It is a known fact that a mere five companies and their owners control the news in the
Media on Trial, Leeds 2018 - Professor Piers Robinson, University of Sheffield -
Media on Trial, Leeds 2018 - Sir Peter Ford -
Indeed, major situations as an example is where
the President of China recently told his military leaders to prepare for war
and where I have not seen to this day on a BBC broadcast where this was stated to the
British people. Australia
and some western media sources published such an event in a low-key affair, but
nothing from the BBC at all and where this shows as one isolated incident that extremely important news is being silenced
in round about terms. For don’t you think that a possible war with China would be an event that we needed to know
about and where inevitably we would be dragged into such a global war by the constantly compounding and increasing voice of the Washington's 'hawks'? According to independent news
sources coming out of China ,
this military directive from their President, was due to the unfolding US economic trade war and threats to them in their
South-Asian territorial waters where the US constantly has its warships
entering their coastal waters. Indeed, would the USA accept the provocation of
Chinese warships constantly entering US coastal waters, for that is they
equivalent on the other side of the provocation coin? I very much doubt it, but
where the US
politicians and military just don’t ever see it this way. So we shall have to
see what happens in the future when Chinese warships do enter US territorial
waters, as that if it happens, may be the start of the war.
In a very recent poll in both the USA
and the UK (both totally independent of each other) to show how ill-informed people were, it was found that hardly any
of the people knew that there was even a war in Yemen that had been raging for
4-years and the suffering that was happening there including over 14- million people
and children currently under the threat of starvation due to the Saudi bombing
and backed by the USA and UK governments military
logistics backup, know-how and our the supplying tens of $billions of UK and US
military hardware.
Now the people should be more worried about
censorship and misrepresentation of the full facts, as social media platforms
are being increasing controlled behind the scenes by our governments. Indeed,
in a further 10-years time we shall all live in a state where we shall never
the truth as reporting and history is distorted for the ends of politicians and
their masters, Big business.
The following letters over
the past 18-months are just a mere sample of the letters that I have sent for possible publication to mainstream media, but where they refused
to put any of them in print and where they were sent to over 40-mainstream media outlets that
operate out of the United Kingdom.
Democracy 'By' the people, 'For' the People seems to have disappeared
If ever you wanted to
know what democracy is in the UK , you only have to look at the
House of Lords (HofL). All very nearly filed to the rafters with political
party establishment ‘yes’ men and ‘yes’ women, whether they be former Common’s
MPs. ‘Party’ business people, their advisers or financial donors, not basically
people of or for the ‘People’ in reality. For the ‘Establishment’ systems which
the HofL is a major ingredient, is again for the political ‘Party’ and not in
essence for the ‘People’, as the ‘Party’ is everything when you look at this
organised and deliberately thought-out setup. This can clearly be seen when
these people vote the way the ‘Party’ wants them to do so, not what the ‘People’
wish to see happen (most were against the Iraq War /Middle-East War and in more
modern times HS2, the white elephant that will cost the taxpayer (you, me but
mainly our children and their children, anything from £100,000 million and
£200,000 million or possibly even more and all lovely debt). Indeed in essence,
we live in a mirage of what is thought to be ‘Democracy for the People’ and by
the ‘People’ as someone once said, but where in reality it is a system
predominantly for the political ‘Parties’ and their backers, donors and advisers
(whatever they may be), not for the clear wishes of the ‘People’. For that’s
where ‘Democracy’ all goes so sadly wrong and where the ‘People’ are taken on a
trip all over the place where the political Party wants to go and where it has
to rein supreme above everything else, even Democracy and what the People really
want to see happen for their well-being, their children and their grandchildren.
Major system change is well overdue I would say?
Unrelenting population growth is ironically the greatest threat to human existence
Bernie Saunders is absolutely spot on and where all global political leaders have not taken population growth seriously enough by far to do anything about it, but it is the most important area of global unsustainable that the world faces, leading to general famine, out-of-control global pandemics and ultimately global war due to too many people fighting for declining resources for there survival and basically, life itself. Our late 2nd Foundation President Nobel laureate Jerome Karle and the former US Navy’s top scientist/Pentagon senior adviser in Washington spoke most of his life on this most crucial of matters. Indeed in 2003 he was the guest-of-honour and chief keynote speaker at the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) in Tunisia where his major conference speech to the world’s top engineers again spoke powerfully about the need for the world to realise the dangers ahead for humankind with uncontrolled human population growth. Did any of the world’s politicians take note of Jerome, not one iota and where our political leaders to this day have not consider that this was the fundamental road for humanity’s eventual end game due to what consequences it will ultimately produce. In this respect also the Foundation’s 1st President the late Nobel Laureate Glenn Seaborg (Element 106 Seaborgium) who worked with Jerome also as a colleague on the Manhattan Project as major developers of ‘the bomb’, both agreed that unrestrained human population growth was ironically a far greater threat than nuclear weapons, as human growth was unrelenting and constantly marching to the edge of the precipice towards the inherent destructive force of its own making. That was unlike nuclear weapons that they had created to stop the Nazis getting their hands on ‘The bomb’ first and where the German’s leading nuclear scientists according to modern history, were very close in doing so nearing the end of WW2 and which if that had been the case, would have stopped D-Day ever happening and Europe would still be in the iron grip of Nazism. For they both knew that the concept of ‘Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)’ made even fanatical political leaders think twice, as even they themselves would be wiped out in the process and where not even senior psychopathic politicians are that psychopathic to do that due to one of their main traits of self preservation above all. Therefore unrestrained human growth is paradoxically the greatest ultimate threat to human existence and where again it has to be asked, are there any politicians out there listening or even understanding what is on the horizon for humankind?Is the BBC one of the Reasons for why we learn later that the story was biased?
BBC D-G Lord Tony Hall should look in the mirror at himself as the BBC is the biggest propaganda machine in the UK and possibly the world (reported at a recent London conference, ‘World in the grip of biggest assault on truth since the 1930s’). For every time there is the government line, the BBC only tell one side of the story I have found over the last 50-years and the ‘establishment’ view. Indeed, we later find out the other side of the coin and where independent investigative journalists working at the coal-face have unearthed a different story altogether. In this respect many ‘False Flags’ have proved that when it comes to war especially, the British people are only told the government-line and where more people should undertake their own research with regard to ‘false flags’ of war. I stress this as then the people of the United Kingdom would be fully informed and not just have a one-sided story from such establishment propaganda machines as the BBC. Indeed, this knowledge would save countless lives, both in civilian and military numbers. We have been duped too many times and I would think that Lord Hall knows this as well, so it is time for the full stories I believe to be disclosed to the public and the D-G of the BBC should respectfully take heed.
The alternative view and why is Chris Williamson MP words so hurtful and abhorrent ?
Can someone tell me what Chris Williamson said that was so abhorrent, as I have watched the video over a dozen times and cannot see anything that would cause such a uproar in outward revulsion? We have something I think still or I may be wrong here with all the hysteria surrounding this apparent storm in a teacup event, called ‘free speech’ and if we are constrained by someone’s opinion that does not use foul language and rear abuse to others, I am living in a parallel universe to the one that I wish to be in. Indeed, I have many friends around the world who are Muslim, Jews, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Hindus, Primal-indigenous, Shinto and most of the religions of the world who would find no offence with what Mr. Williamson said in his video. In this respect though, it appears to me other than it being anti-Semitism that is on the altar of distaste to be a gathering vendetta against the Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn and where his close allies are constantly victimised. Therefore can someone give me unequivocal reasoning and unconditional determination to why the MP’s words are so repulsive, as no-one is ever too old to learn?
HS2, the Global Evidence and it is not Good !
There has not been a great deal of information disclosed concerning HS2 to date to what the real picture is and whether it is viable or not. But a few eye openers that people may not be aware that the UK government has not been interested in telling the taxpayer is that the majority of HSR systems around the world are plagued with more negative outcomes than positive ones by far. Some are as detailed as follows and where government should know these things also, but where for some reason only known to themselves, politicians are taking no notice whatsoever of the views that are backed by overwhelming historical evidence of HSR systems spanning 55 years.
1. China - People often see only the convenience of China’s high-speed rail network and boast about it being the world’s longest, but they turn a blind eye to its enormous debt and operating losses, as well as the serious deterioration of the country’s transportation structure - . Zhao Jian: What’s Not Great About China’s High-Speed Rail? The Debt (January 29, 2019, Caixin Global Limited).
2. China - the HSR network is a debt crisis waiting to happen, dependent on unsustainable government subsidies with many lines incapable of repaying the interest on their debt, let alone principal - China’s high-speed rail and fears of fast track to debt - Financial times (August 13, 2018).
4. Spain - The demand for the rail network (Alta Velocidad Española (AVE) hasn’t quite matched its scope, and that funds from Spanish taxpayers and the EU have been funnelled into a system that doesn’t serve enough customers to be worth the price. In 2016, El Pais reported that one in four AVE stations was being used by fewer than 100 passengers a day - Future Rail Railway Technology, Verdict Media Limited (25 October 2018).
5. Spain – High-speed rail network is still making a loss overall, with just three profitable routes. Indeed one in four of the total of 31 AVE stations throughout the country is used by less than 100 passengers a day. Despite attracting growing numbers of passengers (up 9% between 2014 and 2015, says Renfe) the AVE is still underused. In March, some 50 million people took the train, of whom only 3.4 percent, or 1.7 million, travelled on AVE routes. – El PAIS (24 May2016)
8. The
9. Taiwan - In 2009 it became necessary for the Taiwanese government to take over the running of the Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation as it was almost bankrupt, two years after it first started running its high speed trains. One of the contributing factors to the financial problems was that passenger numbers were approximately one third of those that had been forecast - Near-bankruptcy of the Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation: What Went Wrong?, International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM) (2010).
15. The Netherlands-Belgium-France - The Thalys (HSR) is two to three times as expensive as the Étoile du Nord (standard railway system), while it's only 25% faster. For most people, the time gained by taking the high speed train is not worth the extra cost. However, since the Étoile du Nord has vanished, they are left no other choice than to pay more when they want to travel by train - High Speed Trains are Killing the European Railway Network, Low Tech Magazine (December 16, 2013)
16. The EU - The European Court of Auditors issued a report in late June critical of Europe’s development of high-speed rail… the report for the taxpayers, who have provided virtually every Euro of financial support to plan and construct high-speed rail in
Overall the conclusion is
based upon the limited evidence above, is that the majority of High-Speed Rail
(HSR) schemes are not viable, increase vast debt, have to be subsidised by the taxpayer
to survive, affect other transport systems negatively and overridingly show that
government analysis overestimates demand for high speed rail lines
considerably. Indeed Aalborg University found that nine out of ten rail
projects that they studied in-depth, overestimated passenger demand and where
the average overestimation being 106%. Overall, it is apparent therefore that
governments (including the UK )
just do not do their evaluation process realistically or even correctly when it
comes to HSR schemes and where HSR cost the taxpayer dearly from Day 1 and once
built, in perpetuity.
A true definition of what Democracy really is and means in practice is needed after BREXIT
Our Westminster MPs keep stating that we are a parliamentary democracy and where in practice, what they decide is what happens, even though nationally the majority of British voters wants something else like in the case of BREXIT where the British electorate voted 52:48 in favour to ‘leave’ the EU. But I thought that democracy was for the people by the people and democracy was what the people wanted and not what our public servants wanted in Westminster instead. For this so-called parliamentary democracy seems to be more like a dictatorship than any democracy for the people, as the majority of voters get overruled. Therefore can someone enlighten me to what democracy really is? Is it just decision-making by our MPs to get the result that they want (75% voted to remain) or is democracy what the people want but do not get it (52% majority voted to leave nationally)? Being confused, an exact and unequivocal definition of what democracy actually is and means in practice would truly be welcomed, for I am…totally confused.
Kirklees Grooming Scandal is a National Scandal - Need for a high court judge-led comprehensive public inquiry
When Rob Waugh, a national award winning investigative journalist working for the Yorkshire Post exposed the former acting chief planning officer of Kirklees Council as being also a director at the same time of an ‘active’ land company a few years ago, it was clear that Kirklees Council’s inner governance workings were not right to say the very least. For at the time, this senior Kirklees employed individual was a prime mover in the Local Development Framework (LDF) identifying farming and green fields for change to building land and increasing its wealth by literally tens if not hundreds of millions pounds in one go. Therefore the recent revelations with regard to Kirklees Council’s inner workings with regard to their oversight of operations together with their governess and their ineptitude and possible cover-up of the sex abuse of young innocent children needs someone like Waugh to investigate again. As apparently nothing has really changed within the workings at Kirklees and unless someone does something about this unacceptable state of affairs that has literally affected many young children for rest of their lives, the system is totally redundant in moral terms and is definitely letting the people down that they supposingly serve. Indeed this outrage in moral standards should have a high court judge-led comprehensive public inquiry and just what Kirklees Councillor Dr. Bill Armer demanded today. For he should know, as he was a lecturer in criminology at Leeds University for several years and knows the workings of the criminal system very well indeed. Will it happen, I doubt it as Kirklees Council will make sure to cover up their version of events and distortion footprints very well indeed based upon their past history.
Democracy is premeditated by the current system for the election of the New Tory Leader and therefore the UK’s next Prime Minister in reality
Doesn’t modern democracy stink and where in reality democracy for the people just does not really exist anymore. In this respect another pointer of the demise in the purest sense of the concept and system of democracy for the people, by the people and for the people, is in actuality no more, as before the next conservative leader is voted for by the Tory membership, our illustrious Tory MPs are given the power to whittle the voting numbers down to just two. We all remember well how 75% of MPs voted to remain in the EU and not to undertake the wishes of the majority of UK voters in the UK to leave the EU after the 2016 Referendum. Therefore it is not the people anymore who are determining how democracy should be anymore, but the political parties who decide beforehand who they want and what they want and where the people are simply being used in all reality, as cannon fodder for them to get exactly what they actually want and when. In other words our politicians stitch us up all the way through from start to finish under the guise of what we call democracy and where in reality it is simply a mirage of what the actual case is. The question is, why do we vote for politicians under this pre-selection and dictatorial system of democracy in its totally un-purest sense, as it just does not make any sense to do so if we use our intelligence? But again, our so-called people’s politicians like it that way I suppose.
