Even the founding architect of the monetary union, Otmar Issing has warned that the Brussels’ dream of a European superstate will finally be buried amongst the rubble of the crumbling single currency.” Realistically, it will be a case of muddling through, struggling from one crisis to the next. It is difficult to forecast how long this will continue for, but it cannot go on endlessly. Governments will pile up more debt—and then one day, the house of cards will collapse.” - https://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2016/10/23/now-he-tells-us-architect-of-the-euro-says-it-will-never-work-so-milton-friedman-was-right/#6fd86693750a
'REVEALED: EU To Bypass National Parliaments On Controversial
TTIP Deal' - http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/06/21/eu-bypass-democracy-trade-deals/
PM warns bloc DISINTEGRATING which could spark WAR' - http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/664268/Former-Italy-prime-minister-Mario-Monti-EU-heading-towards-disintegration-Brexit
The ‘risk’ to stay in the EU
(European Union) is far greater to the socio-economic future of the UK and its
people in the long-term than BREXIT. This is based unlike the analysis of those
who want to stay in the EU, on the unfounded projections of fear (such as a
possible WW3 et al), but on how the EU has been performing over the last
10-years in terms of its social and economic success and projecting this into
the future over the next 20-years.
'Davos report warns of EU
disintegration' - http://www.euractiv.com/section/justice-home-affairs/news/davos-report-warns-of-eu-disintegration/
For according to the evidence the
political decisions taken by the European Commission and major political
leaders of EU countries (particularly Germany, the most powerful EU player by
far), have created social stresses not seen since WW2 and where this has produced
unprecedented unrest and unreported crime in modern times. Indeed in terms of
the latter, there is hardly any news on the atrocities that are going on in Germany , Denmark ,
Norway , France and
Holland et al. It is apparent that the national media throughout the EU are
subduing the reporting of exponential and highly increased numbers of murders,
attempted murders, rapes, growth in paedophilia, crimes against children, muggings, card
fraud, burglaries, pick pocketing,
commercial and business fraud, money laundering and civilian and business
robberies. It is as though the respective EU governments have had private words
with their media outlets. Indeed and although not in the same league as
physical violence, the BBC has been highly selective in ‘SUBDUING NEWS’ that is
beneficial to the BREXIT side.
As a single example, on 1 March 2016 (a mere 3
months ago), Switzerland
voted not to join the EU after 23 years of negotiations. Did you know that this
had happened, for no-one I have spoken to have not. Indeed, the BBC did not
once in their news bulletins report this and have not done so up to this
present day. The problem concerning this suppressing of EU news is that if Switzerland had
decided to join the EU, it would have been front page news for weeks. That is
the problem and where the BBC is totally biased towards the government’s stance
and that of those who wish to stay in the EU. Indeed, I would advise the people
of the UK not to trust the BBC on anything concerning the EU, as it definitely
appears that this tax-paid corporation is no more than the servant of Cameron
and his government together with the Labour Party (note that James Purnell, was made the BBC’s Director of Strategy and Digital
after he had been the last Labour Government’s secretary-of-state for culture, media
and sport (the BBC’s political boss) after he left office with no other
applicants being allowed to be interview for the job and where this is one of
the top four most powerful executive positions within the BBC – that is how
corrupt UK politics has become and even Jeremy Paxman could not believe that
there were no others interviewees for the job when he confronted Purnell on BBC
Newsnight). All that Purnell could say was that they got the best man for the
job and where that in my mind says everything about the political impartiality
of the BBC…it has NONE).
