Thursday 15 August 2024

WHO's Declaration of a 'public health emergency of international concern' (Pandemic)


With the dire announcement by the WHO of a 'public health emergency of international concern' (Pandemic) we have to be very concerned now about the so-called vote that changed the WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHR) on 1 June 2024, as this was a real "scam" by the WHO to push them through, as you will read below.


For when we look at the ‘TRUTH’ of the matter and the so-called vote on 1 June 2024 (which was a no vote in reality), it becomes international law overriding all national laws and  where the vast majority of the country delegates had gone home to their relevant nations when it was taken and where the WHO called for a further discussion to try and force through the revised IHR, which they did. At that pre-planned meeting it appears, there were only 37 national representatives out of 194 in place and where the WHO considered it to be a quorum (what with less than 20% present).


The WHO has also a fairly novel way off getting a vote through, no show of hands or direct voting on computers et al, but based on the dissent, where changes in 'articles' are verbally rolled out and they ask if there are any dissenters, if no show of arms in the air, the new changed article(s) are passed and that's what happened, no dissenters. In that respect it was a corrupt fix, against the WHO's rules and criminal in its actions.


CLICK on “WHA77 - Plenary Heighth Plenary meeting 01/06/2024 - 19:15-19:35”  

 (WHO cannot even get their spelling right on their international notifications as that's what they have put on their website)


This is the important ‘link’ stated above and not the other links on this WHO page, as it is the so-called vote to change that is not a vote in the legal terms to be binding, but WHO says it is with only 37 nations involved...look at the sparse open area of these voters which for a full 194 assembly would be packed out. A complete scam to say the least and these people are mere puppets of the WEF and their evil ways...just look at what their Covid-19 injections have done to humanity and where now what they have done and forced through (through mainly Biden's instigation, backing and forcing through) will create even more mass deaths...people have just to wake up to what is going on or their name will be on the death roll no doubt...

Make your own mind up whether the WHO has undertaken the right way to do things, or committed a crime against humanity here !

And also a supporting Video that explains the GREAT SCAM' of the PCR test and where the pandemic was totally reliant upon for the Covid-19 Pandemic to work on the people. Kary Mullis's who I knew who died a mere few months before Covid-19 arrived (but a coincidence I am sure), never stated that his invention/technology was made to detect diseases and he stated the absolute opposite. At the time of his death, his wife Nancy stated that it was highly "unexpected"...


"The Ethiopian Terrorist in Charge of the World Health Organization — Dr. Tedros Adhanom"
April 14, 2020

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