Thursday, 21 November 2024

Top Cardiologist Drops Bombshell on Sudden Deaths Crisis: 'Vaccines Are the Smoking Gun'

One of the world’s most eminent cardiologists has just dropped a bombshell on the global crisis of sudden cardiac arrest deaths.

In a new interview, American cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough raised the alarm over his recent peer-reviewed study showing surging excess cardiopulmonary arrest deaths among people who received Covid mRNA “vaccines.”

McCullough and his team of renowned experts conducted a major study into surges in excess mortality since the “vaccines” were rolled out for public use in early 2021.

The researchers investigated the almost universally vaccinated 2.2 million residents of King County, Washington.

The study found a bone-chilling 1,236% surge in excess deaths caused by heart failure and sudden cardiac arrests among the Covid-vaccinated population.

The researchers gathered pre-pandemic data to establish a baseline of excess deaths.

When compared to the official data for 2020 to 2023, they found:

  • 2020: 11 excess heart attack and cardiac arrest deaths
  • 2021: 75 excess heart attack and cardiac arrest deaths
  • 2022: 111 excess heart attack and cardiac arrest deaths
  • 2023: 147 excess heart attack and cardiac arrest deaths

The deaths in 2023 marked a shocking 1,236% increase compared to 2020.

Excess Cardiopulmonary Arrest Deaths from 2015 to 2023 in King County, Washington. The 2015-2020 cardiopulmonary arrest mortality trend line was used to estimate excess cardiopulmonary arrest deaths.

During an interview on the WorldviewTube podcast, McCullough told host Brannon Howse that Covid mRNA shots are responsible for the surge in deaths.

“So it looks like the vaccines are the smoking gun,” Dr. McCullough concluded.

“This is now fully peer-reviewed in the emergency medicine literature.

“We’ve messaged the Medic One unit in Seattle.

“They clearly need to do more research to figure out how soon these vaccines were administered and to whom.”

WATCH: Click on the text at the top of the video block to view...

McCullough and his colleagues have been increasingly sounding the alarm to warn the public about the ongoing damage to the health of those who received the “vaccines.”

The top doctor has been at the forefront of exposing the harms of the Covid mRNA injections.

As Slay News reported, McCollough issued a warning to the public last week that Covid mRNA “vaccines” were created to “strict military criteria” to serve as a “bioweapon.”

McCullough raised the alarm in a new interview while revealing the devastating impact on humanity caused by the mass global vaccination campaign.

“As a doctor, I have never seen something so injurious to the human body,” McCullough revealed.

McCullough continued by citing multiple studies, alongside his own findings, that prove the injections have caused unprecedented levels of death and injury.

The mRNA from the injections “invades the brain,” he explains.

“It invades the heart,” he continues.

“It causes brain and heart damage.

“It invades the bone marrow.

“It stimulates antibodies to attack cells and platelets.”

“It causes blood clotting and damage to blood vessels like we’ve never seen.”

He also noted that data from the University of Pittsburgh shows that the “vaccines” cause cancer.

“Since when do we have a protein that actually injures the brain, injures the heart, the bone marrow, the immune system, causes blood clotting, and potentially causes cancer in a single protein?”  McCullough asked.

“It’s a weapon,” he concluded.

“According to strict military criteria, it’s a bioweapon.”

WATCH: Click on the text at the top of the video block to view...

The warning from McCullough comes just days after a top government official in the Netherlands dropped an explosive whistleblowing statement in the Dutch parliament.

As Slay News reported, Dutch Health Minister Fleur Agema has admitted that the Covid was a “military operation” and revealed that her nation was taking orders from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) during the pandemic.

Agema has revealed that the “military operation” was led by NATO and the Netherlands’ National Coordinator for Security and Counterterrorism (NCTV).


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