Saturday 3 February 2024

Microsoft Vows to Stop 'Disinformation and Misinformation' Ahead of 2024 Election

Blogger Comment: Your Free-Speech is going folks unless you do something about it and where Facebook and all the other social networks  et al, are not bothered one iota about your ability to say what you want, even the TRUTH it has to be said, just like what happened and the suppression of those who did not believe the Pandemic narrative (the independently determined people with sense to see that things just did not add up with it) and definitely the mRNA experimental vaccines that have now taken tens, if not 100s of millions of lives across the World if truth were allowed to be told without the suppression from 'our' governments, who don't even investigate exponential excess deaths never seen before (and deaths outside the Covid Pandemic period, so it cannot be the so-called virus killing them and has to be something else totally when logic and intelligence is used) you know what these compliant global organizations are going to do to you...silence you if you don't believe the narrative and speak out...

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has vowed that his company will fight so-called “disinformation and misinformation” in the run-up to the 2024 election.

Nadella’s comments come as pressure mounts on Concerns Big Tech companies to censor “misinformation.”

However, the role of tech companies censoring wrongthink is a major cause for concern, particularly due to the fear that these corporations already wield significant power and influence which could potentially sway political outcomes, including elections.

Many worry that the concentrated power in these tech giants allows them to arbitrarily define what constitutes “misinformation.”

As we’ve seen repeatedly over the past few years, “disinformation” and “misinformation” are typically euphemisms for conservative viewpoints.

This leads to situations where tech companies are suppressing conservative information while giving a free pass to left-wing viewpoints.

This raises questions about the impartiality and fairness of such moderation, especially in the context of political discourse and the democratic process.

The debate is fueled by the concern that these companies, due to their size and reach, could have a disproportionate impact on public opinion and electoral processes.

In an AI-focused interview with Microsoft’s Nadella, it was revealed that the Bill Gates-founded company intends to combat alleged “disinformation” throughout the 2024 elections.

Nadella announced the plan during an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt on NBC Nightly News’s January 30 broadcast.

The tech boss was questioned about how artificial intelligence (AI) might either assist or endanger the future election.

However, Nadella’s response seemed to imply a willingness to use technology for censoring content in pursuit of fighting what he identified as “disinformation.”

Nadella stated:

“This is not the first election where we dealt with disinformation or propaganda campaigns by adversaries and election interference.

“We’re doing all the work across the tech industry around watermarking, detecting deep fakes and content IDs.

“There is going to be enough and more technology quite frankly in order to be able to identify the issues around disinformation and misinformation.”


Last month, Nadella sat down for an interview with Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum (WEF) summit in Davos.

Schwab asked Nadella how technology can be used for “rebuilding trust.”

“We have to take the unintended consequences of any new technology along with all the benefits and think about them simultaneously as opposed to waiting for the unintended consequences to show up and then address them,” Nadella said.

“I feel like our license to operate as an industry depends on that, because I don’t think the world will put up any more with any of us coming up with something that has not thought through safety, trust, equity…”



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