Friday 9 August 2024

Expert Drops Bombshell: Covid Shots Have Depopulated Earth


A leading expert has just raised the alarm after analyzing official government data that proves Covid mRNA shots have successfully depopulated the human race.

Data from the Czech Republic reveals significant concerns about the safety of the Moderna vaccine.

The analysis shows a consistent 30% higher all-cause mortality rate for those who received the Moderna vaccine compared to the Pfizer vaccine, raising serious questions about its safety.

The data was analyzed by world-renowned MIT scientist Steve Kirsch.

In a new video interview, Kirsch details the findings.

He said:

“What we found was that there was a constant difference between the Moderna vaccine and the Pfizer vaccine over time.

“And that’s from the beginning that they got the shot to the end, doesn’t matter what observation 30%.

“So what we know from this data is that there’s a 30%, higher all-cause mortality in people who got Moderna.

“Now, if we assume that Pfizer is perfectly safe, then Moderna is a 30% increase in all-cause mortality, which is an immediate stopping condition for any vaccine because vaccines are not supposed to increase your all-cause mortality, they’re supposed to reduce it.”


The core message is that the Moderna vaccine’s higher dose of active ingredient is linked to increased mortality rates.

This finding is supported by other studies and analyses.

The data highlights the need for greater transparency and accountability in public health data.

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