Sunday 6 October 2024

Black Lives Matter Leader Jailed for 4 Years for Stealing Donation Money

Blogger Comment: Just one of BLM leaders that Biden and HARRIS supported, but not necessarily were these people for the black folks that needed help...but that's the way that they are built...appear to be helping the people, but doing it all for themselves...always...don't be fooled and vote for TRUMP, as he is the only one who will get America and the American people out of the dire destructive situations that the last 4-years of the Democrat leaders have done to and left this unique nation amongst nations of the world... 

A Black Lives Matter (BLM) leader has been sentenced to four years in prison after he was found guilty of stealing donation money to fund his lavish lifestyle.

Sir Maejor Page, real name is Tyree Conyers-Page, was convicted of money laundering and wire fraud charges involving BLM donations, according to local outlet WGTV.

The Ohio-based activist was using donations to the Black Lives Matter of Greater Atlanta (BLMGA) Facebook page for personal expenses, according to WGTV.

Like many who donated to BLM, people thought they were donating to help fight racism.

However, black communities never received a dollar of the money and it was all used to pay for Page’s extravagant lifestyle.

Page was found guilty on all charges on April 12, as Slay News reported at the time.

Judge Jeffrey Helmick sentenced him to serve 42 months in prison on Thursday, court documents show.

The activist was arrested by the FBI in Toledo, Ohio, on September 25, 2020.

He was charged after it was discovered he had misappropriated $200,000 in BLM donations by spending the money on luxury personal items.

In the 2020 press release, the FBI said:

“In June 2020, Page responded to private social media inquiry messages that funds had been donated to be used to fight for George Floyd and that none of ‘the funds have been used for personal items. All movement related.’

“However in June, July, and August, Page repeatedly used a debit card linked to this same account to make purchases related to food, dining, entertainment, clothing, furniture, a home security system, tailored suits, and accessories.

“The largest sum purchase was made from the [Black Lives Matter of Greater Atlanta] bank account to a title company on August 21, 2020, for the purchase of a residence and an adjacent vacant lot in Toledo, Ohio.

“The total purchase price for both properties was approximately $112,000.”

To make matters worse, Page frequently gloated about his lavish spending in social media posts, failing to disclose that it was funded with “George Floyd” money.

Page, who previously called himself the “world’s sexiest albino,” pleaded not guilty to the charges in 2021, according to Fox News.

In 2020, the BLMGNF distanced itself from Page.

The BLMGNF said it did not consider Page or the organization he founded to be “affiliated” with the BLM off-shoot, WSBTV previously reported.

The BLMGNF has also been accused of misappropriating donation funds.

The organization funneled millions in lucrative contracts to BLM insiders, according to tax documents.

A political action committee (PAC) affiliated with BLM paid $90,000 to a consulting firm owned by the PAC’s own treasurer in 2023.

There were widespread BLM riots and looting in 2020 after Floyd’s overdose death in Minneapolis police custody.

Former police officer Derek Chauvin was convicted of murder for Floyd’s death.

Many protests turned into major unrest and rioters called for violence against police officers.

The “George Floyd” riots caused billions of dollars in damage, mostly in black communities.

It’s unclear if Page will continue to refer to himself as the “world’s sexiest albino” while in prison.


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