'We Are All Greeks Now' (by a joint Pulitzer Prize winner)
Empires die as history has shown us but never has such a global event destroyed the whole of mankind in the process. Now this has definitely changed – super-capitalism or globalization has created a monster that is totally out of control and devours everything in its path. In this respect the march of corporate consolidation goes on relentlessly and where now a very small number of corporates control the global economy. But this is getting more acute by the year and where even this week (wc:7.04.14) the no.1 and no.2 cement corporations in world are merging to create another monopoly against the people and taking even more of their wealth due to competition being made an extinct species. This creates the most powerful corporate monopoly in the cement market worldwide, but where this is happening in all markets and where the people lose out. Why are our politicians allowing this is the big question? The easy answer is that they are hand in glove with the whole sordid situation of global consolidation. Therefore another question to ask is, do the politicians really care about the people anymore?
Film Documentary - 'The Corporation : The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y888wVY5hzw
For many of these super-powerful corporates have economic turnovers far greater than nations. Indeed presently a mere 2,000 corporations (Forbes Global 2000) have a combined greater GDP than the economies of the USA, the EU, Russia and South Korea all put together. Therefore although nations make laws, the corporations have the economic clout to forge a nation’s laws behind closed doors – and this is humanity’s greatest problem for its ultimate survival. For as corporations are not living organisms made of skin and blood flowing through their veins et al, they have no empathy with human sustainability or humanity in general. Indeed it is all take and no give back.
Indeed, coming out of the epoch changing ‘recession’ in 2009, inequality increased significantly, and the complete reverse of what was the case when the Great Depression of the 1930s ended some eighty years earlier. What was the reason for this?
'The Lie Machine' - http://www.opednews.com/articles/The-Lie-Machine-by-Paul-Craig-Roberts-America_Corporate_Corporations_Power-141012-777.html by Dr Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury for Economic Policy in the Reagan Administration
According to French economist Thomas Piketty in his new book Capital in the Twenty-First Century, when investment returns exceed economic growth, the rich get richer, increasing inequality. As Piketty is an economist recognized for examining incomes reported from tax returns over the 20th century, he is a man who knows what he is stating. Therefore more wealth is flowing to the few than at any other time in the history of the world and through "Globalization". Considering this fact "Globalization" is doing nothing but being a regressive step for the majority of mankind...for "Globalization" is a total CONTROL mechanism to impoverish over 90% of the world's people including the West of course over the next two decades and where the current and emerging will basically enslave the people, but where the people cannot see this presently.
For the facts speak for themselves.
In this respect last year’s Global Wealth Report by Credit Suisse stated that a mere 0.7% of the world’s population controlled 41% of the world’s wealth and the top 10% controlled 86% of the world’s wealth leaving a mere 14% of the world’s wealth for the remaining majority of 90% of the population of the world. This inequality that is growing by the year, is a clear recipe for eventual Agamemnon if common sense is used and a level head. But things will get far more acute for the 90% of the world’s people as natural resources run out to sustain human life over the next hundred years or so together with the decade-on-decade time shifting climate change. As the world's two greatest threats simultaneously act as one, this will cause a destructive chain of events/reactions that will be far, far greater than all the wars throughout history put together.
'Fast Track Trade Traitors Murderers and Enemies' - http://www.opednews.com/articles/Fast-Track-Trade-Traitors-by-Rob-Kall-Enemies_Enemies-Of-Democracy_Fast-Track_Killing-150614-57.html
For what is happening is that the world’s natural resources (those that cannot ever be replaced and where several elements have already disappeared forever from planet Earth through over-extraction of these precious materials) are being removed at an alarming rate of knots and which is exhausting humankind’s capacity to support themselves and exasperated totally by the greed of the Globalist elites. And all in the quest of greater year-on-year profits, shareholder value and wealth for them...but not of course for the people. Unfortunate there will come a time when shareholder value will be worthless as well, as the market will systematically collapse over a mere few years suddenly and will have been directly caused directly through the wealth of the masses not being able to support the markets; for they will be inextricably impoverished like never before as the whole human experience breaks down and collapses into mayhem and basically, a human nightmare...all of course caused through the madness of a few super-rich "Globalists", who will create directly through their insane thinking, the collapse of humanity as we know it. This may appear to be off the Richter Scale now in the madness stakes, but where this sequence of events is happing now in 2014 and where there are "deliverance "mechanisms in place before now by these "Globalists" derogatories of humanity.
The problem is that they have not got presently the fullness of the technologies that they need to fully implement their plan to take over the world and control it with their "One World Government"...but they will have shortly over the next 5-years and we should be afraid, very afraid indeed, as their sinister plan is genocidal in concept and consruct.
