Tuesday 15 October 2024

MIT Climate Scientist: 'Global Warming' Is Globalist 'Propaganda'

Blogger Comment: This world expert on the Earth's atmosphere and long-term highly experienced atmospheric scientist of the 'first order', tells it as it really is and where the Globalists have made all this false climate madness up so as to enrich their own pockets continually and where if they get their way, they will enrich themselves forever, as the climate is always changing as that is the very nature of NATURE itself... indeed, they are making up huge lies and false information (by their partners the  UN and other globalist controlled institutions)  and so that humanity keeps paying them for "mirages of the truth" through 'vast' taxation on the people, where our puppet 'globalists' bought and controlled political leaders in the West are managing and applying these global lies for them and forcing on us all to comply and do their bidding, where this is basically and continually impoverishing all of us to submission and making us what can be described in reality, as their modern-day slaves and forever again...

A world-renowned climate scientist has warned that the official “global warming” narrative is nothing more than “propaganda” that is being peddled by power-hungry globalists.

Professor Richard Lindzen recently spoke in Brussels, at the invitation of the Hungarian political think tank MCC.

Lindzen is an American atmospheric physicist known for his work in the dynamics of the middle atmosphere, atmospheric tides, and     ozone photochemistry.

He is the author of more than 200 scientific papers.

From 1972 to 1982, he served as the Gordon McKay Professor of Dynamic Meteorology at Harvard University.

In 1983, he was appointed as the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

He remained at MIT until his retirement in 2013.

Lindzen has disputed the “settled science” on “climate change” and criticizes what he has called “climate alarmism.”

At the MCC event, Lindzen spoke about the role of consensus in political movements claiming a scientific basis (as is the case nowadays with climate).

“Hopefully, we will awaken from this nightmare before it is too late,” Lindzen said of the globalist “climate change” agenda.

Below is the full text of his speech and the video of Linzen’s address is at the end of the article.

Richard S. Lindzen, Professor Emeritus, MIT:

In modern history, there are several examples of political movements claiming a scientific basis.

From immigration restriction and eugenics (in the US after WW1) to antisemitism and race ideology (in Hitler’s Germany) and communism and Lysenkoism (under Stalin).

Each of these claimed a scientific consensus that allowed highly educated citizens, who were nonetheless ignorant of science, to have the anxieties associated with their ignorance alleviated.

Since all scientists supposedly agreed, there was no need for them to understand the science. Indeed, ‘the science’ is the opposite of science itself.

Science is a mode of inquiry rather than a source of authority.

However, the success that science achieves has earned it a measure of authority in the public’s mind, and this is what politicians frequently envy and attempt to appropriate.

The exploitation of climate fits into the preceding pattern, and as with all its predecessors, science is, in fact, irrelevant.

At best, it is a distraction which led many of us to focus on the numerous misrepresentations of science in what was purely a political movement.

The following focuses on the situation in the United States, though a similar dynamic occurred throughout the developed world, with meetings at the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation’s Bellagio Center and at Villach in the 1980s playing an important role.

Most of this talk will concern the origin of the obsession with decarbonization in the US.

I will return briefly to the matter of the consensus at the end of this talk.

I would suggest that the obsession with decarbonization (i.e., Net Zero) had its roots in the reaction to the amazing post-WW2 period when ordinary workers were able to own a house and a car.

I was a student in the 50s and early 60s.

The mockery of the poor taste and materialism of these so-called ordinary people was endemic.

With the Vietnam War, things got amplified as the working class got drafted while students sought draft deferments.

Students, during this period, were still a relative elite; the massive expansion of higher education was only beginning.

Students justified their behavior by insisting that the Vietnam War was illegitimate while ignoring the obvious fact that Vietnamese people were fleeing south rather than north.

It was fashionable to regard the US as evil and deserving of overthrow.

Opposition often turned to violence with groups like the Weather Underground and SDS (Students for a Democratic Society).

