Sunday 6 October 2024

John Kerry Vows Democrats Will 'Change' First Amendment to 'Hammer Disinformation Out of Existence'

Blogger Comment: Kerry just another Globalist's "Puppet" who will do anything for the Davos multi-billionaire Globalists even change the "First Amendment" to abide by the WEF's demands and where everything this man does is "always" negative for the American people and just like Biden and HARRIS two more Globalist Puppets...and it's  no wonder that America and the American people are suffering after 4 years of the Democrat leader's disastrous handling of the American economy...under the diktats of the Globalists...and thank GOD that TRUMP told them when he was US President that he was not one of them on their stage at their Davos annual conference...and that's why they hate him...even to assassinate him as many of the WEF members have stated, even WEF member Soros's son recently...

Unelected globalist John Kerry has warned that the Democrats “need… to win” so his party can “change” the First Amendment to eliminate so-called “disinformation.”

According to Kerry, if Democrats “win” in November, the party will “hammer [disinformation] out of existence.”

However, he warns that Americans’ free speech rights are standing in the way of this alleged crusade to fight “disinformation.”

The “First Amendment stands as a major block” for the Democrats’ agenda, Kerry warned fellow globalists.

Kerry made the extreme remarks during a discussion with the World Economic Forum (WEF) on Green Energy.

He was asked by an audience member what could be done to fight online “disinformation.”

Responding to the question, Kerry said:

“You know there’s a lot of discussion now about how you curb those entities in order to guarantee that you’re going to have some accountability on facts, etc.

“But look, if people only go to one source, and the source they go to is sick, and, you know, has an agenda, and they’re putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence.”

“So what we need is to win the ground, win the right to govern, by hopefully winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to implement change,” he added.

He argued that the alleged problem is unique to democracies.

Kerry warns that, in the free world, there is an “absence of a sort of truth arbiter, and there’s no one who defines what facts really are.”


The remarks come as Kerry has been increasingly pushing anti-American rhetoric of late.

As Slay News reported earlier this month, Kerry recently called on the U.S. government to relax trading rules with Communist China to supposedly tackle “global warming.”

Kerry urged the U.S. government to take a new look at global trade rules.

He called the existing mediator of trade disputes, the World Trade Organization, “neutered.”

The long-time diplomat made the calls during wide-ranging comments on trade, tariffs, and the energy transition from fossil fuels at the Gastech energy conference in Houston, Texas.

Kerry insists that cooperation with China is vital for tackling “climate change.”

“We need an understanding among nations, which China and the U.S. could help lead, about fair processes within the trading structure of the world,” said Kerry.

He argues that relaxing trade rules with the Chinese Communist Party will help to combat “global warming” because China is developing “technologies” for “transitioning” to “green energy.”

Kerry also blasted the rising use of tariffs on Chinese imports, arguing that they harm efforts to encourage clean energy businesses such as those that produce solar panels, batteries, and electric cars.

“I’m not big on tariffs at all,” Kerry said.

“I think historically tariffs have proven to be very problematic for the marketplace and countries.”

“I advocate working with China on climate because China is 30% of all emissions on the planet and is now the biggest producer of some of these (energy transition) technologies,” Kerry declared.

He warned that U.S. lawmakers and regulators need to help to advance clean energy projects by relaxing trade rules with China.

“We have some blockages – political and regulatory – and one of them is the permitting, you cannot take 10 years to permit this stuff, we don’t have that kind of time,” he said.

“Nobody else is going to sit around and wait for us to get our act together.”

Earlier this year, Kerry stepped down from his lucrative role as the Biden-Harris administration’s first-ever United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate (SPEC).

The position was established for Kerry by his old friend President Joe Biden.

Kerry said he was stepping away from the role to focus on campaigning for Biden’s now-failed re-election bid.

However, Kerry still appears to be using the climate to advance his own agenda.


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