Sunday 19 May 2024

Covid Shots Linked to Surge in Rare Autoimmune Disease, Study Finds

A new study has linked Covid mRNA shots to a rare autoimmune disease that started to surge in 2021.

Scientists analyzed soaring cases that emerged in Yorkshire, England.

According to the peer-reviewed study, published in the renowned Lancet journal, a rare autoimmune disease surged in Yorkshire after the rollout of the Covid injections.

The number of cases peaked in 2021 and continued to surge through 2022.

Anti-MDA5 dermatomyositis is an inflammatory condition characterized by muscle weakness, skin rashes, and rapidly progressive lung disease.

The autoimmune disease is very rare.

In 2019, two people in Yorkshire, with a population of 3.6 million, tested positive for the disease.

In 2020, the number of positive cases increased to nine.

The highest number of new cases, 35, was reported in 2021, followed by a decrease to 16 new cases in 2022.

The recent increase in autoimmune cases may be linked to interactions between the COVID-19 virus and vaccine RNA, according to Dr. Dennis McGonagle.

McGonagle is a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Leeds.

He is also the senior author of the study.

In addition to the Lancet study, several case studies have documented new cases of anti-MDA5 following COVID-19 vaccination.

Anti-MDA5 dermatomyositis is an autoimmune condition in which the body’s immune system attacks itself.

It can often appear without a clear cause.

Dermatomyositis typically affects the skin, muscles, and lungs.

Anti-MDA5 dermatomyositis is associated with rapidly progressive lung disease, which gives the condition a poor prognosis.

MDA5 is a protein found outside of muscles and tissues, with a high concentration in the lungs.

When the body produces anti-MDA5 antibodies to target MDA5, it can lead to the deterioration of related organs and tissues.

MDA5 can recognize and attach to foreign RNA, such as COVID-19 RNA.

Upon detection, it triggers other immune cells to combat the foreign invader or respond to vaccination.

Dr. McGonagle explains:

“We think that … [this happens] because MDA5 is the receptor or docking site for viral RNA, and that this in some way triggers the antibody against it.”

In a COVID-19 infection, binding of MDA5 to RNA can lead to excessive MDA5 activity, according to Dr. Pradipta Ghosh, another corresponding author of the study.

Ghosh is the director of the Institute for Network Medicine at the University of California–San Diego.



And, Did you Know that the “Experimental mRNA vaccines” have been agreed under the changed articles of the International Health Regulations/Pandemic Treaty dated 10.05.24 and where INTERNATIONAL law makes them compulsory; making our governments impotent?

Well that’s what will be signed up to by our ‘ignorant’ governments if this is not stopped by the people before the end of May 2024 and only just over a week away…

But who is behind all this compulsory mandates that will be brought in for sure by Dr. Tedros of the WHO and where our governments will have no option but to obey what he dictates, as international law once signed, overrides all constitutional and sovereign law…period.

But also, who is the WHO’s Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus?

Well to state that the/his background is pure bad is an understatement, but if the reason is to depopulate the world, he is the best choice for the Globalists and what appears to be happening around the world, but totally unreported by the Globalist financially controlled Main Stream Media (MSM), even the BBC, CNBC and CNN et al. For if this does not open your eyes, nothing will with what is really going on behind your backs fully…

“The Ethiopian Terrorist in Charge of the World Health Organization — Dr. Tedros Adhanom” (April 14, 2020)

And where what the Globalists are waiting for the signing to happen at the end of May 2024, as vast death rates are coming according to CIA intelligence…and by the end of 2025..and which the CIA predicted in 2013/14 and where their updates in 2017 and 2020 were the same (no change), when their predictions were taken down on Deagel’s website (but still seeable on the Wayback machine) as the people were getting wind of them. So people had better start opening up their eyes where absolute dreadful times are coming and where when the CIA predict things, they happen, as they make them happen and create the future, from wars to pandemics…

“DEAGEL the Shadowy and Secretive CIA Intelligence Agency that Predicts the Future by Creating it so that it Always happens to and you will be fully enlightened to what is 'Really' Actually Happening”

This is one of the final times to warn humanity before the world and humanity really does start to disintegrate….you have my word based upon current evidence and the CIA’s predictions over several years coming out of the Deep State…

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