HS2 will provide very little for the UK's wellbeing and dynamic future, but where our politicians do not understand this basic truth
Your article of May 14, 2019 concerning HS2 was right on the money. This near $75 billion project and counting (where all will increased our national debt, as we have to borrow this vast sum and pay interest on it with it being around $2.4 trillion and constantly growing) will provide no major long-term projected change in the future dynamic economic fortunes of the UK and its people in my opinion. Indeed and although people cite capacity reasons for its construction, they ignoring completely value for money or HS2’s use for the majority of the people of the UK, that will be restricted due to the projected high costs that the elite and corporations will only be able to afford. HS2 therefore will definitely end up as history will record, a great white elephant. In this respect also this very same questioning was reinforced today by the House of Lords Economic Affairs committee’s release that stated that they were no convinced about the viability of HS2. But the big question is, if HS2 is the best that our politicians and Whitehall can come up with, they need to take a course in national and global reality and where the UK needs new technological industries, not elite train lines for its economic survival in the 21st century. Indeed, where we tinker about in the UK with things like HS2 to literally nowhere in terms of any future foremost nation-changing economic dynamics after its completion, the Chinese have really had their eye on the ball with their BRI, a project that some macroeconomists say could reach up to $12,000,000 million ($12 trillion) at its finish in investment to 2049; programmed to be completed on the anniversary of the creation of the PRC. For this vast initiative (the greatest in recorded history by far) will totally transform global economics and where HS2 will just for the British people, increase our national debt as usual and where we really have to get away from this mundane thinking of tinkering about the edges and really think long-term. To do this we simply have to create new technological industries that the rest of the world have not got presently and where according to national Japanese and German research, we are the most creative people in the world. Therefore we have the capabilities to take the world by storm, but where our politicians just do not even comprehend this and BREXIT is a prime example here where 75% of our MPs by voting to stay within the constraints of the EU, basically expressed that this great nation of ours, cannot stand on its own two feet. How stupid this thinking really is and their assessment it has to be stated and where they are totally blind to the reality of our greatest strength, the inherent creative innovative thinking of the British people (all not just our universities et al). For all we need is the tools to release this inherent strength that resides within the British people on the world-at-large and where HS2 definitely is not that.
The economic and financial Ineptitude of Western Politicians over past decades will be seen as a far greater devastating effect than either WW1 or WW2, even though we won those wars, on the wellbeing of all western nations
The most important decision in a generation is not BREXIT, but the most important decision of all time and that is not BREXIT. Ever since the end of WW2 government and Whitehall have not had a coherent long-term economic strategy like the Chinese who although went through a negative period under Mao where S&T was not a driving force of economic development, after Mao in the 1980s they started to have people in important positions who clearly understood the ‘driver’ of economic dynamism as history has recorded. Unfortunately the ‘West’ took their eye of the ball and became complacent after the initial stand of Silicone Valley to obtain supremacy in S&T, but where the Chinese fully focused on an unrelenting strategy to control the future world of $&T. In this respect though the Chinese had one great strength also other than their great engineers in that they have a ‘command economy’ unlike in the West which is constantly in a state of flux with constant changes in political ideologies that stifle and weaken economic dynamism. Indeed the changing economic fortunes in the west (lower case ‘w’) and East (higher case ‘E’) clearly show this where China in PPP is the largest economy (latest is 2017 figures of $23.15 trillion against the USA $19.39 trillion). But things are going to get far worse because of our ignorance and ineptitude of our politicians and senior civil servants in Whitehall within the UK and that is the case of every US Administration with regard to S&T thinking. For as an example we in the UK have ‘HS2’ as our greatest economic investment at around $80 billion, but where China has their ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ (BRI) that has 152 countries and international organizations supporting China’s initiative and which is due for completion in 2049. The vastness of this investment is the world’s greatest ever by far ‘initially enabling’ investment project at a predicted initial investment range of $8>$12 trillion and puts silicone valley into a mere perspective of a minnow economic region in reality. In this respect once the BRI is completed this development is predicted to account for over 60% of all global GDP and increasing by the decade. This sadly is how complacent and ineffectual our western politicians and leaders have really been, putting trillions into foreign wars that they have never won and where the Chinese have known that the only war that really counts since the 1980s is in reality the economic war. Indeed having lost the military wars, we in the west have now lost the economic war through this mismanagement and where our wise men and women even in the very early 1990s stated that China would only be capable of becoming a second rate S&T economy and where as usual, how very wrong they were. For we are now in for a terrible economic and financial battering due to the negligent ineptitude of our political elites for decades and which unfortunately continues today. But where as we have been telling government for over 2 decades now, that the only way to counteract this unprecedented economic might of the future, is to build the ORE-STEM S&T complex with its global S&T satellites to prevent untold poverty and harm being inflicted in the West on its people. But again as usual, they will not listen of course.
Unimaginable a mere three decades ago, but the West’s eventual road to ruin is coming nearer by the year through the Chinese “Belt and Road Initiative”
In 1992 our Foundation first started monitoring China ad its economic growth and where many economists and so-called leading global institutions that concentrated on technological innovation argued with us that China would never become an economic and technological powerhouse. They said that China would have to settle in being a second-rate economy forever however hard they tried with poverty for the many and population growth dragging them down continually. How very wrong they were and where unlike most of these world-leading institutions (some household names) who did not understand the psyche of the Chinese brain and especially the capabilities of the minds of their engineers, we were privileged to have in contrast a direct insight through our global membership to the unfolding future of the Chinese at close hand and where one of our members had been the vice-premier of China for 13 years, president of their Chinese Academy of Engineering and basically the mastermind of the China’s long-term ‘blueprint’. Indeed he was and still is the real source in the Chinese transformation in their technological and economic miracle and where his thinking has driven China to what it is today and what it will be tomorrow. For in this respect, the great outcome of this continual endogenous thinking by such eminent Chinese engineers in the 21st century that we shall see emerging over the next 25 years, is what the Chinese call “The Belt and Road Initiative” which will in time make ‘Silicone Valley’ look like minor event in world history. But what we learnt at the time and thereon was that all these ‘so-called’ informed and illustrious institutions where tens of billions are ploughed into them ever year, was that they were not the innovative and masterful predictors of the future by any means and why since 1992 western economies to a great extent have basically lost their way in the economic league, turning more to military wars than to the real wars that they should have concentrated on, the global economics wars of this century and beyond where they will be far more devastating than conventional world wars, as they are never-ending. Indeed at that time and for many years after, western governments never took hardly any notice of our independent thinkers across the world, but where it has to be said that this has been to their total demise and that of western citizens in general. Consequently we concluded that perceived elitism is ignorance and a road to declining wealth and prosperity for us all in the West. Time will tell, but the Chinese dream is now destined to take the world by storm for the next few centuries at least through ignorance of those that rule us and where our political classes have allowed this to happen and no-one else over the last 30 years. This unfortunately is predestined now through “The Belt and Road Initiative” and where the Chinese will definitely take no economic prisoners other than to economically enslave them of course in global terms. It is time therefore that our politicians got a sense of reality and what is on the horizon !
It was preordained that BREXIT would never happen and that should now have becoming perfectly clear if people have any intelligence or logic with the way that things have strategically paned out
No matter what people say, can't everyone now see that we are not being allowed to leave and never will be allowed to leave the EU. That's clear now and has been for well over a year now. The great problem is our so-called representatives in parliament where 73% of them voted to remain and until you get rid of them, nothing will change Indeed, as May has the system in lockdown now as there are no general elections until 2022 due to the managed way that BREXIT has been handled, we will not be allowed out no matter what after 2020 and the Lisbon Treaty is very clear on that fact. Unfortunately our politicians have stabbed the UK people in the back with a real fatal blow how they have all played their rotten cards and we had all better get used to that and even worse to come with the EU lot holding draconian power over us all due to Lisbon, basically forever, as the financial and economic price of leave then in just a mere few months time due to Lisbon, will not allow us to, ever... When are people going to get wise to what has really been going on over the past 3>4 years in stopping BREXIT ever happening (but clearly a planned strategy for this behind closed doors has been in place for decades in reality in order to thwart BREXIT no matter what is thrown at it). For what we have seen from all our political representatives is the best Oscar wining acting that we shall all ever see, as although it looked like there were two sides, one wanting to remain and one wanting to leave, in reality they all wanted to stay in as that's where the money is for THEM and the people are of no consideration at all to this factor. The penny will drop in time, but far too late. Democracy in any so-called form now just does not exist in reality in the UK anymore and killed off by those that we have all elected…the cream of the earth in non-democratic terms in reality when people eventually see what they have actually done to their lives, those of their children and all their future generations to come! Democracy is dead in the UK and where we have all now to realise this, but where no-one will inform the people of this fact as has been the case since the 2016 EU Referendum.
“Good news on high street it’s not actually THAT bad…"
Anyone with a brain reading the Examiner on Saturday would be in total disbelief as one of the in-depth articles provided was, “Good news on high street it’s not actually THAT bad…", stating that more shops had opened than had closed in Huddersfield town centre last year. But where this research can be seen from the start to be totally skewed by the very fact that some of the other locations cited were Cities with populations of over a 5-fold larger shopper number catchment potential area to that of Huddersfield. For in my humble opinion, anyone reading this article and visiting Huddersfield town centre will think that this is all a bit of political propaganda at best, as the reality does not sound out the true realism of the decline in Huddersfield town centre and which was clearly not indicated within the article. Therefore can I respectfully ask the Examiner to contact our Council and request what these outlets were in size that opened and closed, as this would then give the people of Huddersfield an understanding if those that closed and opened were small little outlets or large outlet and provide a sense of proportion in declining trade or increased trade in the town centre of Huddersfield? For this article was certainly eye catching, but again did not actually provide any realistic view of the state of trade in the town centre and where as we all know, we have also the imminent closure of M&S and other shops in May 2019 and where these are not counted within the articles findings; as they are part of the future 12-months trading statistics for Huddersfield. Therefore again is this a bit of political propaganda for the benefit of the Labour-led Kirklees Council only just before the local elections it has to be asked, with the reality being economical with the real truth? But of course the best way to assess what the people of Huddersfield really actually think and perceive is to ask the simple question to them, “in your opinion has the shopping experience in Huddersfield declined or increased over the past 12 months and are things getting better or worse for Huddersfield shoppers?”
BREXIT - Democracy as defined and exercised by our 'Current' Members of Parliament
Democracy and how it has operated by UK Members of Parliament for BREXIT can be summed up as follows and an absolute hoax from the start - For BREXIT has been a theatrical long playing drama for us all to see from the start, keeping us entertained in thinking that there were two sides, one wanting in and one wanting out. But the real truth is that both sides wanted in, in all but name. It has therefore been a total charade from start to finish and just another con on the 90% who in reality have no say in anything now and votes never get the majority anywhere. They say that you can never trust a politician and BREXIT has been another prime example of how very true this is - indeed what we have witnessed since 2016 is some of the best Oscar award wining acting that we shall all ever see. But they have always sold their souls and the people down the river to the highest bidder and always is in their psyche to be like this as history has shown very well and where in essence they live for themselves and no-one else. Unfortunately people never learn and as a new generation emerges, they are not wise to what has happened before in the past. That of course is what the politicians thrive on and of course know very well. We have all been conned if truth be told, but few will ever realize this? All the above will be proven when as will happen, the UK does not in theory and practice come out of the EU.
LDF and its Whitehall and Westminster thinking is sheer madness in the long-term
Although the Labour controlled Kirklees Council has always had to do the bidding of Westminster and where it was the last Blair Labour government that drafted the instructions and statutory instruments for what we now know as the Local Development Framework (LDF), they seem totally unconcerned towards the commonsense factor, never admitting to the people of Kirklees that there are enormous insurmountable problems with regard to our the people’s acute problems with regard to our hospitals, schools, roads, sewage works/main drains, local energy needs, intense GP surgery demands and limited water supplies et al. Indeed the recent figures posted in the Examiner for Fixby and Rastrick alone are extremely alarming to say the very least with around 2,500 projected new properties for a relatively small area of Huddersfield and where this will bring to this relatively small area alone, based upon the 2011 census of 2.35 persons per household for Huddersfield, a further 5,875 people into this district alone. But it has to be stated, that this is just a mere tip of the iceberg of what the whole LDF debacle will bring to the people of Huddersfield over a relatively short period of time and all created by a diabolical and insane KMC’s LDF. Incredible also that the powers that be in our health sector are closing HRI as a major central hospital facility for the people of Huddersfield (and the only one residing in the Huddersfield district) and where this again this is sheer and complete madness when the damaging effect that the LDF will certainly inflict on the people kicks in over the next few decades. For in this respect, you ‘only’ have to comprehend the 5,800 estimated new people useage of Calderdale Royal Hospital alone and what that will do to health care alone in Huddersfield? Overall, it is incredible how stupid our politicians really are in Westminster and clearly where they simply have no understanding of what their decisions will bring to the people with their ill thought out loopy national social changes, no matter whether Tory or Labour in power and the question is, do they actually care?
Knife Crime can be Defeated if Government will only listen and use 'Common-sense', but will they is the big question?
The rise in knife crime appears according to statistics to be directly linked to drug prevalence (and especially opiates & cocaine) according to the UK’s crime statistics and NHS figures; and through the growing gang culture of controlling supply on ‘the streets’. In this respect the recent savage murder of Jodie Chesney by 20-year-old Manuel Petrovic, a Croatian national who was a known drug taker where he lived in London, is a pointer to these statistics and should if justice is seen to be done, come out in the trial. as people need to know. Therefore the big picture is that if you have to address the opiate and class A’ taking problem together with the gangs fighting over the control of them on ‘the Streets’. For if this was the primary strategy adopted, knife crime will come down proportionally and significantly if basic commonsense was used. Indeed the growing phenomenon of “county lines” drug gangs, which supply from cities into rural areas, was also cited in a government report (Serious Violence Strategy – April 18) as a driver of violence because of bloody turf wars between rivals. Tackle the gangs and their sales of street drugs therefore you will bring knife crime down, but not without doing this. But sadly it should be noted that even the government and their senior civil servants never listen and a major cause of where we are today. For in 2004 the Home Office rejected the introduction of the humane cure for hard dug addiction offered by the Vietnamese government and used within their NHS system (that had been sponsored by the UN). This alone was a major factor in the drive to stop knife crime as government treatments are statistically not working. For if there are less addicted people on ‘the streets’ there is less crime, but where as we know because Whitehall senior civil servants and government never live in the real world, another weapon against the drugs scourge was stopped and most probably on commercial grounds, not humanitarian ones either.
Even Einstein knew the difference in what anti-Semitism really means
Anti-Semitism has become a focal point of social controversy over the last few years to use against dissenting voices and where they use this disagreement as a means to crack a nut with a sledgehammer in my humble opinion. For there is a misconception here and where it is not the people of Israel that all God-fearing people hold in abhorrence, but their leaders who have not sought peace.
In this respect as an example, on the 16 March 2015, Netanyahu confirmed that if he were elected, a Palestinian state would not be created and he argued that, "anyone who goes to create today a Palestinian state and turns over land, is turning over land that will be used as a launching ground for attacks by Islamist extremists against the State of Israel and where some have therefore taken these statements to mean that Netanyahu and the Likud oppose a Palestinian State for Arabs. Indeed Likud metamorphosized from the Herut (Freedom) Party that was the major right-wing nationalist political Party from 1948 under Begin and where even Albert Einstein openly voiced his denunciation of this Party in his famous ‘Letter’ sent to the New York Times in 1948, Protesting the Visit of Menachem Begin -
Therefore this current hyper anti-Semitism debate has to be seen in the light of the clear distinction between the Israeli people and their leaders and where that distinction is totally misunderstood.
What is actual going on in Venezuela, as what we are being told is not factual correct?