Knowing of the ‘unreported’
reporting has only been possible through the WWW and where many blogs et al
have reported the true facts of mass migration and their dire effects on the indigenous
people of the EU, who before the decisions of the European Commission and the
mightiest EU leaders, was unaffected and living in relatively calm world of
common European good, not the dire good of what has now become to be seen as the
theatre of political illiterate, where basically numbskulls are running the mad
For now we have the biggest
threat to peace in the EU-28 and all due to the bureaucratic reasoning of those
with no common-sense at all, where several hundreds of terror cells lay dormant
and where if truth be told, are increasing by the day now. The enemy within is now here to stay and
fully resident, just waiting for the orders from ISIS, Al-Qaeda and
amany middle east and African terrorist groups to strike hard into the heart of
the people of the EU. Indeed, history has recorded that no so-called terrorist
group has ever been stopped to get what they want in the long-term, as guerrilla
warfare is the unseen enemy and where conventional war, where you can see your
enemy, just does not exist within this future EU scenario. For no matter how
many military troops you have at your disposal, the terrorists will always win
and obtain what they seek eventually. So-called terrorist groups/freedom
fighters such as in Afghanistan, Israel, Canada, Mexico, Kenya, Egypt, South
Africa, Rhodesia, Algeria, Russia, …USA et al all eventually won through; the
list is endless throughout history and where they show what happens in the
downfall of countries and empires. For they will always have the element of
surprise on their side and the primary reason why they will always win –
history has recorded that clearly. The EU and its countries will now be no
different and where the struggle for freedom will not go into decades when it
starts, but centuries as Europe reshapes
itself. Indeed, one of the reasons why Cameron and Blair are supporting Turkey joining
the EU is because they know the above is inevitable and where Blair was one of
the main instigators of creating an unstable middle-east. For as all these
things, even the creation of ISIS , is dictated
to by foreign policy and those who benefit constantly from war (the ones who
control the largest money-making industry in the world, the military industrial
complex). For they need constant wars to feed their insatiable appetite for wealth
and why wars will never cease to exist until be totally change the politicians
we constantly have in power...who are basically the puppets of the most powerful
economic masters in the world (the top 1%).
Unfortunately now that is what is
on the horizon for the EU and wider Europe . For
history is just a chronicle of war.
But on the other side of the ‘dire
future coin’ there is the fact that EU-28 is on a relatively fast downward
economic trajectory. For the EU has now been in a relative declining spiral
with other economic blocs and nations for nearly two decades now. Indeed the EU
are so worried about this disastrous economic trend and fact that they think
that going into economic partnership with the USA will solve their economic
problems. This again is sheer stupidity by our political elites. The reason,
the USA is declining in
economic importance also and where the emerging dynamic areas of the world are
in reality those where Britain
should be concentrating their economic efforts…NOW. For as these regions take over
the world’s economic order, those that trade with them will succeed, but not
with relatively ‘spent’ economic areas such as the EU which has basically run
its course to nowhere. Commonsense dictates that, not those economists who are
backing staying in the EU or even the IMF et al, who drastically got it wrong
about the EURO and also never even predicted the global financial meltdown, so
how good are they it has to be asked? Indeed, most of theses so-called wise
economists have vested-interests to tell their crystal ball lies, as they are
funded mostly through government and EU funded grants and commissions to say
what the paymaster tells them. Therefore BREXIT will in essence save the future
of the UK ,
not destroy it. That will be done only by becoming a full member of EU-28
through being dictated too by the EU as a mere outpost of the ‘European
The root causes of War
People do not make wars, but
politicians do. As a single and primary example in the timeframe of humankind,
the Second World War. In this respect ‘The Treaty of Versailles’ (Traité de Versailles) was the main cause of the rise of Hitler and
why Europe was thrown into turmoil, misery
and eventual genocide. For the Treaty enforced on the German people in 1919 was
nothing more than a harsh, severe, strict, extreme, drastic, stringent, tough,
swingeing, cruel, brutal, oppressive, ruthless, relentless, summary, punitive,
authoritarian, despotic, tyrannical, arbitrary, repressive and iron-fisted treaty of austerity to extract reparation for what the Kaiser and German
politicians had done to the western
allies (the ‘victors’). This made it
impossible for the German people to regain its self-sufficiency and a standard
of living that did not advocate war. Indeed, as the German people could not get
out of these chains, they looked for a way to do this. As the Allies would not
relent, it was only a matter of time that Hitler or someone like him emerged.
Therefore western politicians in fact were the root cause of WW2 and their mindless
reparation thinking.