In 1968, I was teaching at the University of Chicago.

We were spending the summer in Colorado, and we had a student taking care of our apartment.

When we returned, we found a police car monitoring our apartment.

The house-sitter had apparently turned our apartment into a crash pad for the SDS during the Democrat Party Convention.

Our apartment was littered with their literature which included instructions for poisoning Chicago’s water supply.

This period seemed to end with Nixon’s election, but we now know that this was just the beginning of the long march through the institutions: a march being conducted by avowed revolutionaries intent on destroying Western society.

For the new revolutionaries, however, the enemy was not the capitalists, but, rather, the working middle class.

The capitalists, they realized, could easily be bought off.

Currently, there is great emphasis on the march through the educational institutions: first the schools of education and then higher education in the humanities and the social sciences, and now STEM

What is usually ignored is that the first institutions to be captured were professional societies.

My wife attended a meeting of the Modern Language Association in the late 60s, and it was already fully “woke.”

While there is currently a focus on the capture of education, DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, a movement emphasizing racial differences and encouraging conflict) was not the only goal of the march through the institutions.

I think it would be a mistake to ignore the traditional focus of revolutionary movements on the means of production.

The vehicle for this was the capture of the environmental movement.

Prior to 1970, the focus of this movement was on things like whales, endangered species, landscape, clean air and water, and population.

However, with the first Earth Day in April of 1970, the focus turned to the energy sector which, after all, is fundamental to all production, and relatedly, involves trillions of dollars.

As we will see, this last item was fundamental.

This new focus was accompanied by the creation of new environmental organizations like Environmental Defense and the Natural Resources Defense Council.

It was also accompanied by new governmental organizations like the EPA and the Department of Transportation.

Once again, professional societies were easy pickings: the American Meteorological Society, the American Geophysical Union, and even honorary societies like the National Academy of Science, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, etc.

The capture of the Royal Society in the UK was an obvious European example.

There was a bit of floundering to begin with.

The movement initially attempted to focus on global cooling due to the reflection of sunlight by sulfate aerosols emitted by coal-fired generators.

After all, there seemed to have been global cooling between the 1930s and the 1970s.

However, the cooling ended in the 1970s.

There was an additional effort to tie the sulfates to acid rain which was allegedly killing forests.

This also turned out to be a dud. In the 70’s, attention turned to CO2 and its contribution to warming via the greenhouse effect.

The attraction of controlling CO2 to political control freaks was obvious. It was the inevitable product of all burning of carbon-based fuels.

It was also the product of breathing. However, there was a problem: CO2 was a minor greenhouse gas compared to the naturally produced water vapor.

Doubling CO2 would only lead to warming of less than 1 degree C.

A paper in the early 70’s by Manabe and Wetherald came to the rescue.

Using a highly unrealistic one-dimensional model of the atmosphere, they found that assuming (without any basis) that relative humidity remained constant as the atmosphere warmed, would provide a positive feedback that would amplify the impact of CO2 by a factor of 2.

This violated Le Chatelier’s Principle that held that natural systems tended to oppose change, but to be fair, the principle was not something that had been rigorously proven.

Positive feedbacks now became the stock in trade of all climate models which now were producing responses to doubling CO2 of 3 degrees C and even 4 degrees C rather than a paltry 1 degree C or less.

The enthusiasm of politicians became boundless.

Virtue-signaling elites promised to achieve net zero emissions within a decade or 2 or 3 with no idea of how to achieve this without destroying their society (and, with off-shore wind, killing marine mammals).

Ordinary people, confronted with impossible demands on their own well-being, have not found warming of a few degrees to be very impressive since the warming projected was what everyone successfully negotiates every day.

By contrast, most educated elites learned how to rationalize anything in order to please their professors – a skill that leaves them particularly vulnerable to propaganda.

Few ordinary people, by contrast, contemplate retiring to the Arctic rather than Florida.

Excited politicians, confronted by this resistance, have frantically changed their story.