Why is it that MSM and especially the BBC never tell us what is really going on in the world. In this respect one of my colleagues has just returned from Venezuela and where he visited the capitol Caracas and also went into rural Venezuela. The US and western media tell us that the people are starving and there is a humanitarian crisis going on, but where the supermarkets are stocked up and full of food and the current government is continuously distributing ‘free’ food to the poor within the interior. Therefore what we hear and are told is not reality and where my colleague who is an economist states that it is not any ruthless dictatorship that is imposing hardship on the people of Venezuela, but it is US economic sanctions that have created hyper-inflation so that although the shelves are fully stocked with food, the people cannot buy it. On March 9, 2015 some 4-years ago of economic sanctions were imposed by Barack Obama who signed and issued a presidential order declaring Venezuela a "threat to its national security" and Trump has continued with this unexplained dogma. For how Venezuela can be a threat to the USA is basically beyond my comprehension, but where there may we wiser people than myself who can educate me on that US reasoning from the very top? But if there is such a threat, to get from the Venezuela border to the Texas border (shortest distance) any military threat would have to travel through Columbia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala and the whole of Mexico, a distance of 3,427 km. So what actually is the threat and wouldn’t US eyes-in-skies spot this immediately however remotely such a threat was real? For it appears to me that the threat to the USA is a ridiculous Washington concocted mirage that is basically non-existent, just like those WMDs were in Iraq.
With the Irish ‘Backstop’ still in place when we sign BREXIT, we will never leave the EU as this is not a legally binding part within the ‘signed Agreement and there are several reasons this will be the case
If our Members of Parliament eventually vote for the ‘Deal’ with the Irish ‘Backstop’ still in place, they should not be residing in Westminster and representing the people of the United Kingdom. I state this as they should know that unless we have a legally binding agreement with the EU where a definite maximum date is stated to come out of the EU if the Backstop is in place it will never happen, as the EU will not give up ever, the vast payments that the UK makes to them. But the other reason why our astute politicians should know why is because PM May when the crunch time ever comes when ‘all’ the British people then see through the EU and want to come out of the European Union because they have had enough of bureaucracy and economic decline, she will not be Prime Minister and say it is someone else’s problem. The same goes for all the other EU 27 leaders who will not be their country’s leaders then also. What this will mean of course is the EU can just simply say when that time comes, we are living in a new era with new leaders and there was never a legally binding agreement that the ‘Backstop’ would ever be removed. If our politicians have not the intelligence to see this, they have no understanding of the EU and how it operates from within.
Our intelligence as humans has made us understand that animals survive through the law of the jungle and the strongest of the species survives. Unfortunately human intelligence has taught us little more about ourselves and where basically we are animals ourselves in the ways in which we operate whilst we reside on this planet. For wars that kill and inflict suffering on our kind has not diminished one bit over time and where in many ways with such brutal humanitarian crises as
The other side of the coin to 'project fear' that is never spoken or discussed
We have heard for more than 2½ years now of the constant
threat from BREXIT through ‘project fear’, but we never hear with regard to the
other side of the coin that is fully real and a far greater threat of the EU
failing. Mainstream media, the Treasury and politicians never discuss the state
of the EU and that side of the future global/national issue for the UK . For this
real unspoken threat to the UK ’s
future is far more likely than any short-term threat from BREXIT and where this
unparalleled threat is overridingly due to the EU’s future decline in
global GDP. This due entirely by the complete emergence and eventual supremacy
of the South-East Asian, central Asian and sub-Asian economies. Indeed, EU
growing and compounded debt and its well-being prospects are bleak when you
look at the current and unfolding state of the EU. So why don’t we look at this
greater threat of the EU itself you will/should ask, as every intelligent
person would for their our own long-term good? You tell me, as this threat is
real and in this respect when the EU fails, I would rather be outside the EU as
an independent nation trading with the world than inside it. For when this
happens, as an increasing number of eminent macroeconomists are now predicting,
it will make the dire effects of the 2007 global meltdown look like a mere
storm in a teacup as the heart of Europe is ripped out. Therefore our
political elites are ignoring what is real and what the big picture states if
they cared to look for once at the other side of coin of the BREXIT debate.
Indeed it definitely appears that they have turned a blind-eye to the future
threat of the EU itself to the UK ’s
long-term socio-economic wellbeing.
The people have come to the reasoning that we cannot trust western media's morality
As usual western media is two-faced and hypocritical when it comes to stating news as it is when it is not in their interests to do so. In this respect people have been telling them about the atrocities committed in Yemen that the Saudi coalition have been committing for years killing tens of thousands through bombs and starvation together with displacing millions. Now because they have suddenly got an apparent conscience, they start to tell the truth and what is really happening in the world-at-large. What this shows is that money as usual controls what we read, see and hear in the media these days. Indeed, it has to be asked has western media become the speak of western governments and that alone? For I remember a time when we received truth as it is, but not any more I am afraid to say and that is what is wrong with our news providers in current times, they don’t tell it as it is, only the narrative of their respective governments and the reason why the people are brainwashed into believing that black is white. This is how low the media has now stooped and no-one can believe anything that they state these days. It is therefore no wonder that there are wars with the unbalanced view of the world that we are sold. I very much doubt that this letter will be put in print and don’t expect it to be so. Sad really, when one thinks that journalism was a profession that we all once trusted.
Nick Clegg's new £4 million a year job with Facebook shows that the 'Revolving Door' is fit and well
It should have been of no
surprise for those who live in the ‘real world that Sir Nick Clegg, former
leader of the Lib-Dems has become a Facebook business executive on a £4
million a year salary and where he once castigated his new employer for not pay
enough UK tax (only £7.4 million on UK sales of £1300 million in 2017). For the
‘revolving door’ is fit and well it has to be said as it always has been in
reality and where former prime minsters, health secretaries, business
secretaries, energy ministers and Whitehall top mandarins together with EU
commissioners et al after leaving office have accepted crème de la creme
of business appointments in the industries that they previously
oversaw and regulated basically through UK law. Indeed, even secretaries of
state for Culture and the Media have been appointed to one of the top four jobs
at the BBC and where they were the only person asked to take the job. In this
respect, even Jeremy Paxman a couple of years ago whilst on Newsnight was taken
aback when he interviewed the minister due the audacity of the BBC and the
former Government’s top Culture minister’s accepting the position when all
others were excluded. Is it no wonder therefore that politicians are seen in the
lowest esteem possible by 90% of the British people in a recent poll and where
politics was also seen as the least trusted profession of all professions by
far. But I suppose it is water off a duck’s back for those who constantly use
the ‘revolving door’ to over-enrich themselves, for nothing really changes?
The greatest threat to the future world is "Derivatives" and when they fail again like they did in 2008
Forget any perceived long-term threat from BREXIT; military and cyber aggression from Russia; a global trade war; climate change; a nuclear holocaust; Avian Flu…the ‘REAL’ ultimate threat to human civilization is something completely different and something that people know very little about, but where it has the dire propensity and consequences to totally devastate humanity than anything in the history of the world. For this ‘ULTIMATE’ threat and little known or understood is the mechanism called ‘DERIVATIVES’ and what Warren Buffet the 3rd richest man in the world has described as “financial weapons of mass destruction”. For ‘Derivates’ are the greatest potential threat that world has by far (and where the taxpayer will be called in again as the last resort of payment if the domino effect kicks in again like it did in 2008 and fails again). But, and it is a big BUT, this next time around because the problem is so huge now, everything will fail. For currently ‘Derivatives’ (trades in speculation in futures, credit default swaps and other exotic instrument et al by bankers and the world’s richest investors) according to some leading global analysts are a staggering $1.5 Quadrillion (yes, $1.5 million billions in visible trades and private trades that are not seen) and equating to around 60% of the total estimated “TRUE” world debt (that is presently estimated at $2.5 Quadrillion and not the nominal world debt depicted by institutions and governments). Indeed, if these ‘trades’ do fail again and where the situation is now even worse that what it was pre-2008, the repercussions will be absolutely catastrophic for all. For ‘Derivatives’ have no hard security behind them once the underpinning unlinked security has disappeared (i.e. housing in 2008 ‘Derivatives’ failure). The big question though is how have our politicians in the West allowed this casino gambling with the future of humankind to happen yet again and in such a relatively short period of time, as we have now entered the tipping point again waiting to happen?
Political decision-making has harmed the people
When we look at the
history of HMG political decision-making in the UK , we see nothing but disaster for
the British people. In this respect just a few examples of where politicians
have allowed human disasters and misery to prevail can be seen over the last
100 years alone.
1. AllowingGermany
to rearm after WW1 and allowing WW2 to emerge, killing tens of millions in the
process and where Germany
has now been allowed again to build their armies again that history has a
strange way of always repeating itself.
2. Taking the decision by the Home Office in declining and stopping the introduction of the Vietnamese humanitarian cure for class ‘A’ drugs that has dispatched millions and their family members to the scourge and effects of life-long addiction, increasing crime and tens of billions in non-performing NHS spending with no meaningful results.
3. Supporting the USA in their constant wars in the Middle-East under false information/flags, destroying civilizations in the process, where tens of millions have been killed and displaced (to mainly Europe) and then allowing tens of thousands of jihadists to now reside in the West, waiting for the time-bomb to go off as ISIS has said that they would over the next 20-years, setting the West and mainly Europe on fire in their words.
4. Allowing the giant pharmaceutical industry to dictate their ineffective treatments against the greatest threat to humankind in Avian flu as Dr. Margaret Chan has always said, “it is not if, but when” and which will eventuality be unleashed on the world killing 100s of millions in the process, by stopping the only system that saved millions in Hong Kong in 2007 but where it did not use tens of billions of so-called modern-day drugs, clearly showing the power of money over and above human life itself.
5. Allowing Fracking to prevail that will have unprecedented historical human health effects on humankind and become the equivalent of the plastic waste traces disaster in our seas that is unquestionably now within our food chain having enormous propensity to harm humankind with cancer and other fatal diseases, showing again the power of money over human life itself.
6. Being totally blinkered with the Russian threat as they only look at a one-sided view of the information and without any hard unequivocal evidence of proof and which has the propensity to start over time a nuclear global war with no winners.
These are just a few of the disastrous decisions that our so-called astute politicians have made over a relatively short period of time on our behalf, but where they have had/will have immense repercussions on all our wellbeing. The root of all these dire decisions is money and either the lack of it or the overriding use corporate power that corrupts absolutely government and their civil service.
1. Allowing
2. Taking the decision by the Home Office in declining and stopping the introduction of the Vietnamese humanitarian cure for class ‘A’ drugs that has dispatched millions and their family members to the scourge and effects of life-long addiction, increasing crime and tens of billions in non-performing NHS spending with no meaningful results.
3. Supporting the USA in their constant wars in the Middle-East under false information/flags, destroying civilizations in the process, where tens of millions have been killed and displaced (to mainly Europe) and then allowing tens of thousands of jihadists to now reside in the West, waiting for the time-bomb to go off as ISIS has said that they would over the next 20-years, setting the West and mainly Europe on fire in their words.
4. Allowing the giant pharmaceutical industry to dictate their ineffective treatments against the greatest threat to humankind in Avian flu as Dr. Margaret Chan has always said, “it is not if, but when” and which will eventuality be unleashed on the world killing 100s of millions in the process, by stopping the only system that saved millions in Hong Kong in 2007 but where it did not use tens of billions of so-called modern-day drugs, clearly showing the power of money over and above human life itself.
5. Allowing Fracking to prevail that will have unprecedented historical human health effects on humankind and become the equivalent of the plastic waste traces disaster in our seas that is unquestionably now within our food chain having enormous propensity to harm humankind with cancer and other fatal diseases, showing again the power of money over human life itself.
6. Being totally blinkered with the Russian threat as they only look at a one-sided view of the information and without any hard unequivocal evidence of proof and which has the propensity to start over time a nuclear global war with no winners.
These are just a few of the disastrous decisions that our so-called astute politicians have made over a relatively short period of time on our behalf, but where they have had/will have immense repercussions on all our wellbeing. The root of all these dire decisions is money and either the lack of it or the overriding use corporate power that corrupts absolutely government and their civil service.
An equivalent of Spanish Flu that killed up to 100 million and possibly more worldwide will eventually happen and we had better be fully aware of that fact
If anyone saw BBC’s
programme “The Flu That Killed 50 Million” on 25/09/18 they should be very
fearful for the future as it is the greatest threat to Humanity by far. Indeed
the former D-G of the WHO Dr. Margaret Chan always said that it is only a
matter of time, not when. But why therefore one has to ask, why have global
corporations suppressed the only strategy that stopped bird flu in its tracks
in 2007 and saved the lives of millions in Hong Kong ?
Indeed, it has to be asked also, why did Nature Magazine use its scientific
muscle to stop this strategy ever seeing the light of day in January 2008 that
had saved millions? The reason is that this strategy developed by the
world’s leading authority on Avian flu Prof. Kennedy Shortridge and whose
strategy it was that saved millions in Hong Kong ,
was that it did not use billions in drug sales. Indeed, although the efficacy
of the strategy had proven itself in saving lives on a vast scale, money
destroyed this strategy and where Vietnamese doctors at the time when they were
fighting bird flu at the ‘coal-face’ stated that all pharmaceuticals such as
Tamiflu et al were absolutely ‘useless’ in saving lives. But it has to be said
with no hesitation that what the pharmaceutical industry and Nature Magazine
did in 2008 will eventual come back to haunt humankind as no other with the
deaths of hundreds of millions across the globe and where no family will be
immune to the lost of a loved one – Fact not fiction unfortunately for us all
in the future due to the corporate power and greed of the few, who put vast
wealth above human life on a global scale.
The EU has the same mindset as Trump's '
It is perfectly clear now
that the EU and the leaders of EU 27 just want to make an example of the UK for leaving
the European Union and to deter any other nation in doing so. Indeed the
Hungarian leader stated yesterday (20/09/18) that France
and Germany wanted to punish
the UK
(reported by the BBC today), so things cannot be clearer I would say. This has
all the hallmarks therefore of spoilt brats who take their bat and ball home
when one of their “so-called” friends does something that they do not like. But
it also shows that France, Germany et al are no different to Trump’s America
First doctrine and where they are not really bothered about the UK, its people
or our future, only their own. With friends like that who needs enemies it has
to be asked and where after BREXIT we too will have to give the EU a bit of
their own medicine back I would say.
For some leading macroeconomists see the other side of the coin (the unspeakable and why is it that people only see the EU as a garden of roses and not what really is happening internally) and that the EU with all its problems (Fiscal Gap) and rising debt mountain (personal, business and government), will eventually fall into meltdown and far more damaging than the 2008 collapse. UnlikeHammond ’s
crystal ball gazing of all gloom and doom, my crystal ball based upon hard
facts (Fiscal Gap et al) sees the EU as the worst long-term risk that there is
out there, not BREXIT. In this respect out of the EU will cushion the worst
effects when the EU eventually does fail as it will.
