Thursday 11 July 2024

Idaho (Rep.) Governor Enacts Landmark ‘ONLY CITIZENS WILL VOTE Act’ to Ensure Only U.S. Citizens Can Vote in State Elections


Blogger Comment: With what is going on and what has happened since Biden was elected and the US's history with 'past' election FRAUD, it now is 'certain', if people have a modicum of intelligence and knowledge of broad national news (both MSM, Independent and Social Platforms),  that only the Republican Party and NOT the Democratic Party, stands for VOTES for the AMERICAN PEOPLE only and 'NOT 'illegal' migrants, known terrorists in their own home countries and aliens from all over the world...this as well in a mere 3-years and where Biden has let in over 8 million to the United States of America to date...but this appears to have more sinister things behind all of this by the blue Democratic they are all against JUST,  'TRUE' Americans voting and want everyone to vote for them from anywhere no matter who they are...

Idaho Governor Brad Little (R-ID) and Secretary of State Phil McGrane announced Idaho’s landmark executive order ensuring only U.S. citizens can vote in state elections, a first for any state in the nation.

Named the ‘ONLY CITIZENS WILL VOTE Act,’ this measure is part of a wider push to maintain election integrity and increase voter confidence amid growing concerns over election security. 

Governor Brad Little, signing Executive Order 2024-07, stated, “Idaho already has the most secure elections in the nation, and we’re going to keep it that way. My executive order – the ONLY CITIZENS WILL VOTE Act – directs Secretary of State Phil McGrane to work with local county clerks to scrub our voter rolls and make sure Idaho’s elections do not fall prey to the consequences of Biden’s lawless open border.”

Secretary McGrane emphasized these points, asserting “Across Idaho’s 44 counties, we have excellent mechanisms in place already to ensure non-citizens do not vote in Idaho, but there is always more we can do to make sure only citizens will vote. I am proud to work closely with Governor Brad Little to put in place a plan that keeps Idaho ahead of the pack in election integrity.” 

Governor Little and Secretary McGrane emphasized that while states on the West Coast and the Biden Administration undermine election confidence by attempting to register non-citizens to vote, Idaho is taking a strong stance. The state is actively working to ensure its voter rolls remain free of non-citizens and illegal aliens.

The order outlines several key directives:

  • The Secretary of State shall immediately take all necessary steps to ensure that processes are in place to validate voter registration and prevent non-citizens from registering to vote;
  • The Secretary of State shall routinely review Idaho’s voter rolls, in coordination with Idaho State Police and the Idaho Transportation Department, to identify any potential non-citizens;
  • The Secretary of State shall coordinate with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and take any steps necessary to verify citizenship status to ensure no non-citizens are participating in Idaho elections;
  • In the annual report to the Governor and Legislature regarding voter registration maintenance, pursuant to Idaho Code 34-418(2), the Secretary of State and county clerks shall report on their efforts to prevent and remove non-citizens from Idaho’s voter rolls.
  • State agencies shall not provide voter registration materials to non-citizens or coordinate with any federal programs or agencies to provide voter registration material to non-citizens in the State of Idaho.
  • State agencies entering into or renewing contracts with federal agencies or partners must confirm there is no requirement to provide voter registration materials to non-citizens or otherwise requiring voter registration activities for non-citizens.

Follow the ‘link’ for the Article…

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