Rather than emphasizing minuscule changes in their temperature metric (which, itself, is a false measure of climate), they now point to weather extremes which occur almost daily some place on Earth, as proof not only of climate change but of climate change due to increasing CO2 (and now also to the even more negligible contributors to the greenhouse effect like methane and nitrous oxide) even though such extremes show no significant correlation with the emissions.

From the political point of view, extremes provide convenient visuals that have more emotional impact than small temperature changes.

The desperation of political figures often goes beyond this to claiming that climate change is an existential threat (associated with alleged ‘tipping points’) even though the official documents (for example, the Working Group 1 reports of the IPCC) produced to support climate concerns never come close to claiming this, and where there is no theoretical or observational basis for tipping points.

I should note that there was one exception to the focus on warming, and that was the ozone depletion issue. However, even this issue served a purpose.

When Richard Benedick, the American negotiator of the Montreal Convention which banned Freon passed through MIT on his way back from Montreal, he gloated over his success, but assured us that we hadn’t seen anything yet; we should wait to see what they would do with CO2.

In brief, the ozone issue constituted a dry run for global warming. To be sure, the EPA’s activities still include conventional pollution control, but energy dominates.

Of course, the attraction of power is not the only thing motivating politicians.

The ability to award trillions of dollars to reorient our energy sector means that there are recipients of these trillions of dollars, and these recipients must only share a few percent of these trillions of dollars to support the campaigns of these politicians for many election cycles and guarantee the support of these politicians for the policies associated with the reorientation.

That the claim of consensus was always propagandistic should be obvious, but the claim of consensus has its own interesting aspects.

When global warming was first exposed to the American public in a Senate hearing in 1988, Newsweek Magazine had a cover showing the Earth on fire with the subtitle “All scientists agree.”

This was at a time when there were only a handful of institutions dealing with climate and even these institutions were more concerned with understanding the present climate rather than the impact of CO2 on climate.

Nonetheless, a few politicians (most notably Al Gore) were already making this their signature issue.

And, when the Clinton-Gore administration won the election in 1992, there began a rapid increase by a factor of about 15 in funding related to climate.

This, indeed, created a major increase in individuals claiming to work on climate, and who understood that the support demanded agreement with the alleged danger of CO2.

Whenever, there was an announcement of something that needed to be found (i.e., the elimination of the medieval warm period, the attribution of change to CO2, etc.), there were, inevitably, so-called scientists who would claim to have found what was asked for (Ben Santer for attribution and Michael Mann for the elimination of the medieval warm period) and received remarkable rewards and recognition despite the absurd arguments.

This did produce a consensus of sorts.

It was not a consensus that we were facing an existential threat, but rather, as noted by Steven Koonin, that the projected increase in GDP by the end of the 21st century would be decreased from about 200% to 197% and even this prediction is an exaggeration – especially since it ignores the undeniable benefits of CO2.

So here we are, confronted with policies that destroy Western economies, impoverish the working middle class, condemn billions of the world’s poorest to continued poverty and increased starvation, leave our children despairing over the alleged absence of a future, and will enrich the enemies of the West who are enjoying the spectacle of our suicide march, a march that the energy sector cowardly accepts, being too lazy to exert the modest effort needed to check what is being claimed.

As Voltaire once noted, “Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”

Hopefully, we will awaken from this nightmare before it is too late.

WATCH: Click on the 'test' at the top of the video block to view....


 IMPORTANT Scientific Study that shows we are all being taken for one BIG LIE by the UBER-SUPER RICH Globalists and their captured 'OUR'  political leaders in the WEST...all you need to know about climate history over that last near half a billion years in the   journal Science on 19 September 2024, the most rigorous reconstruction of Earth’s past temperatures ever produced 

"Scientists have captured Earth’s climate over the last 485 million years. Here’s the surprising place we stand now." 