For some leading macroeconomists see the other side of the coin (the unspeakable and why is it that people only see the EU as a garden of roses and not what really is happening internally) and that the EU with all its problems (Fiscal Gap) and rising debt mountain (personal, business and government), will eventually fall into meltdown and far more damaging than the 2008 collapse. Unlike
In 1962 the 3rd leg of the
nuclear triad weapons strategy necessary to fully put in place the MAD doctrine
(Mutually Assured Destruction) that was a form of Nash equilibrium, was
completed and where this determined that there would never be a military WW3
due to the dire consequences to both sides. From thereon the change in the
attainment of global dominance altered from a military one to an economic one
with the respective militaries supporting this economic mindset through
continuous minor wars across the world. Therefore the enemy then became not the
obvious one, but where every major nation in the world could be seen as a
pariah to each other. But in this respect it has become very clear over the
past 50-years that the US has had a dominance strategy to control vital
globally industries and corporations (many decades before Trump’s ‘America
First’ statement was made) and where the USA is not bothered due to this
doctrine if you are a perceived friend of foe it has to be said.
Indeed this economic strategy is more out in the open these days as senior politicians (from the top down) and global corporations from the major industrial nations determine and implement the sale of even vital national industrial corporations that are against long-term national security interests. This can be seen clearly as an example of what is actually going on in the world-at-large with the sale of the French industrial giant AMSTOM to General Electric (GE), whereFrance will rue
the day that their politicians allowed the sale to the American global
industrial giant. Other examples of the US’s growing global economic hegemony
with so-called friends is EDF, AREVA, Technip, Total and Peugeot and where the
US has direct control over the activities of these concerns directly and
indirectly, and will always do their bidding for fear of repercussions on past
political leaders and national law enforcement agencies. This is the unseen
face of capitalism and where friends become enemies whether they are aware or
unaware of this fact. Indeed, the international doctrine of dog-eat-dog
economic policies will become clearer to the world over the next two decades as
critical global resources run out and which will inevitably fuel the growing
and emerging economic global war for world supremacy.
Indeed this economic strategy is more out in the open these days as senior politicians (from the top down) and global corporations from the major industrial nations determine and implement the sale of even vital national industrial corporations that are against long-term national security interests. This can be seen clearly as an example of what is actually going on in the world-at-large with the sale of the French industrial giant AMSTOM to General Electric (GE), where
Government's primary responsibility is to protect the wellbeing of the people, but where they have not done this now for over two decades based upon historical facts
The primary responsibility
of government is the protection of their people’s personal and financial
wellbeing and their ultimate safety, but where successive UK governments
have never done this over the last two decades. In this respect they never
stopped the global financial meltdown happening although Greenspan told them
4-years before it happened and where financial markets had to be reeled in or
the system would collapse. Indeed according to the IFS on 12/09/18, the people
are still on average £800 a year poorer than in 2008 and where the crash will
affect the people of the UK
for many decades to come. They were also complicit in causing millions of war
torn immigrates having no alternative but to flee to the EU and the UK by
backing the US in their economic wars in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan and
where the world and the UK is a far less safer place today than a mere 20 years
ago. Indeed before we go to war ever again the people should be put to a
referendum on the matter and like some other western nations; unless that is
that a nation directly attacks the UK . Then I believe that there would
be hardly any more wars. But why is it that our governments always back the
thinking of the military industrial complex, the hidden deep state together
with the interests of the global corporates and not the peaceful
interests of the people it has to be asked? It is apparently in my mind that
this mindless recklessness in political decision-making is due to our MPs being
continually taken in, willingly or unwillingly, by all these vast financial and
economic interests. It is time therefore for change and that corporate lobbying
is seen for what it really is in commercial terms, where money and power of the
very few rise above the wellbeing of the majority of a nation’s people.
The greater threat is staying in the EU not out, as the global and EU debt mountain dictates this existence fundamental
The real ‘project fear’
orchestrated by the Remain camp should not be BREXIT, but if they look at the
state of the Eurozone, it should be the EU’s growing and unsustainable debt
mountain together with the EU 28’s forward fiscal debt (or ‘fiscal gap’). For
debt in the EU 28 is growing and not reducing and where the EU banks have
unsustainable debt that will eventually default. Global debt standing still
without including forward fiscal debt (money that nations and people have to
find and pay no matter what to satisfy off-balance sheet debt et al), was $233
trillion at the end of 2017 (a quarter of a quadrillion dollars and increased
$16 trillion in 9 months alone from January 2017 according to the Institute of
International Finance) and where the EU 28’s take of that is estimated to be at
least $60 trillion. But the debt burden of ‘forward fiscal debt’ which is the
real problem in the future for the EU is estimated at over $150 trillion. The
only comfort, if I can put it that way, is that some macroeconomists estimate
that the USA ’s
total forward fiscal debt is in excess of $240 trillion. Indeed, according to
the macroeconomist Prof. Rodney Shakespeare, the EU is probably going to
disintegrate and as that happens, bigger shocks are in store such as Germany's
Deutsche Bank with its huge derivative book in the form of an upside pyramid
and the Italian banks being in big trouble etc, etc. But he also state’s that
when this happens, the UK
will at least be a little better prepared for those shocks (after the collapse
of the global financial markets that unparalleled debt will eventually cause)
than the other EU countries (after BREXIT). Therefore the greater threat is
staying in the EU not out of the EU and people should start looking at the
other side of the BREXIT debate.
BREXIT 'Project Fear' in Overdrive, but the 'real fear should be the Political & Economic Collapse of the EU that many predict
Project ‘Fear’ is now
agreed to be a concerted attempt to stifle and stop ‘real’ BREXIT ever
happening and what the people actually voted for – to simply LEAVE. For we have
now even the leading pollster and now Establishment figure Sir John Curtice,
stating that the remainers are now 52% and the leavers are 48%, the very
reverse of the UK ’s
Referendum vote. Two weeks ago, we had Chancellor Hammond predicting that the UK by 2033
would have an increase of £80 billion a year in additional fiscal debt due to
BREXIT, some 15 years into the future. But where it has to be asked, if Hammond
and his Treasury top officials had such miraculous predictive powers, why did
they not foretell the 2007 global crash in 1992 that provided unprecedented
grief/ impoverishment for 90% of the global population and where even today the
people have not recovered and probably never really will for many decades to
Considering these facts therefore, I have now personally determined with regard to these people, who are supposed to be highly intelligent people that we should all hold in awe, cannot tell what the future will bring and especially in a decade and a half’s time from now. But added to this on the other side of this double-edge sword of trepidation, I have determined that they certainly do put the fear of God in the people with their speculative polls and extremely dubious predictions of the unknown. For why do we never hear from the remain side of the future highly probable political and economic meltdown of the EU itself and what really should be the ‘real fear’; in my mind a far worse case for all EU nations when it eventually happens than the 2007 global financial catastrophe, as they will then be right in the thick of things and where 90% of economic world will not even be a part of this event?
Considering these facts therefore, I have now personally determined with regard to these people, who are supposed to be highly intelligent people that we should all hold in awe, cannot tell what the future will bring and especially in a decade and a half’s time from now. But added to this on the other side of this double-edge sword of trepidation, I have determined that they certainly do put the fear of God in the people with their speculative polls and extremely dubious predictions of the unknown. For why do we never hear from the remain side of the future highly probable political and economic meltdown of the EU itself and what really should be the ‘real fear’; in my mind a far worse case for all EU nations when it eventually happens than the 2007 global financial catastrophe, as they will then be right in the thick of things and where 90% of economic world will not even be a part of this event?
Vapour smoking and our uneducated political class
How stupid can politicians
be? Well, with their wisdom in sanctioning in their minds that vapour smoking
should be opened up so that vapour smokers can smoke almost everywhere, that
must take the biscuit in intelligent thinking within the political arena? For
don’t these dim-witted politicians know that these things look like people in a
thick fog at times if they have studied people smoking these things whilst
driving with the car window down. Now we may all have to put up with this
unhealthy intrusion in most social areas that will definitely annoy tens of
millions of non-smokers, as our wise political minds think it is a good idea.
But according to reports these wise intelligent MPs have more or less ignored
the scientific evidence that vapour cigarettes are also bad for us like normal
cigarettes, even though there is medical evidence out there already that they
harm - "Vaping Shuts Off Immune-Fighting Cells in the Lungs, Lab Study
Finds" -
But, because they are not as bad in their well developed minds of insight, they are acceptable in their advanced ways of so-called good judgement. No wonder we are always in the state that we are in this company with all our problems when those that lead us are basically illogical and dim-witted individuals. But it also has to be stated though, that when the chair of this committee (no less than the science and technology committee) of these advanced thinkers who were not interested in the scientific evidence denouncing them, was told a few years ago that the elite Vietnamese scientific community (taught in western medicine in Germany and traditional medicine in their own country) had created a humane cure for class ‘A’ drugs, he simple ignored this immensely important information and where now this treatment is integrated into the Vietnamese NHS safely curing tens of thousands of addicts every year. Therefore this again says everything about this political committee’s decision to put forward this crazy scheme that only enriches the lobbyists and manufacturers of these unhealthy products in my mind and who I am sure the astute politicians know very well indeed.
But, because they are not as bad in their well developed minds of insight, they are acceptable in their advanced ways of so-called good judgement. No wonder we are always in the state that we are in this company with all our problems when those that lead us are basically illogical and dim-witted individuals. But it also has to be stated though, that when the chair of this committee (no less than the science and technology committee) of these advanced thinkers who were not interested in the scientific evidence denouncing them, was told a few years ago that the elite Vietnamese scientific community (taught in western medicine in Germany and traditional medicine in their own country) had created a humane cure for class ‘A’ drugs, he simple ignored this immensely important information and where now this treatment is integrated into the Vietnamese NHS safely curing tens of thousands of addicts every year. Therefore this again says everything about this political committee’s decision to put forward this crazy scheme that only enriches the lobbyists and manufacturers of these unhealthy products in my mind and who I am sure the astute politicians know very well indeed.
HMG Ombudsmen Protect the Industries and Institutions that they are supposed to find justice for the people
If anyone with an inkling
to find out the truth about what is happening in the UK , they should look no further
than the Financial Ombudsman Service’s (FOS) general conclusions after nearly a
decade of investigations that RBS and NatWest did no wrong in destroying
thousands of profitable businesses in the quest to support their own profits
and wellbeing. For if one looks into all the Government’s Ombudsmen, they will
find that those running them are predominantly former senior heads of the
institutions that they now regulate. What this means is those who used to
attend for years the top events of the industry that they now regulate, had
become well connected individuals in their industry and where because this was the
case, do not now as ombudsmen, hold their fellow industry/institution contacts
and their operations to account. Basically it is all a mirage in reality where
the people think that they have recourse against big organizations.
Indeed, I challenge anyone to look into the backgrounds of HMG ombudsmen
people at the top and where this will open up your mind to why they never do
anything of a major consequence to keep their industry or institution in order.
Many years ago a very similar thing happened to thousands of other good and
profitable UK
companies due to a secret directive from the top of global banking that
basically decimated whole industries and where one of these companies as an
example was called David Brown Tractors. That single similar bank action
to one company put 40,000 British workers on the dole and where the
repercussions affected around 150,000 family members for the rest of their
lives. But unfortunately it has to be said, our politicians have never got to
grips with what the banking industry is up too and I doubt that they ever will.
Therefore tens of thousands of profitable businesses in the future will
die at the hands of faceless bankers it has to be said.
Is the BBC an ‘Establishment’ instrument?
There has been for years
the question to whether the BBC is biased and is an ‘Establishment’ news outlet
in the main. In this respect there have been endless examples that it is and
basically to protect against what is fully going on in the world-at-large. One
more is today (29/07/2018) on the BBC’s TV news text service and where the
headline was, “Palestinian viral slap video teen freed”. The text reads, “A
Palestinian teen who was filmed assaulting an Israeli soldier in the occupied West Bank has been freed after eight months in jail.
Video showing Ahed Tamimi slapping and kicking the soldier outside her home in
Nabi Saleh last year went viral. For Palestinians, she became a symbol of
resistance to Israeli occupation, but many see her as a publicity-seeking
trouble-maker. She was mobbed by well-wishes as she returned to her home Town”
But what the BBC did not state is that her 15-year-old cousin Mohammed Tamimi just prior to the slapping and kicking incident was shot in the head at close range by the Israeli soldier(s) with a rubber-coated steel bullet, severely wounding him and I think that anyone would have thought that just a slap and a kick was merely a storm in a teacup considering what the Israeli Army had undertaken in shooting her relation. So other than the BBC stating that she assaulted an Israeli soldier and that many Israelis see her as a publicity-seeking trouble-maker, why didn’t the BBC state that the Israeli Army had shot her cousin inside the home of Ahed Tamimi? This can therefore be construed quite rightly I believe, as a ‘one-sided’ piece of ‘Establishment’ news (some might say propaganda) for the benefit of one side and that being the Israeli Army, not the girl where her cousin had been shot. Indeed the BBC did not mention also that many of the Tamimi family members had been killed over the years and where Musaab Firas Tamimi, 17, was shot and killed by Israeli occupation forces near Ramallah in the West Bank this year and where he wasIsrael ’s first
killing in the year 2018. Therefore it can be seen that one-sided story
releases are ripe when it comes to the BBC.
But what the BBC did not state is that her 15-year-old cousin Mohammed Tamimi just prior to the slapping and kicking incident was shot in the head at close range by the Israeli soldier(s) with a rubber-coated steel bullet, severely wounding him and I think that anyone would have thought that just a slap and a kick was merely a storm in a teacup considering what the Israeli Army had undertaken in shooting her relation. So other than the BBC stating that she assaulted an Israeli soldier and that many Israelis see her as a publicity-seeking trouble-maker, why didn’t the BBC state that the Israeli Army had shot her cousin inside the home of Ahed Tamimi? This can therefore be construed quite rightly I believe, as a ‘one-sided’ piece of ‘Establishment’ news (some might say propaganda) for the benefit of one side and that being the Israeli Army, not the girl where her cousin had been shot. Indeed the BBC did not mention also that many of the Tamimi family members had been killed over the years and where Musaab Firas Tamimi, 17, was shot and killed by Israeli occupation forces near Ramallah in the West Bank this year and where he was
Is Western political
thinking and its agenda now gone beyond the pale?
When it comes to our
political classes, it has to be asked if our so-called western civilization is
in decline? For only this last week alone, but where the following appears to
be the norm now, we have Julian Assange being released in the future into
certain US custody and to be extradited to the USA for doing his job and informing
the people in what our political classes are up to in our name behind the
scenes. Strange that this happened after Ecuador
had just been provided with an ‘eye watering’ $1,400 million IMF loan (based in
Washington , DC ) the last week also and one wonders
whether it was a stipulation that to get it, Assange had to go? Then we have
after a single Israeli was killed told that they think the best way to stop
this is to build another 400 more houses in Palestine and illegal in the eyes of
international law. Next we had the white helmets being integrated into western
society (even the UK) and where it is known that they operated with Jabhat
al-Nusra (al-Qaeda in Syria) and other terrorist groups throughout the Syrian
war, where we are now allowing these terrorists onto our streets to do whatever
they do best. Then we had the news that the US had provided around $1,000
million in humanitarian aid for Yemen after they had been behind the Saudis
bombing and killing tens of thousands of Yemeni people for years and final but
not least, Brexit where Brexit does not mean Brexit anymore. It appears
therefore that if there was another name for democratic corruption of what
people vote for in our so-called free-political system, it might have a nuance
derived from the subversive nature of what has turned into what western
politics has become and our political leader’s foreign policy for reasons
totally unknown to the people? We are in the dark in reality.
