Saturday, 30 November 2024

Michelle Obama Declares She Has 'No Sympathy' for Melania Trump

Blogger Comment: The difference between a Republican woman and a Democrat Women cannot be any starker here in what Michelle Obama says, as apparently a Republican woman has an independent mind and where apparently, even a Democrat first lady, has to tow-the-line and think and agree with what her husband thinks and says, and where Obama states this out of her own mouth and the "public mouth" cannot lie...can it...therefore it's no wonder that Democrat husbands never get it do they...better being 'NOT' under the 'thumb' I would say in my mind and independence of thought always best to get things right...I often wondered why Obama always got it wrong, but now I know...thanks Michelle for you learn something new every day...and in this respect here, from an odd source this time

Michelle Obama has lashed out at incoming First Lady Melania Trump as hate and bitterness continue to engulf the Democrats.

Obama she has “no sympathy” for Melania Trump after the future first lady revealed that she doesn’t always agree with her husband politically.

Melania recently confessed she doesn’t agree with President Donald Trump’s position regarding abortion.

However, as a Republican woman, Melania Trump is free to form and express her own opinions, a concept the Left appears to struggle with.

In a 2016 interview, Obama told Stephen Colbert that she does not feel sorry for political spouses who are not in perfect alignment with their other halves.

Obama’s remarks resurfaced after Melania Trump shared in her new memoir that she believes in a woman’s right to an abortion.

“Restricting a woman’s right to choose whether to terminate an unwanted pregnancy is the same as denying her control over her own body,” Melania wrote in her book.

“I have carried this belief with me throughout my entire adult life.”

The confession surprised many, given President Trump’s role in ending Roe v. Wade. 

Despite her differences with her husband, Melania steadfastly defended him against attacks on the campaign trail.

She blasted comparisons between her husband and Hitler.

She also blames Trump’s opponents for inciting two assassination attempts against him.

While Melania played a subdued role in support of her husband, Michelle and Barack Obama raved from the progressive, feminist hymnal in their failed bid to elect Kamala Harris.

Indeed, Michelle Obama dropped her famous pledge 

to “go high” as she called Trump a “weak man.”

Barack, meanwhile, promoted tired hoaxes and cracked jokes about Trump and diapers.

Michelle Obama explained her view that political spouses should agree 100%.

Obama added that she has “no sympathy” for Melania Trump.

“No…you know, you have to be, you know, in it,” she said.

“If you’re in it, and if you don’t agree, you should have agreed before they ran.

“Bottom line is, if you didn’t agree with what Barack was saying, I would not support his run.

“So I stand there proudly, and I hope they are, too, standing with their spouses proudly.

“So no, no sympathy,” she added.

Despite her past sentiments about political solidarity within marriages, Michelle Obama urged wives in pro-Trump households to vote for Harris in secret.

“If you are a woman who lives in a household of men that don’t listen to you or value your opinion, just remember that your vote is a private matter,” Michelle Obama said in October.

In the end, the voters rejected the divisive message the Obamas were sending and re-elected Trump with a resounding mandate.

The mass rejection has now put the Obamas’ political legacy in serious doubt.

Now, the Obamas can quietly seethe over their defeat – together.


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