Thursday 4 July 2024

Top Catholic Bishop Raises Alarm over Soaring 'Turbo Cancers' and Sudden Deaths Among Covid-Vaxxed

A high-profile Catholic bishop has issued a statement to raise the alarm about the soaring cases of “turbo cancer,” sudden deaths,” and other “harmful side effects” being suffered by the Covid mRNA-vaccinated.

Swiss Bishop Marian Eleganti blasted the “bankruptcy of faith” of those who embraced masking and restrictions on freedoms and pushed vaccine mandates.

“We have excess mortality since the vaccination programs in all countries,” Eleganti warns.

Eleganti asserts that Covid mRNA injections have caused “many harmful side effects,” including “turbo cancer,” excess deaths, and premature births.

The top Catholic Church official blasted the mass vaccination agenda during a video interview with LifeSiteNews journalist Andreas Wailzer in German.

Eleganti was asked what he thought about the Austrian bishops’ support for the country’s general Covid jab mandate.

“For me, that was clearly a fall from grace,” Eleganti lamented.

He said that “informed consent” and autonomous decision over one’s own body was the “basic dogma” in medical ethics during the past decades.

The bishop noted that the Congregation (now Dicastery) for the Doctrine of the Faith under Cardinal Luis Ladaria had declared that there must not be forced Covid injections.

“Nevertheless, the Pope imposed [a shot mandate] on all employees in the Vatican as head of state,” Eleganti stated.

“Otherwise, they would have lost their jobs or been given another one.

“So, for me, that was clearly an injustice.”

“We now know, and this is coming to light more and more worldwide, that we simply cannot ignore the fact that these measures were not evidence-based, that the vaccinations did not guarantee this protection against transmission, that there was no ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated.’”

“Today we have turbo-cancer phenomena; we have excess mortality since the vaccination programs in all countries.

“We have a decline in births due to premature births and so on.”

“So much injustice happened, and there were so many harmful side effects,” he continued.

“Today we have turbo-cancer phenomena; we have excess mortality since the vaccination programs in all countries.

“We have a decline in births due to premature births and so on.”

“There are many parameters that point in the same direction, that a lot has been done wrong.

“The masks were not evidence-based, and so on.

“That was also known, and these were political decisions.”

The Swiss bishop also criticized the role of the globalist United Nations and its World Health Organization (WHO) in stripping away national sovereignty and acting “like a world government.”

“The WHO is also financed by private foundations such as Bill Gates and others,” Eleganti noted.

“And these institutions are not democratically legitimized, and they are also at the mercy of the powerful of high finance.”

“And that’s where you have to be critical, and nations must not give up their sovereignty so that so few people in the back room suddenly decide for the whole world like a world government and impose something on all countries that remains highly controversial, also in the future.”

The bishop reiterated that the Church “did not play a good role” during the pandemic.

He said that bishops and other Church leaders showed their lack of faith in the supernatural by shutting down public Easter celebrations and the healing springs in Lourdes, removing the holy water from the churches, and treating the Eucharist like “a contaminated thing.”

“For me, that is a declaration of bankruptcy of faith,” Bishop Eleganti charged.

“As it is written in Psalm 90, ‘Even though a thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, such evils will not afflict you,’” he stated.

“And so also when the plague rages by day and by night,” he continued.

“It is also quite clear, a sacramental [holy water] that I use to place myself under the protection of God…

“I can’t maintain an attitude of total unbelief at the same time… [to believe] that it does not help me at all, but on the contrary could even harm me.”

Eleganti stressed that Catholics “cannot rely on secular strategies” that were often nonsensical but must resort to prayer.

He said that even people outside Christianity “somehow felt” that the Church hierarchy’s response to Covid “was a surrender of faith as if God did not exist.”


The comments from Bishop Eleganti come amid growing concern about the long-term impact on public health of the Covid mRNA shots.

As Slay News reported earlier, a bombshell study has just confirmed a direct link between the injections and surging sudden deaths reported around the world.

The study was conducted by Christof Kuhbandner, PhD, Professor of Psychology at the University of Regensburg in Bavaria Germany, and mathematician Prof. Matthias Reitzner at Osnabrück University, a public research university located in the city of Osnabrück in Lower Saxony.

In their study, the top scientists identified a direct correlation between surging excess mortality in Germany and Covid mRNA injections.

The esteemed authors of the study are now raising the alarm about the devastating side effects of the shots and calling for governments to launch full investigations into their explosive findings.

The pre-print paper for the study is titled “Differential Increases in Excess Mortality in the German Federal States During the COVID-19 Pandemic.”

Raising alarm, the authors emphasize that “ the increase in excess mortality, an increasingly strong positive correlation with the vaccination rate of a federal state is observed, which reaches a value of r = 0.85 in the third pandemic year, indicating that excess mortality increased the stronger the higher the vaccination rate in a federal state was.

“An analysis of stillbirths showed exactly the same pattern.”

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