Brexit was in reality a myth
that the people were sold
For from the start the
Establishment knew that real Brexit would never happen, even though the
majority of the British people voted to ‘leave’ the EU, as the strategy all
along from the start was to simply do nothing.
So the government andWhitehall
just did just that and tried to make it appear to the British voters that they
were serious in leaving the EU and things were progressing as they should. That
even though Whitehall
through leaks said that they had no coherent plan developed at all to leave the
Therefore what government expressed to the people were just mere words in the end as the Brexit blueprint will clearly show and where the plan all along was to do hardly anything at all in reality so that eventually, as leaving the EU got ever closer to the wire, even so-called Brexit ministers would had their backs up against the wall and would not be able to do anything but to go back on the trust given to them by the people. Therefore today was a sad day for the British electorate, as future votes by the people will to all intents and purposes be meaningless, just like the EU Referendum has shown to be the case.
Indeed, ‘democracy’ as they say is for the people and by the people, but in reality the decisions of 6 July 2018 will reside inUK political infamy and as a great
example that democracy for the people is a falsehood of the highest order.
So the government and
Therefore what government expressed to the people were just mere words in the end as the Brexit blueprint will clearly show and where the plan all along was to do hardly anything at all in reality so that eventually, as leaving the EU got ever closer to the wire, even so-called Brexit ministers would had their backs up against the wall and would not be able to do anything but to go back on the trust given to them by the people. Therefore today was a sad day for the British electorate, as future votes by the people will to all intents and purposes be meaningless, just like the EU Referendum has shown to be the case.
Indeed, ‘democracy’ as they say is for the people and by the people, but in reality the decisions of 6 July 2018 will reside in
Brexit: have our politicians in parliament ever heard of what true democracy is and should be?
Well we now know that on
Friday, we are not now leaving the EU as the majority of UK voters
wanted according to the Brexit ‘mark 3’ plan that advocates a compromise
customs proposal. What I have to ask PM May is, what did the UK electorate
vote for, as it was either in or out, but where it now appears to be have been
a useless piece of political manoeuvring to stay in the EU no matter what the
greater part of the people voted for?
For if May does the dirty on the British electorate, there is no coming back for them and where Labour would vote against the majority of the people’s wishes also, as they have said that they would back a customs union. Consequently another question has to be asked, have we a party for the people anymore as it appears not.
Therefore it is apparently clear that the people are now left with no-one really representing their votes or wishes. But in my imaginary world, I thought that politicians were the servants of the people, but sadly now it appears to be the other way around.
For in essence it should not really matter what our politicians want (they are the people’s servants and what a laugh that is), the people have spoken, but where now I doubt that people will ever trust politicians ever again after Friday’s decision and this may very well lead to anarchy in the future, just possibly like it did in the 1930s with a certain person with a silly moustache? The politicians should think very deeply about what they are doing and what the word democracy really means. For it certainly does not mean in this country anymore whatLincoln
espoused in that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall
not perish from the earth”.
For if May does the dirty on the British electorate, there is no coming back for them and where Labour would vote against the majority of the people’s wishes also, as they have said that they would back a customs union. Consequently another question has to be asked, have we a party for the people anymore as it appears not.
Therefore it is apparently clear that the people are now left with no-one really representing their votes or wishes. But in my imaginary world, I thought that politicians were the servants of the people, but sadly now it appears to be the other way around.
For in essence it should not really matter what our politicians want (they are the people’s servants and what a laugh that is), the people have spoken, but where now I doubt that people will ever trust politicians ever again after Friday’s decision and this may very well lead to anarchy in the future, just possibly like it did in the 1930s with a certain person with a silly moustache? The politicians should think very deeply about what they are doing and what the word democracy really means. For it certainly does not mean in this country anymore what
Gorbachev or Putin v. US Hegemony – would things be different?
Several years ago I met
Mikhail Gorbachev in Rome
at the annual gathering of the Nobel Peace Laureates where he is the chairman
of this illustrious group of special individuals. In this respect there is in
my mind and a great number of others, the fact that if he had stayed in power,
we may not have the perceived problems that we have today with Russia and where US President Reagan and PM
Thatcher, said that he was a man that they both could do business with. But
would that have really been so, as American interests are not apparently driven
by peace, but in a lot of ways, commercial interests and namely armaments,
where the USA is the largest manufacturer and exporter of arms selling over a
1/3rd of all global sales every year and increasing. Indeed, the US military expenditure according to SIPRI for
defence is US610 billion a year and growing year-on-year (in comparison Russia ’s
expenditure is a mere 66.3 billion – SIPRI figures again) and keeps the
American economy to a great extent afloat if truth be told. But this official
figure does not include over $100 billion in veterans spending and $26 billion
for nuclear weapons, bringing the total to about $730 billion and where in 2015
total discretionary spending on Defence was actually $1.1 trillion (or in other
words two-thirds of the US’s total tax bill) Therefore to keep this industrial
military complex going, the US definitely needs wars to engage the world in
continually, as it has done so since the end of WW2. Consequently it appears
that peace is not an option or on the agenda and where ISIL (which is in many
informed minds now, a US/CIA/Israel construct) and Russia are just two
modern-day ways to achieve continual armament sales in reality and paid for
incessantly by the US taxpayer, fuelling wars that has now affected Europe by
their vast migrant spill-overs and where these continual numbers have not
directly encroached onto American soil.
So would Gorbachev be seen as the same as Putin in today’s world it has to be asked? The probable answer in my analysis is a definitive yes in order thatUS hegemony can
be maintained and serviced continually. This can be clearly seen with Washington ’s emerging trade war also, as the US takes on the
rest-of-the-world including its so-called special friends. Indeed, when it
comes to being all for itself, the US has no equals if people comprehend US
foreign policy for the past 73 years and where during that time, they have also
allowed the global financial meltdown to happen which has impoverished over 90%
of humanity into their construct with none of their bankers at all being
incarcerated. Talking about looking after your own at the total demise of
others, we have to come real with what the US really is; and certainly not for
us and that’s for sure I maintain.
So would Gorbachev be seen as the same as Putin in today’s world it has to be asked? The probable answer in my analysis is a definitive yes in order that
US trade tariffs on the EU,
China, Canada, Mexico et al that could lead to a global trade war and where if
not resolved, could be economically more damaging that a global military war,
as they can be continual
As America has decimated
many parts of the world with the wars that they have been involved with and
determined by their foreign policy from Vietnam to Korea, Iraq, Libya and Syria
and where many millions have lost their lives together with tens of millions
who have been injured (45% life totally changing injuries) and even more tens
of millions that have been displaced, Trump and the American Administration are
now entering a period of global economic malaise caused through imposed trade
tariffs and which are far more devastating than conventional wars, as they are
continuous and can be in relative terms, unending. Therefore we have to start
to realise that the USA
has only one concern and that is itself. Indeed, has US foreign policy ever
done any good for the UK at all it has to be asked, for all I see in the UK is
increased pressure on military intervention and hardware investment, pressure
on the health service, schools, etc, etc, etc? In this respect I see
little benefit from our ‘special relationship’ and where western Europe alone
has the ultimate nuclear capability to stop any foreign aggression, no matter
who it might be, even it were even the USA itself. For their actions over
the past 12-months with a corporate megalomaniac in charge, are certainly not
those of a friend and ally. But where it has to be said, that these things have
made Trump popular with the majority of the American people and where that also
indicates to me that the American people are not particularly bothered about us
Brits or Europeans or that they are not aware of the harm that they will do to
us? But where of course certain business heads will say that there is nothing
wrong with this self-interested mentality, even though they know that only
people suffer in both military and trade wars. It is about time therefore that
people got a sense of reality with global politics and where these definitely
need changing to those of sustaining and advancing the human experience, not
harming it constantly. For currently we have over 6,600 million people living
on US$25 a day or less according to the UN where this is a result of long-term
economic policies and where the IMF recently stated that international trade
tariffs will have a highly detrimental effect on ‘ALL’ countries, even those
imposing such tariffs.
Why is crime in the
Over the last 10 years we
have seen a vast influx of immigrants from the EU predominantly and where we
have to be open and discuss this fact with regard to the pressures put on every
system within government and nationally within the UK . I shall not go into the aspect
of the so-called unemployment rate which officially stands currently at 4.4%,
but just to say that if people analysed the ONS statistics they would see
another story and where the true figure in reality is about 21.5% of all
working-age people (defined as ages 16 to 64) without jobs, or 8.83 million
people, according to the Office for National Statistics (cited from Business
Insider UK, 2018).
But what is the most worrying fact is the rise in crime over the last decade which has increased significantly and where in the last three years alone of recorded crime figures (but where the true rate will be a lot higher than even these figures, as all crimes are not now even recorded) the rise was 6% (2015), 8% (2016) and 14% (2017) according to the ONS. Added to these figures, in the last reported year, knife crime had gone up 21%,, gun crime 20%, rape 20%, domestic burglaries 325 and murders 8%. Therefore has the influx of immigration on an unprecedented scale over the last decade had anything to do with this? Unfortunately this cannot be answered presently, as crime is NOT divulged on the national origin of the perpetrators. Therefore I am of the opinion that government should start releasing these figures, but where they probably will not I am afraid due to the sensitivity surround the EU and BREXIT. But the people need to know for there own long-term wellbeing, even if some will think that these recorded figures are alarmist.
But what is the most worrying fact is the rise in crime over the last decade which has increased significantly and where in the last three years alone of recorded crime figures (but where the true rate will be a lot higher than even these figures, as all crimes are not now even recorded) the rise was 6% (2015), 8% (2016) and 14% (2017) according to the ONS. Added to these figures, in the last reported year, knife crime had gone up 21%,, gun crime 20%, rape 20%, domestic burglaries 325 and murders 8%. Therefore has the influx of immigration on an unprecedented scale over the last decade had anything to do with this? Unfortunately this cannot be answered presently, as crime is NOT divulged on the national origin of the perpetrators. Therefore I am of the opinion that government should start releasing these figures, but where they probably will not I am afraid due to the sensitivity surround the EU and BREXIT. But the people need to know for there own long-term wellbeing, even if some will think that these recorded figures are alarmist.
The real reason behind the
You don’t need to be a
Nobel economist to understand the reason why petrol and diesel prices have
soared over the last few weeks. You only have to look at the Washington
hawks for the answer and the US ’s
sanctions on Iran
with regard to its oil exports that have caused the price of oil to surge
across the globe. For Iran
is a global oil powerhouse and once you take it out of the equation, you take
out the 5th largest oil producer in the world. So why is this really happening?
Well, when you look at what is going on with the imposition of US sanctions and
where the US will become the
largest producer in 2018 according to some oil analysts, the US needs people to sell its US oil
to. Therefore the best way to do this is to put sanctions on a major
global competitor and that is the untold story of what is actually going on and
behind these sanctions if truth be told.
But where this also shows using intelligence how theUS now treats the world order if it
is in their economic interests and where they will impose sanctions throughout
the world to every industrial sector if needs be and even I have to say,
against their so-called ‘special’ friends. Therefore the world had better watch
out, as there is definitely more to come according to Washington insiders and where of course we
were all warned by Trump of his ‘America First’ election slogan. For now it is
apparent that this is definitely becoming a reality and where, as it will
increasingly become clear, even if it harms its so-called western allies. For
the oil hike is just the start of this new phase in US hegemony and where they will not
take any prisoners I can tell you. For the Iran
sanctions are just another false flag of threats to cover the US ’s real
But where this also shows using intelligence how the
The Present Economic Model will be the ultimate death of our Intelligent Species and Orwellian in its making
Is a meaningful human
experience coming to an end for 99% of humanity and where this is the major
question that society has to answer before it becomes inevitable? For there are
to determining factors here, where one is the growing centralization and
consolidation of wealth in the hands of the very few and the other is the
continually increasing poverty of the world populous. Indeed, are humans in the
future therefore destined to become controlled living organisms for the wellbeing
of the very few. For if this is to be the case as it increasingly seems to be
according to the projections, humanity will have lost all its meaning as an
intelligent species; becoming subservient to the will of an elite few,
controlled by ‘their’ military through coercion of the political classes.
Although this will be Orwellian in people’s minds, this position is currently
in the minds of many leading futurists the reality.
For when you add the wealth of the world’s billionaires (Forbes 2018) only together which is around US$9,150,000,000,000 (US$9.15 trillion) that could never be redistributed back to humanity, no matter how philanthropic you were and where real human poverty research figures states that 5,300 million humans are still today living on less than US$10 a day (based on the UN Millennium Development Goals economic financial data), we are heading for a major human meltdown where conflict just to say alive will emerge. Indeed as those same UN analytical research figures state also that relatively recent historically data details that there are year-on-year around 106 million more every year who live on less than US$10/day, this dire human problem is definitely growing without relent and where unless the global economic model changes, humanity may find itself extinct during the latter part of this present century through exponential global conflict that literally and completely gets out of hand. And where weapons will not be the answer to stop this happening either as humanity fights for its very existence.
For when you add the wealth of the world’s billionaires (Forbes 2018) only together which is around US$9,150,000,000,000 (US$9.15 trillion) that could never be redistributed back to humanity, no matter how philanthropic you were and where real human poverty research figures states that 5,300 million humans are still today living on less than US$10 a day (based on the UN Millennium Development Goals economic financial data), we are heading for a major human meltdown where conflict just to say alive will emerge. Indeed as those same UN analytical research figures state also that relatively recent historically data details that there are year-on-year around 106 million more every year who live on less than US$10/day, this dire human problem is definitely growing without relent and where unless the global economic model changes, humanity may find itself extinct during the latter part of this present century through exponential global conflict that literally and completely gets out of hand. And where weapons will not be the answer to stop this happening either as humanity fights for its very existence.
“Are we still sure that
British justice they say
is the envy of the world and where everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
That is unlike the USA
where you are presumed to be guilty and have to prove your innocence. But
whatever way you look at the different justice systems, they have to prove that
a party is guilty or not and where the judgement is "beyond a shadow of a
doubt". Unfortunately the recent determination by the Dutch-led
investigation of the shooting down of the Malaysia Airline’s flight MH17 that
was all based on the evidence from one side and that mainly of the US , this still
appears not to have been the case.
The reason I state this is because as an expert witness for the Courts of 31 years standing, any report can state anything if the unequivocal evidence is not published within the public domain. In this respect no visual satellite evidence has been released to this date detailing ‘trail’ footage of the actual missile, even for the latest findings by western investigators. For at the time when this inhumane act was carried out, there were more spies-in-the-sky on the Ukrainian and Russian border than anywhere else in the world. So why has this launch footage ever been released and where US satellites can view in either enhanced photographic technology or infra-red. Indeed, any heat source location can be determined through direct or triangulation, so why has this vital evidence again never been released to the world-at-large? For that is the only way to prove unequivocally which side of the Ukraine-Russian border the missile came from. The US will say of course that this is ‘classified information’, but where when we need to know the indisputable truth, the release of this information is overridingly vital again to say the very least. There is too much secrecy in my mind with all this finger pointing and where anyone can say anything without submitting unquestionable proof. Otherwise the case is based on hearsay, even though the evidence is from so-called experts and where we know what some sectors of society have said in the past about ‘Experts’ and their validity.