This is why the constantly widening gap in inequality is basically shooting the 'corporation' in the foot as when there are not sufficient punkers and buyers, they will also be destroyed...but they are so insane these megalomaniac few compared to the many, that they do not see this, as their malevolent mission is all they see in their insane madness....for ultimate greed blinds the truth to them that they cannot see. For in this respect once the majority have not the wealth to support the markets, shareholder value and companies will fail completely in a massive domino effect, where sustainability is sequentially wiped out completely for everyone, including the "Globalists" themselves eventually...but this will happen in less than 20-years from now when 2032 unfolds everything that these mad women and men have done to our world and allowed to be done to this unique Planet of ours. For insanely our political leaders will fall in line with their take-over of our world placing our armies at their disposal to suppress all of us and to quell any resistance and revolution with the help of the technologies that will be with us over the next few years (that they lack now) and will allow them to reek havoc and carnage on us all and humanity across the board per se.
For overall what has been happening for the past 40-years, is a consolidation in all markets that has successively fallen into the hands of fewer and fewer super-corporations and their masters the "Globalists"...indeed where this will go on relentlessly until in theory, just one company owns and controls all the world’s economic turnover and where even Orwell would have been totally amazed with what these insane people have done to his 1984 predictions...by far exceeding them to the slow death of humanity and this planet's ultimate unsustainability. This is sheer madness of course and a process that places ever-more economic power into the hands of the very few, creating a world of the ‘majority’ have nots, but to path to destruction and nowhere...that is how mad these people really are.. For this system is the ultimate ‘chain reaction’ of continual events of the haves and the have nots and where this ultimately ends up becoming a critical mass of unstable destructive markets, total economic collapse and progressive unsustainability for the whole planet – we are therefore seeing this materialise by the year and where this stage is being reached very quickly now, but where no-one hardly appears to be aware of this in the masses currently - all these totally 'evil' people see is vast personal wealth, not the destruction of the planet and its ability to support life and where their talk of sustainability is just a ploy, a crime against humanity and the greatest lie ever told in history by our elites. For overall this is just the way and means to achieve their insidious master plan to destroy all that is so dear to us all, human life itself and humanity's ultimate demise to its end.
The insane thing is that they do not see this as they are blind through their overriding obsession to control the whole world no matter what.
But all the above predictions are not just a personal assessment, but what major global think-tanks have predicted for humanity in time immemorial, but have never really told the world for obvious reasons with the world’s dire future that has been planned for us on their global ‘take all and not give back’ trajectory strategy.
Indeed the Royal Society (RS), the most eminent and oldest scientific institution in the world and where their Fellowship is the pre-eminent scientific minds, has said that it will not be 100 years before all is lost but in a mere 25 years. The RS assessment in their ‘evidence’ based report ‘People and the planet’ (http://royalsociety.org/uploadedFiles/Royal_Society_Content/policy/projects/people-planet/2012-04-25-PeoplePlanet.pdf), was bleak and where global disintegration would happen over a relatively short period of time with a complete collapse. Indeed the report states at the bottom-line, ‘The current trends of global population growth and material consumption and the concomitant changes in the environment are unsustainable’. The apocalyptic assertions of the RS should not be ignored as complacency is what has brought all empires down ultimately (making hay whilst the sun shines but fiddling at the same time while Rome burns) but where now it is the whole planet that is at a catastrophic risk…an era never before known to mankind with such devastating outcomes that threats, far more destructive than even world wars.
But to show how the sheer greed of the few and powerful corrupt the whole basis of humanity’s being, according to OXFAM, it would take just 0.2 per cent of global income to pull more than a billion of the world’s poorest people above the poverty line. It never happens as greed is the greater driving force and where there is no empathy within the super-rich’s thinking for the wellbeing of the majority.
But adding to the Royal Society’s conclusions, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the most prestigious technology university in the world, predicted very similar conclusions. In this respect a study from researchers at Jay W. Forrester’s institute at MIT (http://rt.com/usa/global-collapse-mit-predict-376/) stated that the world could suffer from “global economic collapse” and “precipitous population decline” if people continue to consume the world’s resources at the current pace. They predicted a mere 20 years for this to happen.

But the big problem with those who are in charge of the decimation of planet Earth and the human experience, are basically only interested in self-wealth on a colossal scale and do not consider what harm it does to the rest of the world’s population – up to 90% of the people at least. Indeed the Horizon programme series entitled ‘Are you good or evil?’ identified that there are many psychopaths running major corporations and where many political leaders also are only interested in power and control. Put these two inhuman components together in more and more people who control the global system and you have a recipe for Armageddon in future times.
It is therefore these people, who for short-term gain whilst they live and breath on this planet, are destroying humanity and where in little more than a few decades from now, the human experience could well be no more as has been clearly stated in this blog.
For as inequality grows (what happened before with all empires and where they were totally decimated and were no more) and where things will definitely accelerate exponentially over the next few years, wars are inevitable as the struggle between the "Globalist's" worldwide agenda and the accelerating have nots (the vast majority) through that and eventually as world history has shown...rise up against this tyranny. This is common sense thinking based upon facts and is the only outcome, where China has elevated its nation to near the no.1 economic power in PPP value and where over the next few years to the pinnacle of economic power in nominal terms, the dynamics of survival will kick in and the world will be set on fire in dramatic terms globally, as countries vie for the world's natural resources, backed by their powerful military capabilities.
