Friday 9 August 2024

WHO Considers Declaring Global Public Health Emergency over Monkeypox Outbreak in Africa

Blogger Comment: The WHO meets over a few days from 14 August 2024 for Tedros to decide whether he will he will call for a Pandemic Emergency(or should I say the Globalists who control him), so be prepared for this and Pandemic 2 hoax and use your intelligence, your intuition and what we  know now about the Covid-19 hoax...noting that only 9 people in the world (out of 8,000,000,000 today and an infinitesimal insignificant number so don't be scared by the WHO's fear is my advice, as if you do, the opposite deadly outcome for you will be 900,000,000-times greater more likely and death) have directly died from Monkeypox since this s-called virus was detected and determined over 100-years ago...

The World Health Organization has revealed that the unelected United Nations agency is considering declaring a global health emergency due to an outbreak of monkeypox in Africa.

The WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus issued the warning about monkeypox, also known as mpox, in a post on X.

“But more funding and support for a comprehensive response are needed,” Tedros wrote on Sunday.

“I am considering convening an International Health Regulations emergency committee to advise me on whether the outbreak of mpox should be declared a public health emergency of international concern.”

By Tuesday, it was still unclear when the WHO would declare the emergency or issue any warnings about the virus.

A statement from Tedros published by the journal Science asserted:

“This virus can and must be contained with intensified public health measures including surveillance, community engagement, treatment and targeted deployment of vaccines for those at higher risk of infection.”

“A further scaling up of the mpox response underway in affected countries is urgently needed amid the expanding outbreak,” his statement said.

Tedros said he is demanding “more funding for a comprehensive response” from governments of sovereign nations.

He argues that the response must include plans for diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines.

A public health emergency of international concern is the strongest designation for an outbreak.

Notably, such a declaration was made for COVID-19 during the early onset of the pandemic in 2020.

Later, WHO made the designation for a monkeypox outbreak that lasted from 2022 to 2023.

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden’s administration declared an emergency over the virus.

During that outbreak, which impacted Europe and the United States, officials say monkeypox primarily spread via sexual contact between men.

The latest announcement was made as the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said in a report last week that monkeypox has now been detected in 10 African countries this year.

Those nations include Congo, which has more than 96 percent of all cases and deaths.

Officials said nearly 70 percent of cases in Congo are affecting children younger than 15, who also account for 85 percent of deaths

There have been an estimated 14,250 cases so far this year, nearly as many as all of last year, the Africa CDC said.

Compared to the first seven months of 2023, the Africa CDC said cases are up 160 percent and deaths are up 19 percent, to 456.

Burundi and Rwanda both reported the virus for the first time this week, while new outbreaks were recently reported in the Central African Republic and Kenya.

“We are very concerned about the cases of monkeypox, which is ravaging (the capital region),” the Central African Republic’s public health minister, Pierre Somse, said on Monday.

According to the U.S. CDC website, signs and symptoms of monkeypox include a rash that might be located on the feet, hands, face, chest, and mouth, or near the genitals.

The rash can form scabs and initially look like blisters or pimples, which may be itchy or painful.

Other symptoms include fever, swollen lymph nodes, chills, aches, exhaustion, and respiratory symptoms such as a cough, nasal congestion, or sore throat, according to the health agency.


Bloggers Final Comment on Tedros...
AND Meet the 'REAL' Director-General of the World Health Organization (The WHO), who is not what he appears and I wonder why the WEF chose this despicable human (who is a friend of Gates, Biden, Harris Pfizer CEO et al and all the usual 'globalist' obscene money corruptor suspects) for the Job of calling Pandemics and where last time when Monkeypox (actually 'Moneypox is the more realistic apt term) raised its head, Tedros called for a "International Emergency" to shut the world down again, just over a year ago (you did not see that in the Globalist's-owned MSM, now did you), but where there were no direct deaths (never really have been in reality from MonkeyPox) and the CON died away and where at the time, he totally took no notice of his medical advisory experts (he is not a qualified medical doctor) who voted overwhelmingly NOT to CALL for a Pandemic, but where again....he took no notice of all of them...even though there would have been dire consequences and outcomes for the world with shutting it down yet again....pure evil is this man...without doubt...

"The Ethiopian Terrorist in Charge of the World Health Organization — Dr. Tedros Adhanom" April 14, 2020

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