Tuesday 23 January 2024

WEF Member Demands 'Global Carbon Taxes' to Force Climate 'Transition'

During the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual summit in Switzerland, one of the unelected organization’s most powerful members called for nations to enforce “carbon taxes” on a global level to force the public to “transition” into the globalist climate agenda.

During a panel discussion at the Davos event, Saudi Arabia’s Finance Minister Mohammed Al-Jadaan laid out plans for introducing a ” globally coordinated system of carbon taxes.”

According to Al-Jadaan, enforcing global “carbon taxes” would force the public to support the globalist green agenda whether they like it or not.

Al-Jadaan argues that carbon taxes are the only way to generate the revenue necessary to reach the “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDG) of the United Nations.

As Slay News reported, complying with the UN’s SDG will require the general public to make sweeping sacrifices to privacy, freedoms, and quality of life.

According to UN Chief Antonio Guterres, the SDG targets are designed to achieve “Net Zero” by rolling out bank account-linked digital IDsmass censorship, and food restrictions.

Al-Jadaan told WEF elites that meeting these targets will require a new global taxation system.

“There is no realistic solution to the climate transition that does not involve a globally coordinated system of carbon taxes,” he said.

Al-Jadaan dismissed critics who claim global carbon taxes are unfair and inflationary.

The top Saudi official argues that “vulnerable communities” will suffer from “climate change” the most if they’re not enacted.

“There’s a perception that it’s unjust, it’s unfair, it’ll lead to inflation,” he said.

“In fact, quite the contrary.

“If we don’t do this, the countries that will suffer most ultimately are the developing countries.

“They’re going to be the worst affected by climate change.”

Al-Jadaan then insisted that taxpayers in developed countries should subsidize funding for third-world nations so they can pursue their own climate goals.

“What we need is a system of carbon taxes coupled with subsidies for developing households and a stream of funding for the developing world,” he told the crowd of power-grabbing corporate elites and globalist world leaders.

“To allow them to engage in investments and mitigations and adaption that allows them to keep growing.

“And that’s a real opportunity.”

“It’s a fair solution and it’s the only realistic solution, and we can’t keep ducking it,” he added.


Meanwhile, Democrat President Joe Biden has committed the US to adhere to the UN’s “Net Zero” climate goals of reducing carbon emissions by at least 50% by 2030.

Last week, Congress also took a step toward passing an “inflationary” carbon tax after a Senate committee voted to propose a study aimed at calculating the carbon emissions.

The study will investigate of a range of products made in the U.S. and elsewhere.

On Friday, the Daily Signal reported:

“On Jan. 18, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee voted to send a proposed law to the full Senate that would require the federal government to conduct a study calculating the carbon emissions of a broad range of different products made in America and other countries.

“These include construction materials, plastics, and fertilizers—all vital to small businesses and corporations that power the economy.”

Elsewhere during the globalist summit, another WEF member called for the farming and fishing industries to be eliminated.

As Slay News reported, “Stop Ecocide Now” founder Jojo Mehta argued that fishing and framing should be considered equal to “genocide.”

Mehta insisted that fishing and farming for food should be a “serious crime” while arguing that it is immoral to make money from these industries.

“We have this cultural, very ingrained habit of not taking damage to nature as seriously as we take damage to people or property,” she insisted.

She continued by claiming that farming, fishing, and presumably hunting, are “mass damage and destruction of nature.”

Mehta then demanded that these activities should be legally recognized as “a serious crime.”

“With human rights, mass murder and genocide are serious crimes, but there is no equivalent in the environmental space,” she said.

“Unlike an international crime like genocide that involves a specific intent, with ecocide, what we see is that people are trying to do is make money, is farm, is fish… and what’s missing is an awareness of the side effects and collateral damage that happens…”

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