Wednesday 10 July 2024

CNN Drops the 'Cheap Fakes' Charade, Slams Biden as 'Not Coherent'

Blogger Comment: The reason why the Democrat elites are pushing for Biden to continue as the US President is now clear if people have any intelligence and where a man in the state of mind as Biden, clearly is not running the nation and where others are controlling the decision-making and power dynamics for themselves and where those people are Biden's bed-pals...the Globalist elites (the 1% of the 1% richest people in the world wo hate their own species)...therefore the american people are actually being run by the Western oligarchs and we all know or should know, these people are only interested in money and not humanity, and where they bleed the country dry of all its assets as they did do with the Pandemic as one isolated example... "If you ever wanted to know what the last near 4-years was all about, you only have to look at what happened to the 5-Richest Men in the World to 'Answer' that question and where as over 90% of the world's population was impoverished like at no other time in human history in 'real' terms...they over "Doubled" their personal Fortunes & Wealth"      

CNN has apparently turned against “Democratic elites” after showing a montage of clips highlighting President Joe Biden’s degraded mental acuity before noting that he’s “not coherent.”

The move comes after CNN threw its weight being the “cheap fakes” charade promoted by the Biden White House.

As Slay News reported, videos that highlight Biden’s advanced years and deteriorating mental state have been spreading on social media for some time.

However, rather than admit there’s a problem, the White House has resorted to calling the videos – real footage of Biden that hasn’t been altered but the Democrats don’t want voters to see – “cheap fakes,” a made-up phrase invented by the president’s handlers.

These so-called “cheap fakes” have been exposing Biden’s daily struggles with the simplest of tasks.

After previously backing this phony “cheap fakes” narrative, CNN has apparently changed course.

On Monday, after Biden gave multiple interviews defending himself and his mental acuity, CNN host and presidential debate moderator Jake Tapper called out the president in a lengthy monologue.

“The reality is that the Democratic elites are mostly late to acknowledge these age and ability issues compared to the rest of the public,” Tapper said of Biden’s age concerns.

Tapper is one of multiple influential political commentatorsmedia figures, and talk show hosts whose criticism of Biden has sharpened after his debate performance.

“The president and his team have not held a press conference to demonstrate just that,” Tapper said.

“He continues to do what he has done sparingly in the past, the short taped sit-down with an anchor, in this case George Stephanopoulos.”

ABC News host George Stephanopoulos asked Biden if his performance was “a bad episode or the sign of a more serious condition” in an interview Friday.

“It was a bad episode,” Biden said.

“No indication of a serious condition. I was exhausted.

“I didn’t listen to my instincts in terms of preparing. It was a bad night.”

Tapper also played a clip of Biden giving an interview on the Philadelphia-based black-owned radio station WURD.

“By the way, I’m proud to be, as I said, the first vice president, first black woman, to serve with a black president, proud of the first black woman in the Supreme Court,” Biden said in a rambling interview on “The Source with Andrea Lawful-Sanders.”

“He’s proud to be the first black woman?” Tapper said in response to Biden’s comments. “Not coherent.”

In addition, Tapper said that 72% of voters believe that “President Biden is too old.”

“That’s according to CNN’s most recent polling,” he said.

“Voters have been saying this for quite a long time.”

The gaffes from Biden during the WURD Radio interview were alarming considering it later emerged that the questions had been staged.

Lawful-Sanders admitted during a CNN interview Saturday that Biden’s team sent her eight questions to ask ahead of his interview on “The Source” last Wednesday.

After the revelation, Lawful-Sanders, who is black, lost her job at WURD for violating the station’s propaganda rules.

On Sunday, WURD’s president and CEO, Sara M. Lomax, announced that Lawful-Sanders and WURD have “mutually agreed to part ways.”

Lomax emphasized that “WURD Radio is not a mouthpiece for the Biden or any other admin.”

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