Saturday 3 February 2024

Climate Scientists Want an Umbrella the Size of Argentina to Block Out the Sun

And Gates's partner in all this Net-Zero Madness is supporting it also

Blogger Comment: This global madness has to stop, as the only ultimate losers will be the 8 billion+ people who will definitely suffer, not Gates or Biden who with other world elites will reap all the financial rewards and power from the Net-Zero madness...period.

A team of climate scientists want to launch enormous umbrellas into space to reduce the Earth’s exposure to the sun and fight climate change, The New York Times reported Friday.

The underlying idea is that large parasols could be positioned in space such that they marginally reduce the intensity of sunlight the Earth receives and thereby mitigate some global warming, the Times reported. In order to block out enough radiation, a single sunshade would need to be approximately the size of Argentina — nearly one million square miles — and would weigh about 2.5 million tons, so scientists are looking to prove the idea could work by first producing a 100-square foot prototype with the help of $10 to $20 million of funding.

Dr. Yoram Rozen, a physics professor and the Asher Space Research Institute’s director at Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, is leading the team of scientists pushing the idea, according to the Times. Because the Argentina-sized umbrella would be too large to feasibly launch into space, his team is hoping to build a set of smaller shades that would diffuse the intensity of the radiation reaching the planet.

“We can show the world, look, there is a working solution, take it, increase it to the necessary size,” Rozen told the Times.

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