Researchers Warn Geoengineering Is 'Crime Against Humanity'

Blogger Comment: This is just one of the evil things that is being undertaken and done to Humanity by the WEF Globalists who now control all our western leaders and why it is happening, because political decent has been destroyed completely due to our leaders being mere puppets to the uber-super rich WEF multibillionaires based in Davos, Switzerland ...believe it or not, but that is reality now if you dig deep into what is 'really' going on to us all...too many bad things and not climate change either as that has happened since the start of time... 

A group of leading experts has warned that efforts to manipulate the weather and climate through geoengineering are “crimes against nature and humanity.”

The warning was issued in a scientific paper titled “Geoengineering Disinformation: Two Opposing Testimonies and the Stakes for Humanity.”

The paper was published in the Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal.

The leading experts who co-authored the paper are:

  • Captain Mark Hagen, a retired airline pilot
  • Dr. J. Marvin Herndon, geo-astro nuclear scientist
  • Mark Whiteside, a physician and Florida Public Health Official
  • Ian Baldwin, a retired publisher and environmentalist

They reveal that covert military geoengineering operations have been ongoing for the better part of three decades.

According to the paper, civilian airlines based in NATO countries are part of this global operation.

They argue that the motivation behind the geoengineering efforts is to warm the planet.

By raising Earth’s temperature, those behind the scheme hope to gain access to the immense stores of hydrocarbons and strategically important minerals beneath polar ice.

To keep the public from understanding what is going on, the governments involved, led by the United Nations (UN), have resorted to spreading disinformation on an unprecedented scale.

The disinformation campaign involves mixing truth with lies and half-truths while omitting truths.

The effort aims to keep the public misinformed and ignorant and, therefore, disinclined to protest or otherwise intervene.

Two long-term observers, one a geoengineering critic, the other a retired commercial airline pilot, provide differing testimony for the geoengineering holocaust.

In their paper, the experts argue that the 1978 “Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques” treaty (ENMOD) does not actually ban weather warfare, despite its misleading title.

In fact, by mandating environmental modification for “peaceful purposes” with broad language, ENMOD effectively greenlights and even mandates geoengineering activities.

The authors allege that ENMOD is the UN’s pseudo-legal justification for covert geoengineering operations.

They specifically cite the possibility of using coal fly ash, the toxic waste product of burning coal, to induce global warming and melt polar ice for resource acquisition.

The paper presents scientific evidence, including rainwater and snow analyses, showing elevated levels of elements consistent with coal fly ash, suggesting its use in covert atmospheric spraying.

Data from laboratory testing of samples of rainwater and snow “strongly suggest that coal fly ash is being used in worldwide covert geoengineering operations,” the authors said.

For several years Jim Lee, founder of ClimateViewer, has promoted the idea that chemtrails are the unintentional consequence of aircraft exhaust.

Lee points to the widespread adoption of a new type of jet fuel in 1998 as the source of chemical additives.

In March, Del Bigtree invited Lee to discuss geoengineering on The Highwire.

Lee told Bigtree: “Every single chemical that has ever been attributed to chemtrails that everybody’s ever complained about can be found in jet fuel and its additives.”

The authors challenge claims made by Lee, arguing that the presence of numerous toxic elements in chemtrail samples cannot be solely explained by fuel additives and pointing to a deliberate and potentially harmful geoengineering operation.

To the uninformed, Lee’s use of the word “additives” may seem innocuous, the paper’s authors said.

“However, toxic fuel additives, such as tetraethyl lead, are now typically banned … [Yet tested rainwater and snow samples] include numerous toxic elements, such as arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury and many others.

“Lee’s claim begs the question: What could be the source of these multiple toxic elements that make up the chemtrails we witness in the skies above us?

“Inexplicably these new jet fuel additives have not been legally prohibited. Why not?”

The experts also claim that commercial airline jets are being used for chemtrail operations.

The paper includes an account from Hagen, a retired commercial airline pilot and a co-author of the paper.

