here also, that the ultra-profitable global pharmaceutical industry has been trying to get their hands on this natural treatment and cure for hard drug addiction for over 20 years now and where the last time was in Switzerland where one of the largest drug companies in the world had been negotiating with the Government of Vietnam to introduce this herbal drug cure jointly with that government. But on the very day of the signing of the global agreement, this vast drug company demanded that the government of Vietnam give them the patent for the medication and where this was never ever in the negotiations, as the government of Vietnam knew that this treatment was for humanity and not predominantly for mere vast profit generation (basically what the pharmaceutical industry as the greater profit maker is in business for, not CURES) and where if they allowed the drug company to have the patent, they would control the medication and simply not use it. In essence the drug industry could just carry on as usual selling their present non-performing and medium to long-term killer medications such as Methadone, that makes some of the highest profit margins for the powerful global pharmaceutical industry - so why introduce a competitor, even though it cured unlike Methadone et al that just sustains drug addicts and is according to scientific research, even more addictive than heroin or cocaine et al. For that is how the pharmaceutical industry really operates when you research into them and where the profit motive is far more important than human life.
The Foundation and its members
were greeted by Professor Sung and also Vietnamese Government Cabinet member Mr. Dang Vu Minh, D.Sc.,President of the Vietnamese Academy
of Science and Technology and where he is still the Chairman of this pre-eminent national Vietnamese scientific institution, consisting of the best scientists and technologists in Vietnam today and where most have received their advanced degrees (masters & Doctorates including higher doctorates) in leading European universities and around the world, but predominantly in Germany or Russia.
What transpired over more than a
week in the Hanoi region was a conducted and
detailed visit to one of Vietnam’s
drug rehabilitation centres where hard drug addicts were treated and eventually
cured of their addiction.
On the first day of the extensive
in-depth visit, which was on a Monday, we saw hard drug addicts arrive early
with family members and where the family looks after the patients during the
treatment period with the centre’s medics.
These unfortunate addicted Vietnamese people numbering on average
20>40 in numbers were in a terrible state and clearly had excessive
drug-addiction health problems.
Each drug addict had their own
small treatment room and were they were comforted as best as possible before
the start of the drug rehabilitation treatment.
Around 10am after the doctors had
extensively examined them beforehand to make sure that the patient had no major
health problems other than their addiction, the medical staff stated the
treatment which was a Vietnamese traditional medicine based upon 13 plant
extracts and called Heantos. The treatment consisted of treatment over 24-hours
and where 4-intermittent equal doses were given to the patient. This continued
for five days. On the second day the patient was sleepy and slept most of the
time. The same was the case for the third day. But on the fourth day the
patient started to enter the real world again and started to talk to people
after the detoxification process had been working for three days and nights.
Miraculously on the Friday the patient was alert and appeared normal and where
after the Vietnamese doctors had checked their health condition was allowed to
go back home with their family around 4pm. The treatment though to not allow a
relapse was continued at home by the family and where after a further 6-months
was deemed to be cured fully from the addition that had previously
incapacitated them and where they could not work for the craving for heroin et
Meetings with Petula Parks and The Rt. Hon. David Blunkett, UK Home
In one of those initial meetings
Petula told me that she was a former work colleague of Rt Hon David Blunkett
PC, MP who was her boss when he was leader of Sheffield City Council and who
was at that time of contact, Labour’s current Home Secretary within the Blair
This personal connection led to
Petula contacting Mr. Blunkett and where as a local Sheffield constituent of
the Mr. Blunkett her Member of Parliament, arranged for a meeting with Mr.
Blunkett with myself in Sheffield at the
Labour Party office.
At that meeting Petula discussed
with the Home Secretary the grief that she had suffered for many years living
with two sons that she loved dearly and the metal anguish and scars that she
had endured from the effects of the long-term hard drugs addiction by her sons.
I will not go into what the sons
got up too to fund their addiction, but to say that it was heart-rendering to
say the very least for her being a loving mother.