The problem now
is that the EU is going the same way as austerity bites hard and increases
year-on-year through the economic bloc’s failing system. Indeed in another 20
years time with the constant explosion in immigrant numbers flooding into the
western continent, the EU will implode as it will not be able to sustain the present
indigenous 500 million+ EU citizens to a living standard that prevents wars.
That is the real
medium-term fact with the EU and if the UK
does not exit in 2016, it will bring the UK down with the EU itself within a
mere two decades I firmly predict. For only by being outside the EU in twenty
years time and by then trading with the rest of the world, will Britain be able
to overcome the shock waves of a decaying and crumbling EU. But added to this
and where the EU is going to announce the creation of an EU army after the
Referendum, the UK will have diminished armed forces to protect its people when
anarchy is amongst us all if we stay in the EU. Indeed, secret manoeuvres are
already being carried out in Germany
if people searched the WWW, where police militia are being trained for the
future civil unrest that will come as night follows day. Don’t think that this will happen and civil
unrest will emerge; it only took 20 years from 1919 to create this in the past
and where the past always repeats itself, eventually.
Indeed, the EU has all
the hallmarks of what happened around 100 years ago with austerity running ripe
throughout the EU, just like what happened in Germany after the mother of all
austerities, the Traité de Versailles. In this respect, the ‘Referendum Vote’ can
be seen as the modern-day treaty of Versailles Therefore BREXIT will not cause war to happen
internally between nations, but the EU will. Out and leaving the EU is the only
way to avoid the harshest effects of the EU’s social and economic meltdown when
it comes and where few economists are even mentioning this possibility. I
wonder why when all the tell-tales are there? Could it be that they have been
told by their respective governments and universities not to rock the boat for
personal reasons.,.possibly.
Dr David Hill
CEO, World Innovation Foundation
29 May 2019 (updated)
‘Is European Civil War Inevitable by 2025?’ - http://gatesofvienna.blogspot.co.uk/2007/03/is-european-civil-war-inevitable-by.html
‘Europe is
'sleepwalking towards civil unrest', says Armed Forces minister Penny Mordaunt’
- https://www.politicshome.com/news/uk/defence/news/74401/europe-sleepwalking-towards-civil-unrest-says-armed-forces-minister-penny
'CNN: ISIS Terrorists Blending in With Europe-Bound Migrants - http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/cnn-isis-terrorists-blend/2016/05/26/id/731027/
'CNN: ISIS Terrorists Blending in With Europe-Bound Migrants - http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/cnn-isis-terrorists-blend/2016/05/26/id/731027/
‘EU military police carry out
‘extremely WORRYING’ civil unrest crisis training’ - http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/665870/eu-military-police-carry-out-extremely-worrying-civil-unrest-crisis-training
‘European sovereign debt crisis
could cause Eurozone implosion - ex-BoE chief’ - https://www.rt.com/uk/333989-eu-debt-crisis-king/
‘Europe seen moving
towards ‘civil war’ as leaders repress citizens while appeasing Muslim
migrants’ - http://www.christiantoday.com/article/europe.seen.moving.towards.civil.war.as.leaders.repress.angry.citizens.while.appeasing.muslim.migrants/78867.htm
‘Europe ''on the verge of civil war'' – Swiss army chief's urgent
warning’ - http://speisa.com/modules/articles/index.php/item.2323/europe-on-the-verge-of-civil-war-swiss-army-chief-s-urgent-warning.html
‘The European Gendarmerie Force: The Prospect
of Mass Civil Unrest in Europe ’ - http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-european-gendarmerie-force-the-prospect-of-mass-civil-unrest-in-europe/5389216
‘Europe heading for Civil War’ - https://sites.google.com/site/breivikmanifesto/2083/book-2/097
repression pushing Europe toward 'civil war' -
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/02/violence-repression-pushing-europe-toward-civil-war/#OL0hEW2wuY4HJT2Q.99
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/02/violence-repression-pushing-europe-toward-civil-war/#OL0hEW2wuY4HJT2Q.99
‘BREXIT - Switzerland Voted
Not to Join the EU on 1 March 2016 is a Pointer to the British People What they
Should do on 23 June 2016’ - http://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2016/03/brexit-switzerland-voting-not-to-join.html
‘Switzerland Prepares For Mass Civil Unrest In Europe’ - http://www.worldeducationcenter8.com/siterun_data/government/homeland_security_patriot_act_fema/news.php?q=1350131009
‘Future War in Europe - Due not to BREXIT but Entirely Due to the EU’ - http://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2016/05/future-war-in-europe-due-not-to-brexit.html
‘Cologne is every
day’: Europe ’s rape epidemic’ - http://www.news.com.au/finance/economy/world-economy/cologne-is-every-day-europes-rape-epidemic/news-story/e2e618e17ad4400b5ed65045e65e141d
‘Foreign Affairs: The
war ahead of Europe ’ - http://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Foreign-Affairs-The-war-ahead-of-Europe-449127
‘NHS ‘Will’ Disappear if the UK
‘Stays in’ the EU, But will be ‘Retained’ if We EXIT – The ‘Stay-In’ Vote will
Destroy the NHS’ - http://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2016/05/nhs-will-disappear-if-uk-stays-in-eu.html
‘The Download—Europe ’s Rape Crisis
Directly Linked to Migrant Influx’ - http://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/the-downloadeuropes-rape-crisis-directly-linked-to-migrant-influx
‘Could the EU implode?’
