Saturday 18 May 2024

Ex-CDC Director Admits Covid Shots Caused 'Significant Side Effects' Among Young Healthy People

The former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had admitted that many young and healthy people have suffered “significant side effects” from Covid mRNA shots.

During a new interview, Dr. Robert Redfield acknowledged that a large number of Covid vaccinated have become “quite ill” from the injections.

He now asserts that the experimental vaccine should only have been given to the most vulnerable, not healthy people who would not be at risk from such a virus.

However, Redfield said health agencies did not want to address the possible negative side effects from the vaccines that could lead to serious health complications.

He revealed that many people have wanted to speak out against the Covid shots but any official that did so would be “canceled.”

“There’s so much credibility lost in the public science groups, NIH, FDA, CDC because I think there was lack of really just transparency,” Redfield told former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo on NewsNation.

“One of the things I used to tell my colleagues, don’t be afraid to say you don’t know the answer, and all too often, people would make up the answer.

“And as you know, those of us who tried to suggest there may be significant side effects from vaccines, we kinda like what the rest of us show that you had early on, we kinda got canceled…

“Nobody wanted to talk about the potential there was a problem with the vaccines because they were afraid that would cause people to not want to get vaccinated.”

He said people who were never at risk from Covid suffered “significant side effects” from the vaccine.

“We have to be honest, some people got significant side effects from the vaccine,” he continued.

“I have a number of people that are quite ill & they never had COVID, but they are ill from the vaccine.

“And we just have to acknowledge that.”


Multiple studies have found that the Covid mRNA injections cause heart-related side effects, particularly among young men.

In October 2022, Florida’s top health official raised the alarm after the state’s government conducted a study into COVID-19 mRNA shots and found a staggering 84% increase in the “risk of cardiac-related death” among young men.

Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo has issued an alert warning against Covid vaccines for men aged 18-39 years old following the state’s official analysis.

In a statement, Ladapo said that “Studying the safety and efficacy of any medications, including vaccines, is an important component of public health.

“Far less attention has been paid to safety and the concerns of many individuals have been dismissed – these are important findings that should be communicated to Floridians.”

As a consequence, Ladapo, a celebrated medical expert, was smeared by the corporate media as a “conspiracy theorist.”

Additionally, the Department of Defense (DOD) allegedly ignored concerns about recorded health complications after mandating the vaccine.

One Air Force reservist suffered from at least one stroke that caused severe, career-ending eyesight dysfunction after she received her second dose of the Pfizer-BioTech vaccine. An Air Force fighter pilot instructor was diagnosed with pericarditis (heart inflammation) and anaphylaxis (a severe allergic reaction) on Dec. 21, 2021, just one day after receiving the Johnson and Johnson vaccine.

As Slay News reported, a U.S. Navy medical officer blew the whistle in November about a dramatic surge in heart failure among pilots.

Lieutenant Ted Macie went public with explosive internal data regarding surges of serious health issues among vaccinated military personnel.

Macie has selflessly exposed a staggering “937% surge in heart failure” among vaccinated pilots.

Meanwhile, blood clotting, medically known as thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome, occurs in 3.8 per million who receive the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, mainly in females between the ages 18 to 49, according to Nebraska Medicine.

For women, blood clotting from Johnson & Johnson happens in 5.8 per million patients.

Anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction, has occurred at a rate of approximately 5 cases per one million vaccines administered, according to the CDC.

The CDC found “higher than expected rates” of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS, a rare disorder causing the immune system to cause muscle weakness and paralysis through the damage of nerve cells, in patients 50 years and older after receiving the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, the CDC reported.

Within 21 days of getting the jab, GBS is 21 times higher in patients receiving the Johnson and Johnson vaccine than those receiving the Pfizer or Moderna.

It is 11 times higher in Johnson & Johnson after 42 days.

The CDC continues to claim that the benefits of the Covid vaccine “outweigh any potential risks” and argues that “severe reactions” caused by the injections are “rare.”

Follow the Link for the Article... Ex-CDC Director Admits Covid Shots Caused 'Significant Side Effects' Among Young Healthy People


READ MORE – Bill Gates Insider Blows Whistle on Coming ‘Wave’ of ‘Unprecedented Deaths’ Among Vaxxed

And, Did you Know that the “Experimental mRNA vaccines” have been agreed under the changed articles of the International Health Regulations/Pandemic Treaty dated 10.05.24 and where INTERNATIONAL law makes them compulsory; making our governments impotent?

Well that’s what will be signed up to by our ‘ignorant’ governments if this is not stopped by the people before the end of May 2024 and only just over a week away…

But who is behind all this compulsory mandates that will be brought in for sure by Dr. Tedros of the WHO and where our governments will have no option but to obey what he dictates, as international law once signed, overrides all constitutional and sovereign law…period.

But also, who is the WHO’s Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus?

Well to state that the/his background is pure bad is an understatement, but if the reason is to depopulate the world, he is the best choice for the Globalists and what appears to be happening around the world, but totally unreported by the Globalist financially controlled Main Stream Media (MSM), even the BBC, CNBC and CNN et al. For if this does not open your eyes, nothing will with what is really going on behind your backs fully…

“The Ethiopian Terrorist in Charge of the World Health Organization — Dr. Tedros Adhanom” (April 14, 2020)

And where what the Globalists are waiting for the signing to happen at the end of May 2024, as vast death rates are coming according to CIA intelligence…and by the end of 2025..and which the CIA predicted in 2013/14 and where their updates in 2017 and 2020 were the same (no change), when their predictions were taken down on Deagel’s website (but still seeable on the Wayback machine) as the people were getting wind of them. So people had better start opening up their eyes where absolute dreadful times are coming and where when the CIA predict things, they happen, as they make them happen and create the future, from wars to pandemics…

“DEAGEL the Shadowy and Secretive CIA Intelligence Agency that Predicts the Future by Creating it so that it Always happens to and you will be fully enlightened to what is 'Really' Actually Happening”

This is one of the final times to warn humanity before the world and humanity really does start to disintegrate….you have my word based upon current evidence and the CIA’s predictions over several years coming out of the Deep State…

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