The reason I state this is because as an expert witness for the Courts of 31 years standing, any report can state anything if the unequivocal evidence is not published within the public domain. In this respect no visual satellite evidence has been released to this date detailing ‘trail’ footage of the actual missile, even for the latest findings by western investigators. For at the time when this inhumane act was carried out, there were more spies-in-the-sky on the Ukrainian and Russian border than anywhere else in the world. So why has this launch footage ever been released and where US satellites can view in either enhanced photographic technology or infra-red. Indeed, any heat source location can be determined through direct or triangulation, so why has this vital evidence again never been released to the world-at-large? For that is the only way to prove unequivocally which side of the Ukraine-Russian border the missile came from. The US will say of course that this is ‘classified information’, but where when we need to know the indisputable truth, the release of this information is overridingly vital again to say the very least. There is too much secrecy in my mind with all this finger pointing and where anyone can say anything without submitting unquestionable proof. Otherwise the case is based on hearsay, even though the evidence is from so-called experts and where we know what some sectors of society have said in the past about ‘Experts’ and their validity.
I wish that some People would get their facts right and not totally ignore what history has recorded, as it is worse that fake news - The Vietnam/American War
It is sad that some people
do not read history for the truth (YP Letters: "US stood with us in
darkest hours" Mike Smith), for if they had read Vietnam: A War on
Civilians in the American Conservatism or read the in-depth research over many
decades by Washington University for only an example of one university, but
where there are many who have researched the American War as the Vietnamese
know it as, or what U.S. General Curtis LeMay statement war during the
Vietnam War, “"Bomb them back to the stone age.", they would know
their ill-informed mindset. Indeed, by the end of the Vietnam War
the U.S. military had
dropped more than 7 million tons of bombs-- more than twice the total tonnage
dropped on Europe and Asia during all of World War 2--on a country roughly the
size of New Mexico in the USA . This is
almost one 500 pound bomb for every man, woman, and child in the country.
Twenty million bomb craters are all over Vietnam . The craters fill with
water and are breeding grounds for mosquitoes that plague the country today
with malaria and dengue fever (according to “The Vietnam War: Destroying the
Village in Order to Save It”, 2005 by US Revolution Online). In this respect
also as recorded by leading researchers in the field, they say that over 2
million Vietnamese were killed, over 5 million had life changing injuries and
over 11 million were displaced to other surrounding nations. I just wish that
people at times would get their facts right and not propagate false information
that has no historical basis whatsoever.
The real reason behind the
But where this also shows using intelligence how the
One of the ploys that I
have come accustomed too over the years is that when government, local
authorities and government bodies in general wish to have a review or an
enquiry into a sensitive issue, they appoint someone who is not technically
qualified to chair the enquiries. In this respect Dame Judith Hackitt, former
chairwoman of the Health and Safety Executive and now the chair of the Grenfell Tower tragedy, stated on Channel 4 News
on 17/05/2018 that she was a chemical engineer and not a building engineer when
questioned by Jon Snow into why she had not banned the inflammable claddings to
high-rise buildings. Therefore with a person who is used to chemical plants
that consist of mechanical equipment, pipes, girders and chimneys usually, she
has not the basic technical knowledge concerning buildings that such an enquiry
needs and her credentials are as different as chalk and cheese in reality.
Indeed she decried the Building Regulations, but where her training is not
equipped to decide on this matter either in reality again. Therefore it is no
wonder that we always come to the conclusion that state sponsored government
enquiries invariably end up being called a whitewash by the British public and
where successive governments must think that the people are basically thick?
But of course these enquiries cost the taxpayer dearly and where it appears to
be an appeasement rather than changing the system for the better and the safety
of the nation and its citizens.
There will never be a Peace Deal with
When a sane man tries to
make peace at a summit between two nations or indeed on behalf of the world,
one usually does nothing to provoke the situation where one side may decide to
pull out. But working to the usual Trump script and knowing that a peace summit
between North Korea and the USA was on the horizon, what does the US and South
Korea (directed by the US military industrial complex to do so) decide to do,
they hold major joint military exercises in South Korea (involving about 23,700
U.S. troops and 300,000 South Korea forces) where the North Koreans
automatically, like any sane and intelligent person would think, that this was
threat against them. Indeed, this is something that would be the last thing on
the mind of a sane person prior to a peace conference, but that is what
happened and the real reason why the North Koreans are now threatening to pull
out of the peace talks and nothing more. For they now see no change in the
mindset of the USA
towards peace with regard to the Korean peninsula. The question therefore that
has to be asked is why is it that western MSM has never expressed this
situation within their newspapers, social media platforms or on their
terrestrial broadcasting networks. In this respect why does mainstream media
not tell the people the real reasons it has to be asked that peace talks fail
and not for the reasons that they are told? For this containment of news
is not in the long term interests of the people and where consequently they are
told little of what is really happening. Indeed to see how far the USA has gone
in the past and little known also is that the US military invaded Hawaii to
take it over in its continual march ever since to control the world order. We
have therefore to be very careful of our perceptions of so-called peacemakers,
as they may not be correct.
‘Real’ Brexit that was voted on, will never really happen now with Theresa May's new Divide and Conquer Mentality
Those of us who know how
political leaders operate know that the recent decision by Theresa May to split
the Cabinet over the Brexit issue in order to break the so-called deadlock, is
what has happened since time immemorial; divide and conquer. For this is the
way that we shall to all intents and purposes stay in the EU and where history
will eventually record that the Referendum was just another useless piece of
political skulduggery against the people’s will. Democracy lives….tell me
another please?
There will Now be No Possibility of Peace in
The mass killing of
Palestinians on the opening day of the new US Embassy in Jerusalem is to all
intents and purposes, a terrorist attack and if it had been anywhere else in
the world it would have been a crime against humanity (other than possibly in
the USA these days). But the majority of people apparently do not know that
between 1939 and 1948 in the fight for a Jewish state, those who were
designated terrorists in Palestine
by the British government were in fact what we call today the Israelis. Indeed
history has recorded that these terrorists killed British troops and where
there were up to 100,000 UK
troops stationed in Palestine
at any one time and about 28,000 terrorists. In this so-called struggle against
British peacekeepers, the low point was when two British army sergeants were
kidnapped and hanged by the terrorists. Indeed when Israel was created in 1948, those
same terrorist leaders became the political leaders of the State of Israel. I
know this because my late father who was awarded the MM with oak leaf (now the
Military Cross) during WW2 was stationed there after the end of the second
World War to complete his national service. Therefore have the Israelis really
learnt anything it has to be asked over the last 70 years? With today’s events
with up to 60 Palestinians dead (but more will no doubt follow) and no Israeli
deaths, I fear not and the world should be highly concerned for what is on the
horizon in the middle-east with Israel
having the backing now of US military might.
The Latest
Why is it that the world’s
poor always get poorer in real terms? We hear year-in, year-out, that around 4
billion human beings are coming out of poverty and where we are told now that
they are living on a mere US$2.5 dollars a day from US$2 a day. But with
inflation, they are actually going backwards constantly. What is really causing
this to constantly happen to nearly 60% of the world’s population? Well, when
you delve into the why, it appears to be that the system that is highly rigged
against them and where international loans are relatively easy to get, but the
conditions placed upon them is so strict in economic terms for the countries
that the poor inhabit, they are literally impoverished year-on-year and are
never allowed to build their economies in any meaningful way. In this respect a
few years ago one of my co-directors, who had been a very senior UN executive
for many years and international coordinator of the former UN’s S-G told me
that the World Bank and IMF had failed the world’s poor, but where the system
would not allow it to be changed. Consequently even though the UN knows this
fact, they are not allowed to change the system and where nearly 6 out of 10
people will in reality again, stay in poverty indefinitely. The main stumbling
blocks appear to be the major banks and those that control them and who by
doing what they do, perpetuate global poverty. It is therefore in my mind not
something to celebrate that the UK
has increased its number of billionaires when so many suffer at the direct
hands of the system. For the present economic global system produces great
wealth for the very few and poverty for the many continually, either directly
or indirectly. That is even though a lot of people still believe in the
‘trickle down’ theory that is akin in my mind to a fairy story than the real
world and where even this ill-founded belief is pedalled in all advanced
western nations also, including the UK of course. The system is therefore
broken if truth be told, but those in control appear to like it that way. I
wonder why?
Main Stream Media has a lot to do with Wars Starting and the Carnage caused
When we look at the
history of wars and the carnage that it causes to humanity, main stream media
(MSM) has a great hand in why wars actually do happen by getting the people
behind wars to support their government. This is usually of course is in the
run-up to wars where information is usually a one-sided affair and MSM always
invariably accepts the line of government. This has happened every time a war
has commenced and where most have bee found out eventually to be false flags
and even acknowledged by former US
secretaries of States. But the outcome of this media support for wars has
caused unimaginable deaths, injuries and human displacements where as examples
according to authoritive institutions deaths as examples in the Vietnam War were
over 2 million, deaths in Iraq were over 1 million and deaths in Libya were
over 600,000. But the toll in injuries went into many more millions and
displacements into the tens of millions. Therefore MSM should have a duty to
find out the truth before supporting government policy, as most wars since the
end of WW2 have all been found out eventually to be false flags. The question
is, does MSM ever learn anything from their mistakes, as recent events say that
they have not.
Are we right or wrong to continually follow the
Recently there has been
questions to whether the UK
follows the USA
too much and gets this country into wars et al that have relatively nothing to
do with this nation? In other words are we too eager to back the USA no matter what, as every conflict that the USA has become engaged with, the UK has
followed. That is true for any major wars. Indeed little known but the UK even advised South Vietnamese President Diem
through the British Advisory Mission to South Vietnam (BRIAM) in September 1961
with Robert Thompson as one of Diem’s chief advisers who had gained tremendous
experience in the 12-year-long anti-guerrilla-warfare in Malaya .
Therefore the UK has, if not
had boots on the ground, supported the US in its military expeditions in
every major war that the Americans have fought. But on the global stage the UK
have backed the USA in every major war since they became the dominant military
power in the world and where many have been found over time to have been ‘false
flags’. Vietnam again is a point in time of this fact, where even US secretary
of defence McNamara stated on US television after the war, that it was indeed a
‘false flag’ as the reason for waging war on Vietnam as the gun-boat incursion
with a US navy ship, never actually happened. The killing and injured
statistics for Vietnam were inhuman and the numbers are numbing(according to
study by Harvard Medical School and the University of Washington, there were
3.8 million violent war deaths, of which two million were civilian, with similar
estimates reached by the Vietnamese government and Robert McNamara himself;
over 11 million were displaced and over 5 million suffered life changing
injuries and illnesses through US military carpet bombing and such terrible
things as ‘Agent Orange’ where the effects live on even today and an
environmental disaster on a national scale). Indeed if anyone has ever been to Vietnam and I have been five times, you just
cannot see how America could
have bombed them , as they are a peaceful nation and highly respective to all
people and something that the USA
should learn from. But when one looks at every war that the UK has been involved with in supporting the USA , ‘false
flags’ are highly prevalent. In this respect with the Gulf
of Tonkin incident in Vietnam , WMD’s in Iraq ,
regime change and not the protection of Libyans in the Libya debacle and where Libya before US/UK/French intervention with the
French in tow was the most stable nation in Africa
and the Korean War (Sinchon Massacre). Therefore are we doing the right thing
following the US lead into their military wars and where over 1 million Iraqis
were killed with over 6 million displaced fleeing to other regions (mainly
Europe), 600,000 Syrians killed with over 7 million displaced to other regions
(mainly to Europe again) and 500,000 Libyans displaced to other regions (mainly
to Europe again) according to the UN?
When you look at the
success of the German economy and the UK economy, you see two totally
different political mindsets in terms of achieving the long-term continual
economic wellbeing for their respective nations and people. In this respect
after WW2, Germany saw that
only through having a dominant manufacturing export economy could they forge
economic dynamism, but where UK
politicians saw the crock of gold at the end of the rainbow in building up ‘The
City’. In this respect also, the Germans saw economic stability in terms of
engineering manufacturing and where the British saw stability in the financial
markets. But we don’t need to be an Einstein to see what happened here with
these two totally different economic models and what the 2007 financial
meltdown did to the two economic strategies, where Germany after emerged
stronger and the UK according to the chief Economist of PwC in 2010 project
that our bank’s debt alone by 2015 would be in the order of £4.5 Trillion (yes
trillion) and the unsaid debt that government don’t want us to know. Therefore
it appears to be that the German political elite had far greater insight into
the future as they even poached some of our top engineers in the early 1950s to
provide for their economic model.
In this respect a single example of Germany’s economic mindset was where their Minister of Education at the time travelled purposely to Imperial College to offer a certain John Argyris FRS (Royal Medal) FREng (Prince Philip Medal) who was professor of aeronautics, that if he came to Germany they would build a whole campus around his revolutionary work at Stuttgart University (note that BMW, Daimler-Mercedes, Porsche, Bosch etc, etc are headquartered at Stuttgart). They did and that campus became debatably the most innovative engineering research centre in the world where most of the world’s largest manufacturing companies used their leading-edge engineering research and services to make them global leaders. Indeed NASA could not have landed on the moon if it had not been for this unique institution and supersonic/hypersonic flight would not have been possible. In this respect this German engineering institution’s revolutionary work has made for far safer cars, far safer bridges, far safer buildings and structures, far safer railways etc, etc and where the input of this leading-edge facility is limitless in its impact on the world-at-large.
That’s where British politicians went wrong and are still doing so by placing most of their economic eggs in the financial basket and not the manufacturing basket. Indeed, there is no doubt that there will be another financial meltdown eventually as history has shown and although Germany manufacturing will be hit by this, they will come out of the other side and emerge stronger as they always do, as their economic strategy is basically fool-proof and ours is at the fickle whims of financial markets. Lessons to be learnt here I believe, but will anyone in government take note, I very much doubt it.
In this respect a single example of Germany’s economic mindset was where their Minister of Education at the time travelled purposely to Imperial College to offer a certain John Argyris FRS (Royal Medal) FREng (Prince Philip Medal) who was professor of aeronautics, that if he came to Germany they would build a whole campus around his revolutionary work at Stuttgart University (note that BMW, Daimler-Mercedes, Porsche, Bosch etc, etc are headquartered at Stuttgart). They did and that campus became debatably the most innovative engineering research centre in the world where most of the world’s largest manufacturing companies used their leading-edge engineering research and services to make them global leaders. Indeed NASA could not have landed on the moon if it had not been for this unique institution and supersonic/hypersonic flight would not have been possible. In this respect this German engineering institution’s revolutionary work has made for far safer cars, far safer bridges, far safer buildings and structures, far safer railways etc, etc and where the input of this leading-edge facility is limitless in its impact on the world-at-large.
