Thursday 4 January 2024

Al Gore Warns of Consequences of Failing WEF's 'Net Zero' Agenda

Blogger Comment: This man is an absolute 'fruitcake' and should be locked away in an asylum for life, as he is the greatest melodramatic US Vice-President there ever has been and where he  never looks at the opposite data that eminent scientists state, including relatively recent 'SCIENCE' Nobel Laureates, where they state that there is NO CLIMATE EMERGENCY...but where this non-science qualified guy wouldn't now would he, as he is totally in league up to his neck with these uber-super rich multibillionaires who are driving this whole Climate Change Madness through the WEF...and where it is all about in reality, to make never-ending and continuous Trillions of dollars out of the world's people and who would all pay with their TAXES, forever in theory if these Globalaists get their way with the "Great Reset"...and therefore has to be stopped by the people at all cost before the WEF's deadline year - 2030 and equivalent to Orwell's 1984 predictions of a DYSTOPIAN future world...period   

“Eco-warrior” Al Gore has issued a warning to the public about what he claims will happen to Earth if humanity fails to comply with the “Net Zero” climate goals of the World Economic Forum (WEF).

In a fearmongering statement, the Democrat former vice president made an apocalyptic prediction about what the world will look like if the public refuses to kneel before the green agenda of unelected foreign globalists and corporate elites.

According to Gore’s latest dire threat, there will be a “billion” climate refugees crossing our borders if the public fails to “save the planet” from the so-called “climate crisis.”

That would amount to two out of every three people from the dozens of nations on the African continent.

However, Gore and his globalist allies have a solution.

Taxpaying voters must “stay at true Net Zero” to stop “global warming” by ending “human-caused greenhouse pollution,” Gore insists.

Gore made his prediction during an appearance on CNN.

“We still have the ability to seize control of our destiny,” he claimed.

“If we stop adding to the overburden of these greenhouse gas pollutants in the sky, if we reach what they call true net zero and stop adding to the heat-trapping capacity up there, the temperatures will stop going up right away.

“And if we stay at true Net Zero, half of the human-caused greenhouse pollution will fall out of the atmosphere in as little as 25 to 30 years.”

Gore claims that ending fossil fuel use and replacing them with “solar electricity and wind electricity” will help tackle “global warming.”

“We can do this if we just overcome the greed and political power of the big fossil fuel polluters, who’ve been trying to control this process,” Gore insists.

“We have to make a decision to get past fossil fuels and start accelerating the shift over to renewable energy and efficiency.

“The scientists who warned us of these megastorms, and the floods, and mudslides, and droughts, and the ice melting, and the sea level rising, and the storms getting stronger, and the tropical diseases, and climate migrants crossing international borders in larger numbers, they were dead right when they warned us about this.

“And so we need to pay more attention to them now.”

Gore didn’t provide any evidence to support these claims, however.

Nor did he identify any of the “scientists who warned us” or provide supporting information regarding their alleged studies.

“Here’s one thing they say,” Gore claimed while citing unidentified “scientists.”

“If we don’t take action, there could be as many as one billion climate refugees crossing international borders in the next several decades.”


Gore also argues that allowing people to have access to information that conflicts with mainstream ideologies is a “threat to democracy.”

He said social media, which carries those very opposition messages, has “disrupted the balances that used to exist that made representative democracy work much better.”

Gore is demanding a “shared base of knowledge that serves as a basis for reasoning together collectively.”

He insists it’s “an abuse” of the “public forum” for people to have that information.

Access to such wrongthink causes people to be “sucked into echo chambers,” he warns.

“If you spend too much time in the echo chamber, what’s weaponized is another form of AI, not artificial intelligence, artificial insanity,” he claimed.

“I’m serious!”

Several powerful WEF members have been pushing proposals for nations to meet the unelected organization’s “Net Zero” goals.

As Slay News reported, WEF is demanding that taxpayers around the globe pay $3.5 trillion per year in order to meet the globalist organization’s “Net Zero” goal for “decarbonizing” the planet.

The WEF insists that the staggering bill is necessary as it will fund the noble global power elite’s alleged efforts to “reach Net Zero and restore nature.”

However, critics argue that “decarbonization” is just a euphemism for the WEF’s anti-human agenda.

Last month, after the culmination of the United Nations COP28 summit in Dubai, the WEF published a new whitepaper about its “Net Zero” agenda.

According to the whitepaper, it’s time to print more money to further devalue the wealth of the common citizens, in order to pursue the apparent noble goal of “decarbonization.”

The paper titled, “The Role of Public-Private-Philanthropic Partnerships in Driving Climate and Nature Transitions.”

“The world needs up to $3.5 trillion of additional investments each year to reach Net Zero and restore nature,” the report states.

However, globalists appear to disagree on the annual costs of meeting these goals.

During the COP28 summit, Britain’s King Charles III demanded $5 trillion per year from taxpayers to meet the WEF’s targets, as Slay News reported.

Meanwhile, Democrat President Joe Biden’s “Climate Czar” John Kerry is demanding that American farmers stop producing food to comply with “Net Zero.”

According to UN Chief Antonio Guterres, the public must start living in “mud huts” to meet the targets.

Yet a common theme promoted by WEF members is mass global depopulation would be the answer to tackling the “climate crisis.”

As Slay News reported, English primatologist and anthropologist Jane Goodall, who the WEF lists as one of its “agenda contributors,” told her fellow globalists that they could “save the planet” from “global warming” if the Earth’s population was 90 percent smaller than it is today.

Goodall argues that all of the WEF’s “problems” would be solved if fewer humans were walking the Earth.

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