Not a prediction but a certainty if simple common sense is used and where even the most eminent science and technology institutions have been stating this for over a decade now.
This is no good of course for the people of the EU, the USA or any nation for that matter, as we are all on a present road to our ultimate demise. Therefore for every person on the planet, it is now something that requires their primary consideration above all else to stop this sheer madness of the few. For if not, even the "Globalists" will not exist in a mere few decades from now and where the people have overridingly to initially stop further global consolidation from happening and the physical take-over of THEIR world.
Unfortunately for humanity, as politicians are half of the mechanism that has allowed this to happen to date through constant stealth legislation that the people know very little of, common sense again states that they will keep adding the nails to the coffin of humanity and do absolutely nothing, if we the people do not rise up.
For ultimately, there has to be a new realism that our planet’s resources are running out and what the "Globalists" are trying to do to us all and where it is in all our interests to take control of what is happening so that basically, the human experience can continue instead of being on the path to our unthinkable annihilation and meeting most probably on the way, Agamemnon with an insane nuclear war. For if we take no notice of what is happening to our planet and what the super-rich elites are doing to it and ourselves to take control of everything globally, we will have to say goodbye to all future generations as there simply will not exist, as the resources left for them to support human life will simply not be there.
This unfortunately is a truism of the first order and if we do not adhere to what common sense dictates and tells us what to do, we as the only so-called intelligent life in the universe, will have only ourselves to blame for our total extinction over the next two decades. But where to stop this and to achieve a 'real' sustainable state for our world, the majority will have to force our political masters, the powerful corporations and their masters the "Globalists" to stop what they are doing, no matter what that takes, whether it be by peaceful means or by intelligent revolutions.
For we are only saving our own own lives together with those of our children and all future generations (even insanely those indirectly who have created this ultimate threat and problem for humankind’s very existence that has manifested itself through their sheer unadulterated greed. Indeed even psychopaths understand that they are not immortal or if they do, they are certainly mad and need dealing with. Therefore the majority by far and sane humans have to overcome this ultimate problem for humanity, for intelligence states that the foremost quest of humans is their survival, where we are not born for short-term gain to the total detriment of the vast majority, but for human development and constant peace, but where that is simply something that we clearly do not have current and if things do not change...we will never realise that ultimate state for humanity – only what we have increasingly now and which ultimately will be the death of us all, including all the multi-billionaires that perpetrate what is happening now to the planet and in the future...for even their families will perish in this quagmire of evil intent and outcomes.
The biggest problem of course is to change all this, but where our political leaders are bought and sold on the altar of power and wealth both in the USA, the UK, EU and many other nations. For when it comes to ultimate control, less than a mere thousand three hundred people control the destiny of the USA as an example, and at their pleasure where it does not matter if it is a republican or democrat that resides in the White House - that is unless a new form of political leader emerges. For it's official now, as the "Globalists" and the political control politicians dominate the decision-making who resides in the White House in reality and not 'we the People', as even before a new President is elected, no matter which Party gets into power these relatively few people control the USA. Indeed, in this respect, in the United States of America is not what they seem and where western mainstream media (MSM) controlled by the top 1% of wealthiest Americans and others from other shores, suppress the 'real' America of today and what we are told is just a mere illusion of reality...and where this is achieved by a few Americans who have bought their political leaders before they even enter the White House and where the working poor, working class and middle class that accounts for 95% approximately of the American people, have no say anymore in their country's future and where in reality again, only the rich and powerful has any real say. Indeed the article by investigative journalists at the New York times released on 10 October 2015 makes this perfectly clear For just 158 families have provided nearly half of the early money for efforts to capture the White House..period.
Dr David Hill
Chief Executive
World Innovation Foundation
7 April 2014 (updated 17 September 2016)
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the Evil Empire: religion, armies, monarchies and politicians...are the causers of all wars
ReplyDeletethe Evil Empire: religion, armies, monarchies and politicians...are the causers of all wars
ReplyDelete...year 2,300...the social progress has eradicated religion and monarchies and professional politicians, who lived from the Work of the People, already there are not periodic economic crises artificially created and wars to prevent that the People can live to much well... For what purpose have served all the wars that the World has had?: absolutely for nothing more but for enrichment of the "leaders" (see History). Before wars the People lived relatively well, after wars the People in rag in long lines for a bowl of hot soup...while the causers of those wars: monarchs, politicians and of all religions pontifex in their golden palaces were eating partridges...
ReplyDelete...year 2,300...the social progress has eradicated religion and monarchies and professional politicians, who lived from the Work of the People, already there are not periodic economic crises artificially created and wars to prevent that the People can live to much well... For what purpose have served all the wars that the World has had?: absolutely for nothing more but for enrichment of the "leaders" (see History). Before wars the People lived relatively well, after wars the People in rag in long lines for a bowl of hot soup...while the causers of those wars: monarchs, politicians and of all religions pontifex in their golden palaces were eating partridges...