Sunday 2 June 2024

"THIS is where War in America will start... right here!" Redacted with Clayton Morris

(Explosive “interview” with JJ Carrell, Former US Boarder Deputy Patrol Agent in Charge and a 24 year Veteran of the  Customs and Border Protection Agency, just spent 3 days in Chicago and where it has been devastated by 100’s of thousands of recent illegal aliens  and it is not the Chicago that he or his colleagues can remember...a terrible state of a city now and all due to Biden’s imposed Border crisis that he is not stopping and where they all say at the border that they are voting for Biden…in November 2024 and they have been told Biden is going to make it legal to do so….the problem is with this and other cities in the USA, but where Chicago is the most acute, people are going to rise up and fight for themselves and the nation to stop this pure evil and what is the ‘enemy from within America..,and what Biden has else. For the people have no choice, as the government are with the illegal aliens and not with the American people…and where this the people say will happen literally in months, not years to protect themselves and their loved ones and where Chicago will become the first war zone in the USA which will spread throughout the USA...this is what the people of Chicago are saying en masse now, as they have no hope otherwise… it’s a WAR and no other way now…they say)

Click on the 'Link' for the devastating interview... which you will never forget I am sure... 

All Americans should listen to this "redacted" internet news interview as this is what is coming to America and will start in Chicago according to this former with what he has seen and through his interviews with former local politicians and the people of Chicago...

If you do not I can assure you that you will deeply regret it for yourselves and all your loved ones...

For Biden and his Administration is destroying America and the people just cannot believe it...but unfortunately...perfectly true and no question now.

Links to Other Relevant Weblogs...

DEAGEL the Shadowy and Secretive CIA Intelligence Agency that Predicts the Future by Creating it so that it Always happens to and you will be fully enlightened to what is 'Really' Actually Happening


DEAGEL dot COM Depopulation forecast 2025 

"Intelligence Official Exposes CIA Coup against Trump in Undercover Video"


"The Ethiopian Terrorist in Charge of the World Health Organization — Dr. Tedros Adhanom"  
(April 14, 2020)

"Now made a Global Dictator on 1 June 2024 for his Masters the the Globalists"

A bit more about Tedros the African Genocidal Terrorist...
"The Tedros File"

And his Boss and "Handler" Gates... 
Insider Reveals Bill Gates Running WHO: 'Tedros Is Just a Puppet'

"Top Japanese Government Official Issues Apology for Mass Vaccine Deaths"

"Ex-Border Patrol Chief Says He Was Punished by Biden's White House for Raising Concerns about Migrant Crisis"

"Biden Administration Actively Considering Granting Amnesty to Millions of Illegal Aliens"

Venezuelan Migrant TikToker Calls on Illegals to 'Invade' Homes of American Citizens

"Biden Admits Senate Border Bill Is Precursor to Amnesty for All Illegal Aliens"

"Non-Citizens Are Illegally Registering to Vote Ahead of November Elections, Study Finds"

The "Slippery Slope"...
Election Loophole Allows Illegal Aliens to Vote in Wisconsin

"Biden’s DHS Sued Over Hidden Documents Showing ‘Border Crisis’ is Intentional Policy"

"Biden Administration Smuggled Over 320,000 Illegal Migrants Into US Through Secret Flying Program"
"ALL Senate Dems Vote Against Stopping Biden Administration’s Charter Flights for Illegal Aliens"

"National Sheriff’s Association Confirms That Over 2 Million Terrorists Have Entered the United States"

"House GOP Vows to Tank Senate Border Bill That Allows 1.5M Illegals per Year, Pumps $2.3B to Migrant-Trafficking NGOs, Hands $60B to Ukraine"

"Arizona Democrats Pave Way for Illegals to Vote in Presidential Election"

"NBC News: 'Deep State' Plotting 'Military Coup' against Trump over 'Retribution' Fears"

"Deep State Cabal Is Already Preparing for ‘Worst-Case Scenario’ of Trump Being Re-elected"

"Elon Musk: 'America Is Doomed' without an Election 'Red Wave This November' "

"Alert: Ex-Wikipedia Co-Founder Says Site Hijacked by US Intelligence for 'Info Warfare' and where the CIA, FBI and other Government Agencies are 'involved' in corrupting the process from the early-years of the 2000s and most probably from 2001 when Wikipedia was Launched..."

"Mississippi SOS Warns Biden Is Registering Illegal Aliens to Vote with Executive Order"

"The Number of Annual Illegal Border Crossings Now Exceeds American Births"

"Biden's Plan for 'ICE ID' Cards for Illegal Immigrants Exposed in Leaked Images"

Who Biden is involved with...
"Mike Flynn Warns 'Globalists Are Coming for Our Faith, Our Families, Our Treasure, Our Lives'"

Who Biden is involved with with depopulation...
"WEF Calls for 'Useless Humans' to Be Eliminated" 

Another of Biden;'s friends in Arms...against the American People...
"UN Demands US Change Constitution to Limit Americans' Freedoms"

ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR FUTURE - the NEXT and Final Disaster to Descend upon Humanity..."Extinction of the Human Experience" all together as we know it within 6-years if it is not stopped...PERIOD

(Nichole Schwab daughter of WEF Chairman Klaus Schwab being made "The WHO" Director with Bill Gates and Biden's Climate Czar John Kerry) 

Ushering the Ukraine-Russian Obama and Biden...
"Reposted from 2015 due to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict - Obama and Biden as Vice -President with their Administration Voted for Nazism to Exist in the United Nations Resolution on Banning it Globally (unbelievable but perfectly true according to the UN Vote in November 2014) - What is the Modern World of Politics coming too When the Most Insidious Political Ideology and Regime Ever Invented that Murdered tens of Millions world-wide, is Allowed to Exist and Flourish - But Obama Wanted it That Way"

"Miscarriages Surge in Vaxxed Women, 'Millions' of Babies Lost"

"Millions of Sudden Deaths Scrubbed from Official Government Data"

"120,000 American Children 'Died Suddenly' after Covid Shots Rollout"


"24% of Americans Say They Know Someone Who Died from Covid Shot"

"CDC Forced to Release Report on Study Linking Heart Failure to Covid Shots - Every Single Page Is Redacted"

"CDC Covered Up Vax-Induced Heart Damage to Avoid Public 'Panic,' Email Reveals"

"1 Million Vaccinated Brits Died Suddenly in Past Year, Government Admits"

"CDC Admits Covid Shots Killed 500,000 Children & Young Adults"

"GOP Congressman Warns America Won't Survive a 'Fourth Obama Term' "

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