- https://www.facebook.com/837779036265612/videos/964507383592776/
‘Brexit - The Truth Behind the
EU's Accounts and the Endemic Corruption that Supports a Non-Changing System of
Economic Waste and Jobs for the 'Boys' - http://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2016/03/brexit-truth-behind-eus-accounts-and.html
‘Pan-European Arab Muslim
Gang Rape Epidemic’ - http://www.iris.org.il/blog/archives/757-Pan-European-Arab-Muslim-Gang-Rape-Epidemic.html
Child-Rape on the Rise Among Syrian Migrants in Greece ,
Europe ’ - http://www.truthrevolt.org/news/report-child-rape-rise-among-syrian-migrants-greece-europe
‘Brexit - THREE' of the Great
Myths (and more) of staying 'IN' the EU Destroyed if the People of the United
Kingdom Would simply Use Their Common-Sense and Read into the TRUTH’ - http://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2016/02/brexit-three-of-great-myths-of-staying.html
‘Germany :
Migrant Rape Crisis Worsens - Public spaces are becoming perilous for women and
children’ - http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/7557/germany-rape-migrants-crisis
Rape Epidemic Reaches Austria’ - http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/7995/migrants-rape-austria
‘Germany : Migrant Crime Skyrockets (The actual
number of crimes in Germany
committed by migrants in 2015 may exceed 400,000)’ - http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/7470/germany-migrants-crime
‘Is War Inevitable or is it
Planned by Powerful People Behind Closed Doors in the Interests of Personal
Economic Gains? Daesh could be an indicator of the Truth’ - http://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2015/12/is-war-inevitable-or-is-it-planned-by.html
‘Gap Between Migrant Contribution and
Migrant Cost to UK
is £17 Billion’ - https://muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/2016/05/17/gap-between-migrant-contribution-and-migrant-cost-to-uk-is-17-billion/
‘Muslim Statistics’ - https://muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/
‘Is the 'Islamic State' a CIA-Mossad Creation?’ - http://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2014/09/is-islamic-state-cia-mossad-creation.html
‘New report exposes huge rise
in racist crime in Europe ’ - http://europe.newsweek.com/new-report-exposes-huge-rise-racist-crime-europe-326929
‘The TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and
Investment Partnership) will be an Absolute Disaster for the People of the EU
(European Union) and the People of America (USA) in the long-term - We simply
have to Vote AGAINST this behind closed doors Transatlantic Trade deal before
it is signed up and too late for the People to do anything about it’ - http://worldinnovationfoundation.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/the-ttip-transatlantic-trade-and.html
Pedophilia - This is so harassing, gruesome and a horrible situation
that you just cannot believe it, but according to this former CIA boss, it is
perfectly true. https://facebook.com/100015300697528/videos/554440205075998/
New World Disorder: Disintegration Stage Commences - https://www.technocracy.news/new-world-disorder-disintegration-stage-commences/