Hagen says he observed a significant increase in persistent contrails after 1995, further supporting the authors’ claims of a change in atmospheric activities.

The pilot observed and made notes of airplane chemtrails over three months in 2014 and noticed distinct patterns.

He concluded that not all aircraft produce these chemtrails.

“I began to look for a pattern as to why most commercial aircraft were leaving chemtrails behind but yet there were some that were not,” he said.

Through observation and using flightradar.com, Hagan deduced that only commercial flights departing from major airports within the United States and airports located in NATO nations produced chemtrails

Flights from smaller regional airports and non-NATO nations did not.

“After months of analysis, I discovered that all flights departing from NATO nations were leaving chemtrails behind,” Hagan said.

“Flights that were departing from non-NATO nations did not have chemtrails. Interestingly these same airlines would fly from Los Angeles north to Canada and over the pole would always have chemtrails because they were fuelled in Los Angeles.

“This, of course, is a generalization based on somewhat limited data.

“But it did become apparent to me that not all countries are taking part in the geoengineering program.”

Hagan suggests that atmospheric conditions play a role in the visibility of these trails.

He believes that, based on his experience and observations, a substance is being added to jet fuel at the refinery level to create these “chemtrails,” and that this is being done without the knowledge of commercial airlines.

“I am [ ] absolutely convinced that the geoengineering is being administered through oil refineries and, I suspect, that it is unknown to the management of the commercial airlines,” Hagan said.

“I also believe that some countries are taking part in the program while other countries are not.

“The reason that all countries are seeing geoengineering, even if they’re not taking part in the program, is because they have flights passing that are taking part in the program.”

The paper’s authors argue that the use of aerosolized coal fly ash in geoengineering operations is causing widespread environmental damage and poses a severe threat to life on Earth.

Beginning on page 9 of the paper, the authors describe the crimes against humanity and the environment being committed by chemtrail operations.

They argue that aerosolized coal fly ash particles, rich in iron oxide nanoparticles, pose severe threats to human health, the environment, and broader ecological devastation.

The paper states that coal fly ash, dispersed into the atmosphere, contaminates the environment with mercury, depletes the ozone layer, disrupts the iron balance in nature, and leads to various health problems in humans, including lung disease, immune system dysfunction, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases.

The authors further assert that this practice is a major factor in forest fires, harms plant and animal life, and contributes to the decline of insects, birds, and bats.

They maintain that geoengineering is having the opposite effect of its intended purpose and is exacerbating global warming rather than mitigating it.

The authors conclude by calling for accountability for those responsible for geoengineering operations, which are “crimes against nature and humanity.”

“Disinformation, now pervasive not only in official government circles but also non-governmental media, ever more so since the onset of covid in 2020, serves to obfuscate the truth by mixing it with lies, half-truths, and truths that are deliberately left unspoken,” the experts warn in the paper.

“Ongoing long-term geoengineering is not acknowledged by academia, the press, environmental organizations, peace activists, or any other group.

“For thirty years, it has had a free pass.

“Because geoengineering relies on a large mix of highly toxic chemicals and the collusion of the worldwide commercial airline industry, it has become a planetary scourge – hiding in plain sight.

“Those who knowingly deceive the public about radically destructive geoengineering operations not only betray the truth but life itself.

“They should be held accountable for crimes against Nature and Humanity.”


 IMPORTANT Scientific Study that shows we are all being taken for one BIG LIE by the UBER-SUPER RICH Globalists and their captured 'OUR'  political leaders in the WEST...all you need to know about climate history over that last near half a billion years in the   journal Science on 19 September 2024, the most rigorous reconstruction of Earth’s past temperatures ever produced 

"Scientists have captured Earth’s climate over the last 485 million years. Here’s the surprising place we stand now." 


