Thursday 4 July 2024

Top Oncologist Warns Cancers Are Surging in Vaxxed Patients

An eminent British oncologist has raised the alarm after seeing aggressive deadly cancers surging in his patients after they received Covid mRNA shots.

Professor Angus Dalgleish, a world-renowned figure in the medical world who is credited with the discovery of the CD4 receptor, warns that he’s now seeing cancers more aggressive than ever before in vaccinated patients.

Dalgleish, who now serves as the head of The Institute of Cancer Vaccines and Immunotherapy, said each dose of the mRNA shots appears to make the cancers develop and spread more rapidly.

The professor’s discovery of the CD4 receptor is considered to be one of the biggest breakthroughs in modern medicine as it revealed how HIV was able to invade the body’s cells, causing AIDS.

Dalgleish’s discovery has led to breakthroughs in medicine, allowing scientists to create treatments that block viruses from entering the cells.

Like other leading medical experts, Dalgleish is now sounding the alarm about the long-term side effects he’s seeing from the mRNA injections given to the public to supposedly fight Covid.

Prof. Dalgleish notes that the shots are linked to blood clotting, heart failure, and Guillain-Barre syndrome.

However, his greatest cause for concern is what the oncologist is seeing in his own patients.

He notes that several of his patients had been doing well in their fight against cancer but suffered devastating setbacks after receiving the mRNA injections.

Their cancer came back far worse than before.

“I started to see in my melanoma clinic patients who’d been stable for years, who suddenly came in, relapsed,” he said.

“Sometimes the relapse was quite vicious. I mean, they had very bad disease.

“We had to treat them all over again.”

This shows how tough things got for them after the booster.

Additionally, Prof Angus Dalgleish watched three of his friends get the booster shot because they wanted to travel after being trapped at home for two to three years.

Tragically, all three of them saw their cancer come back.

Even worse, two of them died because the cancer didn’t respond to the treatments that usually work.

This heartbreaking experience is why Dalgleish has now decided to go public, he revealed.

He calls the use of mRNA platform in infectious disease “a gross medical negligence… really, this criminal negligence now, knowing what we do.”

If that’s not a mic drop moment, I don’t know what is.

Dalgleish is echoing the calls from other leading oncologists in calling for a complete stop to using all mRNA gene therapy.

He thinks Covid mRNA injections, especially the “booster” shot, are actually causing more problems than they solve.

Several of the world’s leading oncologists are now calling on global governments to immediately ban Covid mRNA shots over the soaring cases of “turbo cancers” that have been linked to the injections.

As Slay News has reported, a growing number of studies and renowned   experts    have        determined    that   the jabs       have caused      the    spike in rapidly spreading cancers in the past three years.

Aside from cancers, the Covid mRNA shots have also been linked to skyrocketing sudden deaths and a range of deadly side effects such as blood clotsheart failure, and strokes.

A growing assembly of oncologists and cancer experts is raising serious concerns over the global surge in rapidly developing aggressive cancer cases, often referred to as “turbo cancers.”

Several different forms of cancer have now been found to be quickly spreading among young, healthy people.

Some doctors are reporting that they are diagnosing apparently healthy people with cancer and they are dying within a week.

The unprecedented spread of the disease has led to oncology experts dubbing the phenomenon “turbo cancer.”

The latest expert to join the assembly of oncologists is Dr. Maarten Fornerod.

Dr. Fornerod is the associate professor of Cell Biology and Pediatric Oncology at the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Fornerod has joined the group of experts to raise the alarm over the scientific links between the turbo cancer surge and mRNA injections.

The group points to a troubling correlation between experimental mRNA gene therapy and the increase in these fast-progressing cancers.

During a new panel discussion between the group of experts, Dr. Fornerod draws attention to a significant paper published on April 8, 2024, as reported by Slay News.

The peer-reviewed study, published in the prestigious Cureus journal, found that the risk of dying from cancer dramatically increased each time a patient received an mRNA injection.

The paper for the study is titled: “Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan.”

The study was conducted by world-renowned Japanese experts specializing in cardiovascular medicine and cancer research.

The study plots cancer mortality against vaccination rounds, with statistically significant excess mortality appearing after the widespread administration of the mRNA injections.

The spike protein triggered by the shots inhibits the activity of tumor suppressor genes, causing cancers to form and rapidly spread, Dalgleish explained during an interview earlier this year.

Additionally, the spike protein interferes with BRCA, which keeps ovarian and breast cancer in check.

The N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ) in itself leads to immune suppression, causing vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (VAIDS).

Without the immune system working in full force, it creates conditions conducive to turbo cancer growth.

As such, Prof. Dalgleish says:

“You should never use [mRNA shots] in the general population as vaccines because they’re not.”

“[Covid shots] should be completely banned!”

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