Saturday 3 February 2024

Top Expert Raises Alarm over Sudden Death Surge among Children

Blogger Comment: Former "BlackRock" Portfolio Manager and global data expert speaks out after his data analysis and dire findings of horrendous sudden deaths in "CHILDREN" and based upon the official statistics of the UK government...what were we not told...and especially mothers...

A leading expert has gone public after learning of a shocking surge in sudden deaths among children that started in 2021 after kids were given “the magic juice.”

Former BlackRock portfolio manager Edward Dowd, one of the world’s leading data experts, raised the alarm about the findings on The Jimmy Dore Show Wednesday.

Dowd conducted a data analysis study based on official UK government statistics.

The UK rolled out the same Covid mRNA vaccines as the United States and shares similar demographics, meaning the findings of the study will likely apply to the American people.

Down discovered that excess deaths among UK children under the age of 14 soared by a staggering 22 percent above normal levels in 2023.

Notably, Dowd mentioned that this trend didn’t start until “the magic juice started to be issued to children later in 2021.”


The following chart, which is available on, shows excess death data among children ages 1 to 14:

The numbers in the chart are provided below:

  • 2020: 9 percent fewer deaths than expected
  • 2021: 7 percent fewer deaths than expected
  • 2022: 16 percent MORE deaths than expected
  • 2023: 22 percent MORE deaths than expected

Despite the alarming trend, the topic of excess deaths has garnered very little attention in media and politics.

In contrast to the live death count we saw on television during the Covid pandemic, UK health officials are quietly analyzing a greatly concerning 10% rise in mortality across all age groups above the baseline.

However, causes other than the COVID-19 injections are being blamed.

The British Medical Journal (BMJ) reports that UK health officials believe “circulatory diseases and diabetes are … behind the increase.”

As Slay News reported, the world-renowned medical journal insists that Covid shots are not responsible for the surges in sudden deaths.

Instead, the BMJ is calling for governments to make “interventions” to stop so-called “misinformation” about Covid mRNA injections.

The BMJ argues that “misinformation on social media” is driving “vaccine hesitancy” among members of the general public.

According to the BMJ, governments around the world should deploy “behavioral interventions” to stop “vaccine hesitancy.”

The calls were made in a BMJ article by the journal’s owners, the British Medical Association.

The hesitancy here is specifically linked with social media-driven “misinformation.”

In the article, the BMJ calls for boosting the visibility of “reliable health information” from establishment-approved sources.

The journal bosses also demand more “pro-action” on these platforms “in dealing with the proliferation of misinformation.”

Meanwhile, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is blaming the surge in sudden heart failure deaths on Covid and stress.

As Slay News reported, the CDC has just published a study claiming that Covid and stress are to blame for the unprecedented soaring numbers of sudden heart failure-related deaths that have been recorded since 2021.

Researchers from Democrat President Joe Biden’s CDC teamed up with the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine for the study.

In a research article on their study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, the researchers blamed the pandemic-era rise in the U.S. cardiovascular disease death rate on disruptions in access to healthcare, stress, and the lingering effects of COVID-19.

The researchers did not explore the role of mRNA vaccines in their analysis of recent trends in cardiovascular disease.

While the CDC researchers choose to conveniently ignore Covid injections, a new peer-reviewed study has just exposed a direct link between the shots and heart failure deaths.

The study has identified official data soaring soaring cases of myocarditis among those vaccinated for Covid with the experimental injections.

The researchers behind the groundbreaking peer-reviewed study have published their findings in the world-renowned Sage Journals.

According to the study’s paper, the researchers analyzed data from the U.S. government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

VAERS is a database of reported vaccine injuries and side effects that is managed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The study revealed that heart failure reports post-vaccination in 2021 were 223 times higher than the average for all vaccines combined over the past 30 years.

Meanwhile, another top expert is warning that the American people are being kept in the dark about the soaring deaths.

Renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough is calling on presidential candidates to start speaking out about the links between the injections and skyrocketing numbers of sudden deaths.

“Let’s just be honest about it,” McCullough urged.



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