That’s where British politicians went wrong and are still doing so by placing most of their economic eggs in the financial basket and not the manufacturing basket. Indeed, there is no doubt that there will be another financial meltdown eventually as history has shown and although Germany manufacturing will be hit by this, they will come out of the other side and emerge stronger as they always do, as their economic strategy is basically fool-proof and ours is at the fickle whims of financial markets. Lessons to be learnt here I believe, but will anyone in government take note, I very much doubt it.
Western Foreign Policy Decisions have to get a Sense of Proportion before we Risk a World War Eventually
When you take all the
innuendos concerning the so-called chemical attack in Douma away, the decision
on the basis that we have to take military action to show that we in the wise
West need to tell Assad to stop using chemical weapons, is sheer madness.
Indeed if our politicians will risk a nuclear world war between the West and
Russia (plus probably backed up by China, as they ordered one of their largest
warships into the area just before the West’s missiles reigned down on Syria),
they have not the sane intelligence of a normal human in my humble opinion.
Indeed by risking this knowing what could possibly happen by lighting a major
war fuse like no other, they are not in my mind the people who should be
leading this country, as if everything had gone the wrong way, there would have
been no people or no nation to see anymore after the event of nuclear
The question therefore that has to be asked is, what is up with these people even though we know that 40 so-called Syrian people and children were purportedly bombed with chemicals, for only in madness would you risk starting an unprecedented nuclear world war on the back of this, even though atrocious as it was. For inYemen
according to the UN, thousands a month are being killed and injured and a large
number are children. Therefore a second question has to be solicited is, where
is the West’s sense of proportion and why isn’t the West up in arms over the
tens of 1000s killed in Yemen every month it has to be asked. There appears to
be double standards on a colossal scale in the West and why?
The question therefore that has to be asked is, what is up with these people even though we know that 40 so-called Syrian people and children were purportedly bombed with chemicals, for only in madness would you risk starting an unprecedented nuclear world war on the back of this, even though atrocious as it was. For in
Wars are started by Pretence and mainly false flags according to history
When we look at the
history of humankind and War, we see in the main that leaders and politicians
take us to war on any excuse that suits them. We can look at WW1 (assassination
of Franz Ferdinand that was not a major global issue, but triggered something
completely out of all proportions to the killing of a sole individual, a world
war), WW2 (the Gleiwitz Incident in 1939 involved Reinhard Heydrich
fabricating evidence of a Polish attack against Germany to mobilize German
public opinion for war and to justify the war with Poland. It led to the deaths
of Nazi concentration camp victims who were dressed as German soldiers and then
shot by the Gestapo to make it seem that they had been shot by Polish soldiers.
This, along with other false flag operations in Operation Himmler, would be
used to mobilize support from the German population for the start of World War
II in Europe), The Vietnam War (The Gulf of Tonkin where the minor skirmish on
August 2nd 1964 with USS Maddox did happen, but where the US
Defence Department didn't respond and where it was the 2nd so-called attack on
4th August 1964 that gave the US Congress full authority for military intervention
in Vietnam, but where this incident NEVER HAPPENED and where even Robert
McNamara admitted that this was the case after the War), the Cold war (where
capitalist’s interest just wanted communism out of the way and any old excuse
would do) and the Iraq War (Weapons of Mass Destruction that did not exist).
The list just goes on and on, but where at the base of all these wars were
powerful individuals with vast global economic interests according to many
eminent war historians.
Therefore most wars are started by pretence and where ‘False flag’ refers to covert operations designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party (group or nation) being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility. These are operations carried out during peace-time by civilian organizations, as well as covert government agencies, can (by extension) also be called false flag operations if they seek to hide the real organization behind an operation. Are we therefore really sure thatRussia
is behind everything?
So when you see a government and its media touting for war, make sure that you understand how things really are before making a decision that is not based on fact or unequivocal evidence, but hearsay with no real evidence at all. For you are being used and manipulated based on the history of global warfare.
Overall, man has not learned a thing basically since he came out of caves in reality, as the animal instinct is always there lying dormant in some people and usually those who have clawed their way up the greasy pole of politics to the top.
Therefore most wars are started by pretence and where ‘False flag’ refers to covert operations designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party (group or nation) being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility. These are operations carried out during peace-time by civilian organizations, as well as covert government agencies, can (by extension) also be called false flag operations if they seek to hide the real organization behind an operation. Are we therefore really sure that
So when you see a government and its media touting for war, make sure that you understand how things really are before making a decision that is not based on fact or unequivocal evidence, but hearsay with no real evidence at all. For you are being used and manipulated based on the history of global warfare.
Overall, man has not learned a thing basically since he came out of caves in reality, as the animal instinct is always there lying dormant in some people and usually those who have clawed their way up the greasy pole of politics to the top.
Reasons why the NHS will not survive in the medium term, no matter how many additional billions are put into it
When people ask why the
NHS is busting at the seams and where it cannot survive in the long-term no
matter how many billions are pumped into this nation treasure, one has
only in reality to look into the net immigration numbers of people coming to live
in the UK for the answer.
For according to the ONS in 2017, the population of theUK will grow by
a further 7.3 million over the next 25 years and 80% of that is projected
through immigration (5.84 million) and a clear recipe for an NHS meltdown.
Added to this statistic and according to Migration Observatory, the percentage
of the UK’s population that were foreign born people was 13.5% in 2015 of the
total and where in 1993 it was 7% and where it has approximately doubled over
those 22 years, but where during the Blair years as he opened up the
flood-gates for entry into the UK, immigration soared according to Migration
Watch UK and like never before in the history of this country. Compounding
these ONS figures in numbers, in 2017 net immigration was 244,000 and
equivalent to the population of Portsmouth or Plymouth in a single
year. Considering the official data, you don’t need to be an Einstein to see
that these unprecedented numbers authorised by our politicians, have/will place
in a relatively very short period of time, unattainable demands on the UK’s NHS
that will not be able to cope in the near term, even if additional billions are
pumped into it.
For although we know that our NHS is 35% supported by people from other lands (EU & Commonwealth in particular), the numbers coming into the UK are just basically unsustainable and something has to change, or all manner of things will happen that none of us wish to see. Indeed, in a perverse way the import of cheaper workers for British industry, will impoverish the British people in the long-term by destroying things that we hold so dearly today. The trouble is of course that some people like our politicians just do not listen or recognise what is on the horizon for the nation.
For according to the ONS in 2017, the population of the
For although we know that our NHS is 35% supported by people from other lands (EU & Commonwealth in particular), the numbers coming into the UK are just basically unsustainable and something has to change, or all manner of things will happen that none of us wish to see. Indeed, in a perverse way the import of cheaper workers for British industry, will impoverish the British people in the long-term by destroying things that we hold so dearly today. The trouble is of course that some people like our politicians just do not listen or recognise what is on the horizon for the nation.
Our political decision-makers are our greatest threat to a future war based upon what history has recorded and is constantly recording
Is it no wonder that there
are Wars with our political elite getting things wrong time and time again? The
latest brinkmanship with Russia
is a case in time where there was no unequivocal evidence and just like the war
with Iraq or Libya , where
the former, did not have WMDs as we all know now. But it never stopped Blair
and Bush starting an illegal war that was not authorised by the UN and if we
don’t watch out, eventually we shall have a war like no other in the history of
humanity through our politician’s sheer stupidity. So why do our political
leaders get it so wrong is the big question. It must have to do with a lesser
intelligence in my view, as who would inflame/fan the possibilities of war
(stoking up the possibility) and indeed start them without clear evidence that
other nations are threatening us, or in the so-called Russian poisoning case
where the victim was a double spy, apparently taking liberties with no scrap
indisputable evidence that the Russians did it? Indeed, these people who dabble
in espionage for a living, especially working for both sides, will know all
sorts of unsavoury people that may very well have a grudge against them I am
sure. Therefore our greatest danger for a major future war to start is not the
alleged aggressors that MSM and politicians tell us, but our own political
leaders where history has recorded this fact. Time I feel that we had a
mechanism where we could reel in our senior political decision-makers who
appear to create conflict on a whim of a mere ‘I think that they did it or I
think they have it’. For if we have not this mechanism in place, one day may
come when it is too late to anything about it and then no-one will have a
future at all. Therefore it is also time that our political leaders lived in a
world where evidence was at the very heart of their decisions making process;
not hearsay and especially when it comes to Wars and accusations that could
very easily, start Wars.
The Russian-UK aggressive
dispute yet shows again that UK
politicians have not a clue how to keep this nation safe. In this respect it is
not the chemical attack, but the lack of intelligence to make sure that this
country is self sufficient in energy? For we learn that Russia could
turn off their gas supply to us and others because of the fallout. Some stupid
people will say that the Russians will never do that, but where the threat is
real. For when our astute politicians put such projects as HS2 before total
energy security their decision-making is literally flawed. For presently
renewables only officially account for 27% of our requirements and most of it
is not a reliant means of generation and totally dependant of the wind
predominantly. Indeed, if there was no wind, we would have zero output. For
without the means to generate electricity at will, even HS2 would not run and
power just would not be available for anything else for that matter. Therefore
our politicians since Blair it has to be said are really stupid people when it
comes down to the basics. In this respect they have the cart before the horse
as usual.
Invest in Energy Security 'First' and not HS2 as without the life-blood of any modern economy ELECTRICITY, we can do nothing including run HS2 -
Invest in Energy Security 'First' and not HS2 as without the life-blood of any modern economy ELECTRICITY, we can do nothing including run HS2 -
BREXIT should be about the future not what things are like today
In this respect the macro-economists at PwC, one of the ‘Big 4’, consider that in a mere 33 years time (2050) China will have an economy as large as that of the USA and EU27 combined and India will be the second largest economy in the world. Added to this the
But the most striking fact that PwC state is that
Therefore voting to remain or exit from the EU appears in my mind to be based on present-day vested interests and not future vested-interests (where future global wealth will reside). We have to understand this clearly, as if we do not, in the long-term, we will certainly let our children and their children’s futures down based upon PwC’s constructs. Indeed when we consider if BREXIT is good or bad, we have to fully comprehend what is on the horizon and where an enormous change in economic power will occur in a relatively short period in time and where we have to think of tomorrow and not of today.
Considering this fact, access to the opening up of global trade appears to me, based upon on PwC’s in-depth analysis, to be the way forward.
BREXIT means very little and it is the Liberation of the British People's 'Fundamental Creative Thinking' that has to released to provide a Dynamic Future Economy
Respectfully with the
release on Friday of the film, Bombshell: The Story of Hedy Lamarr, the letter
that I respectfully sent to you which is attached to this email, is highly
relevant so that government start thinking of where does the 'fundamental'
thinking come from. This is totally different to the research at our
universities and advance corporate centres of R&D. Indeed we have not
considered this vital area where most of the fundamental thinking comes from,
thinking that it emanates for our higher education establishments et al. The
history of science and technology tell us differently. Therefore if your
newspaper has the intuition here, I would respectfully ask if you will put it
in print so that people have a little more understanding of what basically
creates dynamic economies. Working in Whitehall
I know that they do not know this and why governments are not aware either.
They simply do not listen even when some of the people telling them are Nobel
Laureates, but maybe the Yorkshire Post has more intuition than they have
Current political thinking on how to create a future dynamic
When I look at HS2 I don’t
see our political leaders as leaders, but failures. For if this is the best
that they can come up with for the future of Britain (it is our biggest project
by far), we all have to be highly concerned for the future wellbeing of our
children. HS2 in this respect will do little if anything for the positive
future GDP of the UK
as the equivalent railway systems have shown in other advanced nations; Japan
as the third largest economy in the world being a prime example here with over
twenty years of economic regression after the bullet train was introduced.
For as we know, getting to a destination 25 minutes earlier does not allow for say another meeting inLondon
to be conducted and therefore there is no increased economic benefit derived.
What our politicians have to do is to think for once what the perceived future
world will be like and what will drive that world. I can tell them that it will
not be a £100 billion+ and counting HS2, but coming to the reasoning that only
by capturing and developing new technological industries will we survive and
prosper, not by faster trains that will derive little benefit for our people.
For HS2 once it is built will have no new industries derived from this colossal
debt, as it will all be borrowed money paid off in never-never land. Better in
my mind to invest wisely even though the money is all borrowed and into the
creation of a national incubator system where 75% of all the real fundamental
thinking comes from that changes the world according to the history of S&T,
the very people of this great country and not our universities or so-called
advanced corporate R&D centres of excellence. Not until politicians realise
this and where the ‘real’ fundamental seeds of thought to create a future
dynamic economy comes from by reading their S&T history books, we are not
going anywhere fast, even if we are travelling on the HS2 to that well known
town called nowhere. For the inherent stupidness of our politicians and where I have to
state also Whitehall ,
know no bounds and people should understand this clearly.
So if the prime minister is listening out there you have to give the people the creative means to really express themselves and then you will really see this country grow at an unimaginable economic rate of knots. But that will never happen of course unfortunately as political leaders are in the same mind-set of stupid political people also and as the white elephant HS2 plainly shows.
For as we know, getting to a destination 25 minutes earlier does not allow for say another meeting in
So if the prime minister is listening out there you have to give the people the creative means to really express themselves and then you will really see this country grow at an unimaginable economic rate of knots. But that will never happen of course unfortunately as political leaders are in the same mind-set of stupid political people also and as the white elephant HS2 plainly shows.
The European Drug Report
2017 makes harrowing reading and where the United Kingdom for the 3rd year
running is the national drugs capitol of the EU28. But the most disturbing
statistic out of the official (statistical figures only nationally registered
drug users and not what the real numbers may be and far greater) total drug
users of the 32.8 million within the EU28, young adults from 15-34 accounted
for 24.3 million of the total (74%) and where this figure is growing annually.
Therefore the EU and theUK
especially has a huge problem and where the direct and indirect cost to the
taxpayer of the UK
has been estimated to be over £20,000 million a year now.
But having been involved in the past with the possible introduction of a 'humane' Vietnamese ‘cure’ that produces no harm whatsoever and which is used in their NHS, I cannot understand why successive governments from Blair to May could not introduce it or even at the least, trial it, when it is a cure, not a treatment? In this respect this medication humanely blocks the receptors in the brain unlike Methadone et al that do not and therefore over a period of days using this medication, Vietnamese addicts detoxify their body of the hard drugs with no ‘cold turkey’ (what the addicts fear most) and do no harm whatsoever. The medication is not addictive either, as it is composed of naturally growing Vietnamese plants that are now synthesised into capsule form by the Vietnamese pharmaceutical industry within western standard manufacturing facilities. This is also unlike Methadone et al that are more addictive than the drugs that they are trying to cure.
Today in the UK, many people are suffering including the expanded family members, not just the addicts themselves and where overall this drug scourge affect over 3 million British people currently, either directly or indirectly. The suffering for them is huge and like a nightmare in many ways, so why has successive governments from Blair to May been ignoring this ‘cure’ when they have been informed through the Home Office with direct meetings from the early 2000s onwards is the big question that has to be answered? It can only be in my humble opinion that the powerful pharmaceutical companies behind the scenes are influencing government policy to retain their non-performing products (as we are definitely losing the war on drugs with current treatments regimes), as this cure would replace their treatments (that is only a continual maintenance regime which goes on and on).