I informed Mr. Blunkett that I
had been to Vietnam
to witness this remarkable cure at first hand the previous year with my fellow
international development director Dr. Lutz Beahr (former international
coordinator for the late UN-DG Kofi Annan, senior UN executive, chairman of the
UN’s Disciplinary Committee, executive director of the African Development Bank
and seconded senior permanent private secretary of a German cabinet minister
for international development et al) together with world-leading psychiatrists from Germany/Canada who were experts in the treatment of hard drug addiction.
Thereafter the Home Secretary said he would have a word with his department’s
civil servants and he would get back to Petula.
A few weeks later Petula was
contacted by a senior civil servant from the Home Office who stated that they
would arrange a meeting at the Home Office in London
based at 2 Marsham Street, SW1P
At the meeting the Home Office civil servants appeared to be initially interested
in the hard drug treatment and cure and where thereafter we had a
communications with further information and input with the Home Office.
The major breakthrough came during these talks with the Home Office when
the Government of Vietnam stated that they would cooperated with the British
Government and send their lead scientists and doctors to undertake a trial of
the treatment within an NHS hospital. The only stipulation through Mr. Minh the
Vietnamese cabinet member, was that they
requested a £200,000 payment for the British Government for costs of air travel, lodgings and expenses, a normal request make and not a large sum
considering the effect that it could have on the UK hard drug problem (now the
largest drug problem in the EU and now named the capitol of drug addiction).
A few weeks later, the Home Office telephoned
and stated that they would not be going forward with anything more with the
Vietnamese treatment and gave no reason. That was it and we just could not
understand the Hone Office turning down the hand of help from the Vietnamese
Government. We did receive a thank you
email but which had no detail of the reasons of their negative decision not to
work with Vietnam,
especially when even then in 2003, the drug addiction problem in the UK was getting
to epidemic levels. But the only conclusion that we could come to was that the
powerful pharmaceutical companies had got to the senior civil servants/Home
Office at very high level and that was that apparently. Indeed this was a momentous
decision in reality and where the Government of Vietnam took this as a great
snub against themselves and I have to say, rightly so. Therefore the Home
Office who are directed to address the drug scourge within the United Kingdom
had in reality let the whole nation down, as this treatment detoxifies in a
mere 5-daysa and cures completely in 6-months of post treatment medication in a
system that most of us have to adhere too, taking medicine every day until
Petula communicated with her old
boss Mr. Blunkett after the Home Office refusal, but nothing more was
undertaken by the Home Secretary.
What this sad story should tell
people is that there are definite strange/dark forces going on behind the
scenes and where the people should know that at times, these unknown and
unquantified forces are not for the good of the people of the United Kingdom.
Sad really, nut that is apparently what goes on behind closed doors at the Home
The hard drug treatment is now
used extensively throughout the Vietnamese NHS after extensive trials and
conclusive findings over a three year period prior to its full introduction
within the health system of Vietnam.
Important Postscript
Sadly and since the meetings with the Home Office, both Petula's sons have died from drug overdoses, something that has happened unfortunately to 10s of thousands of mothers. Over the past 10-years Petula has since returned to her birth-country Scotland to live out the rest of her life probably knowing that if the the Home Office and the Government had helped, that her sons may very well now have been living and leading normal lives with their own families. Sadly again, Scotland is now the worst place in the world according to recent statistics for drug overdoses exceeding places like London and New York.
Sadly and since the meetings with the Home Office, both Petula's sons have died from drug overdoses, something that has happened unfortunately to 10s of thousands of mothers. Over the past 10-years Petula has since returned to her birth-country Scotland to live out the rest of her life probably knowing that if the the Home Office and the Government had helped, that her sons may very well now have been living and leading normal lives with their own families. Sadly again, Scotland is now the worst place in the world according to recent statistics for drug overdoses exceeding places like London and New York.
Dr David Hill
CEO, World Innovation Foundation (UK)
21 July 2019