Monday 24 June 2024

Bill Gates' Chef Says Billionaire 'Refused To Feed His Family Fake Meat'

Bill Gates will let us eat his synthetic 'LAB' food that he says is 'good' for us, but has "big" health issues surrounding it, but where a major issue is that he will not let his Kids eat is...why Bill if it is so good why will you not let your own children eat it? Please tell us, or is there another side of the story you are NOT telling us???

Link: "The People's Voice"  

"Bill Gates' Lab-Grown 'Meat' 25 Times Worse for Climate than Beef, Study Finds"

"Fake 'Meat' Products Linked to Heart Failure Deaths, Study Finds"

"Bill Gates Unveils Plan to Fight 'Climate Change' by Targeting Food Supply"

And, one from over 8-years ago, but still a realistic question and even more so today with what Gates has got up to since...
"Gates Foundation - Is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation a Pariah on Society and Humanity? "

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