Hopefully eventually a politician will raise the issue above their ministers and have it debated in Parliament for the future good of the British people? For Ministers and Secretary-of-States in both the Blair/Brown Administrations to the Cameron Administrations were fully aware of this remarkable 'cure'.
Therefore the EU and the
But having been involved in the past with the possible introduction of a 'humane' Vietnamese ‘cure’ that produces no harm whatsoever and which is used in their NHS, I cannot understand why successive governments from Blair to May could not introduce it or even at the least, trial it, when it is a cure, not a treatment? In this respect this medication humanely blocks the receptors in the brain unlike Methadone et al that do not and therefore over a period of days using this medication, Vietnamese addicts detoxify their body of the hard drugs with no ‘cold turkey’ (what the addicts fear most) and do no harm whatsoever. The medication is not addictive either, as it is composed of naturally growing Vietnamese plants that are now synthesised into capsule form by the Vietnamese pharmaceutical industry within western standard manufacturing facilities. This is also unlike Methadone et al that are more addictive than the drugs that they are trying to cure.
Today in the UK, many people are suffering including the expanded family members, not just the addicts themselves and where overall this drug scourge affect over 3 million British people currently, either directly or indirectly. The suffering for them is huge and like a nightmare in many ways, so why has successive governments from Blair to May been ignoring this ‘cure’ when they have been informed through the Home Office with direct meetings from the early 2000s onwards is the big question that has to be answered? It can only be in my humble opinion that the powerful pharmaceutical companies behind the scenes are influencing government policy to retain their non-performing products (as we are definitely losing the war on drugs with current treatments regimes), as this cure would replace their treatments (that is only a continual maintenance regime which goes on and on).
Hopefully eventually a politician will raise the issue above their ministers and have it debated in Parliament for the future good of the British people? For Ministers and Secretary-of-States in both the Blair/Brown Administrations to the Cameron Administrations were fully aware of this remarkable 'cure'.
The way that government and local authorities always get funding for their political projects
Over many years I have
determined that government and local authorities have a fool-proof political way
of getting their way for spending the taxpayer’s money, or should I say
increased the public DEBT, whether off the balance sheet or being on it. In this
respect if they want something their civil servants/officers under estimate the
costs and therefore it is value-for-money and gets rubber stamped. But if they
do not want something they inflate the costs so much that it will not see the
light of day, even though it may give great benefit for the people. I have seen
this system operate many times and where the schemes that they have inflated
for no other reason than they did not want it, would have as I have stated
created public benefit, but where the ones that the politicians wanted, have
cost over ten-times more than their initial estimates.
So don’t be deceived is my advice in thinking that government and local authorities use our tax wisely when they analyse their project, as they do not and usually the reason is that the politicians want something, not the people. Examples of excessive underestimates for projects that the politicians have wanted abound in theUK
and where the largest of these in relatively recent modern times was the
Scottish parliament building that had an initial estimate of between £10
million and £40 million but ended up costing an incredible £414 million. But
where again this was a political want and not a public want but where the
predominantly the English people paid out all of this funding and excessive
over-funding through devolved transfer of funds from Westminster to Scotland.
Unfortunately this outcome can be said about most projects that the government
wants, but not necessarily what the people want and who provide the tax for all
this squandering to be done on a massive scale.
So don’t be deceived is my advice in thinking that government and local authorities use our tax wisely when they analyse their project, as they do not and usually the reason is that the politicians want something, not the people. Examples of excessive underestimates for projects that the politicians have wanted abound in the
A major global war appears to be inevitable with the constant ‘fixed’ mindsets of our political decision-makers
Governments tell us that
they keep us safe, but do they really? For we are told time and time again that
we have to arm ourselves and pay colossal sums in the interest of our so-called
defence and security. But I never see any major nation threatening the UK , only generals and vice-admirals et al
telling us that nations like Russia
are an imminent threat and where to this day, I have not seen any Russian
aggression against the UK
at all. Indeed now generals from our ally the USA are saying that the US and NATO
need smaller nuclear bombs to deter Russian aggression whatever that might be
(and noted again two weeks ago by our defence secretary on so-called new
grounds). Don’t these military men comprehend that if smaller nuclear weapons
are used, the larger ones will come thereafter without doubt, or have I missed
something here, as any country that has nuclear weapons used against them, will
not look to see what they have on their WMD shelf and retaliate with a
like-for-like small nuclear weapon. Indeed haven’t these military men heard of
MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction), as apparently not? For sadly what I have
seen of our political system over six decades is that we are taken constantly
into illegal wars on false premises and Intel and where our nation suffers from
direct war and the indirect consequences of war. In this respect as just one
example not counting the 100s of billions of taxpayer’s funds spent on
weaponry etc, mass migration from war torn regions of the world where we have
intervened, have cause massive demands on all our public services that cannot
cope and where these enormous costs have impoverish the nation. As an
individual example, the continual and constant destruction of our NHS is a
prime example where it is not being able to cope. Therefore War brings
problems back to our shores in terms of acute demands on the nation and
terrorism. For the people do not start these wars, but our politicians do.
Our late president Glenn T. Seaborg (Element 106 Seaborgium) created the ‘bomb’ with Oppenheimer to defeat Japan and Hitler (where the former had attacked the USA, before the nuclear age of weapons), but after WW2 he was the most ardent campaigner for nuclear disarmament. Indeed when the bomb was initially built, he implored (with others - Franck Report) not to use the weapon, as he and others knew of the devastation that this would inflict on human life, but where as usual, the politicians would not listen. I now fear where things are going with blind assumptions from our political and military leaders that we are heading towards a war that can never be won, but our politicians and generals must think that we can. It is time therefore that the people’s will and direct concerns were listen too before the ‘button’ is actually pressed and which is most likely to be caused by the misguided fixed mindsets that our political and military leaders have.
Our late president Glenn T. Seaborg (Element 106 Seaborgium) created the ‘bomb’ with Oppenheimer to defeat Japan and Hitler (where the former had attacked the USA, before the nuclear age of weapons), but after WW2 he was the most ardent campaigner for nuclear disarmament. Indeed when the bomb was initially built, he implored (with others - Franck Report) not to use the weapon, as he and others knew of the devastation that this would inflict on human life, but where as usual, the politicians would not listen. I now fear where things are going with blind assumptions from our political and military leaders that we are heading towards a war that can never be won, but our politicians and generals must think that we can. It is time therefore that the people’s will and direct concerns were listen too before the ‘button’ is actually pressed and which is most likely to be caused by the misguided fixed mindsets that our political and military leaders have.
PPP/PFI is a system of Procuring Projects that are made in Heaven…for those undertaking the schemes, but not for the taxpayer
Quite a few years ago I
was a governor at the largest pupil school within a metropolitan local
authority that had been signed up to a PFI scheme and where I had been a
construction professional and adviser involved within the building industry for
over 30 years. PFI scheme was part of one for 19 schools within the same
authority who had signed up as a group of schools to the PFI contract and were
all signed up for 30-years. Having dealt with construction contracts for
over 20-years I was asked to look into the contractual arrangements after the
local authority had signed up on behalf of all the schools. Usually I had become
associated with contracts that
ultimately looked after the interests of the client, but were fair to both sides.
When I analysed the PFI contract I found for the first time in my construction
life that it was totally the opposite of that situation and where the
contractor was totally in the driving seat being able to charge astronomical amounts
for building works and school support services. Indeed it became clear that it
was a licence to print money and I had never seen such a weighted one-sided
contract like it ever before…for the contractor that is. Indeed there was
nothing that the school could do about the extortionate costs being levied
continually by the contractor and where it was estimated that at the end of the
term of the PFI, the schools would pay at least ten times more
money under the PFI scheme than if they had borrowed the money and tendered
under the old system of contractual arrangements. Basically PFI was a total rip
off to put the matter bluntly, but the local authority had signed up
blindly to the whole affair and where their thinking appeared to be that they
were not particularly bothered, as the taxpayer was paying for it anyway.
The UK needs New Technological Industries to Drive the Economy Forward, not just building Transport Support Systems that do not Increase our GDP one iota with the ret of the world
I just do not get it and I hope that someone can shine some light on the subject of why all these so-called transport initiatives across the country, building railways et al and tunnels, will provide in the long-term vast increases in the
Carillion’s demise does not shock me knowing how Government and Especially Whitehall, ‘tick’
The demise of the vast
Carillion Construction Empire did not amaze me, but greater still the
incompetence of Government and Whitehall
did not amaze me even more. Indeed having had a stint with the latter over a
period of two years with the old dti with nearly one-hundred of the world’s
leading scientists, engineers and technologists including eight Nobel Laureates
in the sciences, we came to the conclusion that these people lived in a
‘bubble’ remote to reality and were we renamed Whitehall, the ‘don’t rock the
boat steady-state’, where change was an anathema to them. But the sad
indictment of this informed comprehension is that the people of this great
innovative nation have to put up with the system that does not enhance the
lives of the majority of British people through their naivety of how to create
a dynamic economy, as they are insular always looking inside themselves not to
others from the outside and in other words, they have no chance of seeing the
wood for the trees ever. But this we found literally held the country back and
did not enhance the nation’s prosperity one bit. Indeed it regressed it For all
ministers rely on these people for their so-called advice and base for their
white papers et al and where ministers have not the knowledge or intelligence
to challenge their idea of the world. This is where it all goes so horribly
wrong and why concerns like Carillion were given huge government contracts when
it was known that they were in a terrible financial state. That is how
intelligent Whitehall
and government reality is and it is about time for the country’s own long-term
state, that these places of power had people with an inclination of commercial
in-depth understanding of the world and primarily, common-sense. As without
these two determinants of success out of a set of seven, how can anyone I would
ask make decisions that affect the people in a advancing prosperous way instead
of the negative way we always seem to find ourselves. Indeed in 2009 the chief
economist of PwC issued a projection of the nation’s debt based on average
intelligence at that time (and things have become even worst than the base
assumptions at that time), that the UK’s total debt (everything) would be in
the order in 2015 of some £11.5 trillion (over 5-times our total GDP today) and
where our bank’s debt alone would be £4.5 trillion of that. Unfortunately the
figures have not been updated for some strange reason and I wonder why, as
things since 2009 have become increasingly worse because of the compounded
effect on the debt built up in the Blair/Brown years which by opening the flood
gates for the ‘Markets’, created a lot of how we are today in economic terms.
Therefore for the good of the whole country, government and Whitehall has to change, not in political
colour as that would be more of the same as history has shown clearly, but in
who runs these establishments with the right knowledge base that derives
success and not continual debt for over nine out of ten people. It simply has
to stop if there is any wisdom at all in the UK .
Post BREXIT Analysis of the Economy is an Unreal and Unattainable Dream
The demise of the vast Carillion Construction Empire did not amaze me, but greater still the incompetence of Government and
The Cameron driven $1 billion UK-China trade initiative will fail overall due to a fundamental lack of understanding of how the 21st century will 'tick'
The news that David
Cameron has been appointed the lead-man for the UK-China investment vehicle
gives me no confidence that this tax-funded initiative will provide any major
benefit for the UK, but most probably a great deal of benefit for China. I say
this as Cameron has no experience of either running a large international
trading company or a creative innovative institution. For in the trading world
of this century and beyond, it will not be political brains that forge dynamic
economies as they haven’t any idea how to achieve this prerequisite in reality
and where history has continually recorded this fact, but others. In this
respect, the real deal will come from those countries that capture the high
technology markets of the future. Unfortunately that is something that
politicians do not understand and have not a clue about, as they do not
predominantly come from the sectors that create and deal with global trade. Whitehall is there of
course, but where in reality it is ‘dead-wood’ when it comes to advising
politicians on how to initiate a dynamic future economy. For history has
clearly shown time and time again this fact with the continual state of our
increasing debt ridden economy and where they have never had the answers in
reality. Indeed, not until politicians and Whitehall listen to ‘new’ ideas and thinking
‘outside the confines of their own self-imposed constraints, will anything like
Cameron’s remit ever succeed. That is a fact that history has shown continually.
For you see, they never look at the fundamental level and where all great
technological industries are born. In this respect it is the ‘seeds’ of a
future dynamic economy that they miss consistently and basically from the prime
minister down, have no idea what I am talking about here and why we shall never
have a pre-eminent economy until the penny drops. But I doubt that this will
ever happen with the insular thinking mindsets of our politicians and Whitehall who only look
at mundane bog standard don’t rock the boat steady-state thinking. A dynamic
future economy; I doubt that this will ever be a reality with the current
establishment organ grinders in charge and that unfortunately for the British
people will be seen as a fact of life.
Dr. David Hill
CEO, World Innovation Foundation4 November 2018 (updated 15 August 2019)
Previous Articles for Reference:
Social Control is Happening But the People are Not Aware of What is Really Taking Place and Where in another quarter of a Century, We Shall Have Been Totally Tamed -
We Live In An Illusion and the Puppet Masters are our Political Leaders and Corporate Leaders and We of Course are seen as the Puppets -
Is Fake News worse or is Suppressed News worse for the People’s Understanding of the Physical World? -
Global Containment and Control - The 'Game' of Controlled and Systemized Human Conditioning -
CONTROL - The Most Powerful Word in the World and What Corporate Leaders and the Political Elite Crave For to the Extent of Being Psychopathic in 'Their' Thinking and Actions Against the People -
Political and Corporate Sociopaths and Psychopaths are Destroying the World Order, but where the Political and Corporate Psychopaths are Really Not aware of what they are doing to the world-at-large, because of their insane thinking - Globalization is the Weapon they are using to Sequentially destroy the planet and the People are the Only Ones who will ultimately suffer, not the rich and powerful who have created this monster -
The KING of KINGS and Masters of Humankind's Ultimate Kismet - the 'New' WORLD ORDER that will eventually dispatch Humankind to Oblivion and its Ultimate Extinction - The Greed of the Few Combined with Our Planet's Natural Resources Running Out will make this Inevitable...We have to Change Our Development Mechanism from Corporate Globalization to Sustainability before we have Used Up 'All' the Non-Replenishable Natural Resources of the World...the planet belongs to all of us NOT the Few ! -
Global Pharmaceutical Giants have made Criminal Activity and the Fines a part of their Drug Costs -
“Derivatives" – the Greatest Threat to Human Civilization and Something that People have Heard Very Little of Even though they are so Important to Our Future Existence -
Democracy - Would We Be Better Off Without Political Parties That Wield Such Powerful Control Over All of us Without our Conscious Knowledge in 99% of the people's Minds -
WAR is Predominantly Caused Through Economic Enrichment and Greed of the Very Powerful Few behind closed doors and why there will eventually be World War 111, where the Majority of Normal People will Pay the Ultimate Price and Humanity Will More or Less become extinct - Fact not Fiction based upon what the History of the World to date has told us and where the hidden hand and drums of 'Global' Conflict is NOW Growing Stronger by the Year -