Top Study Confirms Sunlight and Clouds Drive Earth’s Climate, Not ‘Carbon Emissions’

Blogger Comment: Just two 'enemies' of the people above if you delve deep and look into them closely and what they are doing together with the uber-super rich insane WEF Globalists and where the people are unaware of what is really going on...but they will when all the horrors unfold are they are unleashed on the people...and soon over the next year to the end of 2025 where the CIA Deagel is still, and since 2013, been predicting an unprecedented  human catastrophe through the preliminary to their 2030 'Great Reset' agenda to take over the western world for themselves and what these insane people are doing...indeed and unfortunately you will see unfold unless they are stopped and  as far-fetched as it sounds...but this 'article'  below is another main pointer that GOD does exist (which these Globalists do not and do not fear GOD), as how was such a world created without divine-intervention, that keeps all humanity warm enough to live (and even in the coldest areas of this planet we can live) and why we cannot live in places like the Moon...see below...

A major new study has confirmed that Earth’s global temperature and climate are driven naturally by sunlight and clouds, not by so-called “carbon emissions.”

The news comes as government officials, unelected globalist bureaucrats, and their allies in the corporate media continue to push the narrative that human activity causes “climate change.”

The European Commission’s Copernicus published an August report that found that the global average temperature had reached record highs in the past 12 months.

The report claimed an increase of 1.51 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

Similarly, Roy Spencer and John Christy of the University of Alabama Huntsville used satellite data to determine that the average temperature in August was 0.88 degrees Celsius higher than the 30-year average from 1991–2020.

The Biden-Harris administration’s Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra used the report to promote the federal government’s green agenda.

“Extreme heat is not just an environmental crisis, it’s a serious threat to our public health—and communities across the country are struggling to respond,” Becerra said in a news release.

“What we’re facing today wasn’t what we were experiencing 30 or 40 years ago.

“This is a different world we are in.”

On August 14, President Joe Biden released the National Heat Strategy for 2024–2030.

The report fulfills a promise made in July to take additional action to address increasing temperatures.

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that changes in Earth’s temperatures are primarily caused by human-induced increases in carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas.

In a press release, Panmao Zhai, a Chinese climatologist and co-chair of the IPCC Working Group I, stated:

“Stabilizing the climate will require strong, rapid, and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, and reaching net zero CO2 emissions.

“Limiting other greenhouse gases and air pollutants, especially methane, could have benefits both for health and the climate.”

Ned Nikolov, a physical scientist and researcher affiliated with Colorado State University, told The Epoch Times the IPCC is incorrect regarding CO2.

“The greenhouse theory claims that atmospheric composition is important,” Nikolov said.

“They are arguing that tiny increases of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere cause global warming and that we must stop burning fossil fuel to avoid dangerous climate change.

“That is completely wrong.”

On Aug. 20, Nikolov and Karl Zeller, a retired U.S. Forest Service meteorologist, published their study that found that recent warming is not the result of increasing CO2.

Instead, after analyzing satellite data, the two researchers concluded that the Earth has warmed because it’s been absorbing more sunlight due to reduced global cloud cover.

According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Earth’s atmosphere is constantly working to balance the planet’s “energy budget”—the amount of energy entering and leaving it.

After the Sun’s shortwave radiation—sunshine—reaches the Earth, the energy flows back into space as thermal radiation.

If this balance is disrupted, and more sunlight is absorbed or not enough heat escapes to space, Earth’s temperature will rise.

An imbalance in the energy budget is known as radiative forcing, with the incoming radiation being shortwave and the outgoing radiation being longwave (or thermal).

Additionally, Earth’s albedo, the fraction of sunlight reflected back into space, impacts the amount of radiation that reaches the surface.

In its Sixth Assessment Report, the IPCC states that, due to increased atmospheric CO2 concentration from human greenhouse gas emissions, Earth’s energy budget is out of balance—more thermal energy is being trapped, resulting in elevated temperatures and warmer oceans.

It also notes regarding the Earth’s albedo that, between 1950 and 1980, there was “evidence for a widespread decline of surface solar radiation (or dimming),” followed by “a partial recovery (brightening) at many observational sites thereafter.”

As to the cause, the IPCC states, “Multi-decadal variation in anthropogenic [human-caused] aerosol emissions are thought to be a major contributor (medium confidence), but multi-decadal variability in cloudiness may also have played a role.”

In addition, the IPCC said some studies show that “cloudiness” can play a role in “dimming” and “brightening.”

However, the contribution of aerosols and clouds to dimming and brightening is still debated, and “the origin of these trends is not fully understood.”

That, according to Nikolov, is where his study comes in.

NASA’s Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES) website states:

Climate is controlled by the amount of sunlight absorbed by Earth and the amount of infrared energy emitted to space.

“These quantities—together with their differences—define Earth’s radiation budget.”

Since March of 2000, the NASA team has been collecting satellite data to examine the energy exchange between the Earth and space.

Using those measurements and a “novel climate-sensitivity model derived from independent NASA planetary data,” Nikolov and Zeller evaluated how Earth’s decreasing albedo impacted global temperature during the 21st century.

“CO2 is an invisible trace gas that does not interfere with sunlight,” Nikolov said.

“It’s believed to trap thermal radiation coming from the surface, but that’s a misconception because the absorption of longwave radiation by CO2 and heat-trapping are completely different physical processes.

“According to the 2nd law of thermodynamics, heat-trapping is impossible in an open system such as the atmosphere.”

He added that while water vapor is also a greenhouse gas, it becomes visible when it condenses and forms clouds.

And because clouds “reflect solar radiation back to space,” their impact on the climate is “measurable and significant.”

“Cloud formation is partially controlled by cosmic forces,” Nikolov added.

“When clouds decrease, the planetary albedo drops and more radiation reaches the surface, causing warmer temperatures.”

“In our paper, we show, using the best available observations from the [Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System] platform, that the warming of the last 24 years was entirely caused by the observed decrease of Earth’s albedo and not by increasing greenhouse gas concentrations as claimed by the IPCC.”

Figure 1. Monthly radiative anomalies derived from the CERES EBAF 4.2 dataset: (a) Earth’s global albedo calculated via dividing the reflected all-sky shortwave anomaly by the globally averaged incident solar flux at the TOA (i.e., the global insolation) and multiplying the resulting fraction by 100 to convert to a percent; (b) Earth’s absorbed solar flux calculated via multiplying the CERES reflected all-sky shortwave anomaly by −1 based on the fact that radiation absorption is opposite (and complimentary) to reflection.
Figure 7. Comparison between observed GSAT anomalies and CERES-reported changes in the Earth’s absorbed solar flux. The two data series, representing 13-month running means, are highly correlated with the absorbed SW flux, explaining 78% of the GSAT variation (R2 = 0.78). Also, GSAT lags the absorbed shortwave radiation between 0 and 9 months, which indicates that GSAT is controlled by changes in sunlight absorption. 

Nikolov said that, in the greenhouse theory, atmospheric composition is “very important” for a planet’s global surface temperature.

By applying dimensional analysis to NASA’s data describing the environments of different planets and moons in the solar system—including Earth—Nikolov and Zeller discovered a new universal relationship across planetary bodies.

This revealed that the atmosphere warms the surface not through longwave radiation emitted by greenhouse gases but through total pressure—adiabatically, without the loss or gain of heat—and that atmospheric composition has no effect on global temperature.

“Adiabatic heating (a.k.a. compression heating) is a well-known thermodynamic process. This revolutionary discovery about the physical nature of the atmospheric thermal effect (currently known as greenhouse effect) was published in [our] peer-reviewed literature in 2017,” Nikolov said.

“This is why when you get up in elevation, it gets cooler—either in the mountains or when you’re flying on an airplane—because the pressure drops with height.”

He compared the Moon’s surface temperature, as measured by NASA, compared to Earth’s global temperature to evaluate the thermal effect of the atmosphere.

“The data shows that the Moon is a perfect, airless equivalent of Earth because it orbits the Sun at the same distance as Earth but has no atmosphere,” Nikolov explained.

“So, the temperature difference between Earth and the Moon gives us the net thermal effect of the Earth’s atmosphere.”

Nikolov found that the Moon was about 88 degrees Kelvin cooler on average than the Earth.

That’s significant, he said.

“Currently, the greenhouse theory claims that without an atmosphere, the Earth would only be about 33 degrees colder than it is now. Some estimates even say only 18 degrees cooler,” Nikolov said.

“So, the present theory grossly underestimates the actual thermal effect of our atmosphere.

“However, this 88-degree thermal enhancement is due to total pressure.

“And that’s one of the fundamental differences between the greenhouse theory and our new climate concept.”

Through analyzing the Earth’s Energy Imbalance (EEI), “calculated as a difference between absorbed shortwave and outgoing longwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere,” Nikolov and Zeller discovered that the scientific community had misinterpreted it.

“EEI is not caused by ‘heat-trapping’ resulting from increasing atmospheric greenhouse gasses as currently claimed, but ‘arises from adiabatic dissipation of thermal energy in ascending air parcels in the troposphere due to a decreasing atmospheric pressure with height,’” Nikolov said.

Specifically, using mathematics, Nikolov and Zeller showed that EEI is an “apparent phenomenon” rather than a “real imbalance,” which they said necessarily implies no long-term heat storage in the Earth system by increasing greenhouse gases and no “warming in the pipeline,” as claimed by the latest Report by the IPCC.

Nikolov said Earth’s reduced cloud cover could have several causes, including galactic cosmic rays, solar wind, and interactions between the Sun’s and Earth’s magnetic fields.

“We have hypotheses about what’s driving the cloud cover changes, but we don’t have an exact mechanism or a conclusive theory,” Nikolov said.

“This is why we cannot mathematically describe it yet in a model to make predictions. ”

He called for “large-scale interdisciplinary research into the physical mechanisms controlling the Earth’s albedo and cloud physics,” as they are “the real drivers of climate on multi-decadal time scales.”

“The current climate science acknowledges that the clouds have been declining, and the Earth’s albedo has been decreasing, but they attribute it to internal climate variability. This is incorrect!” Nikolov said.

“Changes of cloud cover and albedo are externally forced. Identifying this external forcing is where future research has to focus instead of studying carbon emissions and [greenhouse gas] radiative forcing.”

Nikolov notes that if the rising global temperature was due to greenhouse gasses, there should have been more warming than observed.

“The simple fact is that the solar forcing alone explains the entire warming of the 21st century and leaves no room for any anthropogenic forcing,” Nikolov said.

“This inconvenient truth for the UN’s Climate Agenda might explain the absence of discussion in the 2021 IPCC Sixth Assessment Report about the decrease of Earth’s albedo since 2000 observed by [NASA’s Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System] and its impact on recent warming.”

In response to the question “Is the Sun causing global warming?” on its website, NASA states:

“No. The Sun can influence Earth’s climate, but it isn’t responsible for the warming trend we’ve seen over recent decades.

“The Sun is a giver of life; it helps keep the planet warm enough for us to survive.

“We know subtle changes in Earth’s orbit around the Sun are responsible for the comings and goings of the ice ages.

“But the warming we’ve seen in recent decades is too rapid to be linked to changes in Earth’s orbit and too large to be caused by solar activity.”

The IPCC has not issued a response regarding Nikolov’s findings by the time of publication.


 IMPORTANT Scientific Study that shows we are all being taken for one BIG LIE by the UBER-SUPER RICH Globalists and their captured 'OUR'  political leaders in the WEST...all you need to know about climate history over that last near half a billion years in the   journal Science on 19 September 2024, the most rigorous reconstruction of Earth’s past temperatures ever produced 

"Scientists have captured Earth’s climate over the last 485 million years. Here’s the surprising place we stand now." 
