Wednesday 18 September 2024

NYC Democrats Pass Bill to Pay Slavery Reparations with Taxpayer Money

Blogger Comment: This is a sweetener so that New-yorkers think that they will get something, but as usual, they will be dead when they can and we also know, that the Democrats are ,masters of never paying on any deal that they make with the American people...just look at the increasingly dire state under Biden and Harris of the USA and you can see that and for SURE..a disaster after only 3 years in the making and what will America be like with a further 4 years of Harris at the helm and the Democrats...and total destruction...

Democrats on the New York City Council have passed legislation to pay black residents slavery reparations using taxpayer money.

The passage of two bills sponsored by leftist Council members Crystal Hudson and Farah Louis, both Democrats, means NYC taxpayers will now fund a reparations commission and task force.

Fox News reported that the new “Truth, Healing, and Reconciliation Commission” will be tasked with establishing a program to hand out reparations.

According to a press release from the Democrat-controlled council, the legislation will also require city officials to place information signs at the site of NYC’s “first slave market.”

In a statement, NYC Council Speaker Adrienne Adams said:

“The legacy of slavery and systemic racism has impacted all facets of our society today, and it’s important that our city recognizes and takes steps to redress these longstanding harms.

“By creating new processes to fully examine the present-day impacts of injustices inflicted on Black New Yorkers and communities, we are advancing necessary efforts to consider potential remedies that can lead to healing and reconciliation.”

Hudson, the radical councilmember who sponsored one of the bills, said the passage of her legislation is a major step in advancing her “Black Agenda for New York City.”

“It is my hope that as the nation’s largest city––with the biggest municipal budget––our truth, healing, and reconciliation process will work; it will identify racist, anti-black policies at the foundation of our city’s institutions, and it will yield material solutions to address these foundational cracks,” she said.

In a statement, Louis, whose bill focused on starting a reparations task force, said:

“Throughout my tenure in the Council, we have heard countless testimonies and conducted numerous hearings revealing the ongoing impacts of historical injustices.

“Black women, in particular, continue to be disadvantaged in both public and private sectors, facing systemic inequities that hinder their progress and well-being.

“Addressing these compounded injustices is essential to forming a more just municipality and society.”

Republican City Council Minority Leader Joseph Borelli blasted the legislation, however.

Borelli told the New York Post that he would move out of the city before paying reparations.

“If they can introduce me to one New Yorker who owned a slave I’d be happy to consider it,” he said.

“But until then, I am not paying a dime as a reparation for a harm I did not cause, nor condone, nor once participated in.”

In the wake of George Floyd’s overdose death and the violent Black Lives Matter-led riots that followed it in the summer of 2020, numerous cities — and the deep blue states of New York and California — have created reparations task forces.

However, many of the task forces have failed to yield any significant results.

Two members of Detroit’s reparations task force stepped down last year after expressing frustration over the lack of “progress.”

Even though slavery was never legal in California, the state’s exploration into slavery reparations has seen the most success.

Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a state budget in July that included $12 million for reparations legislation.

Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris has also expressed her support for reparations.

In 2019, then-Senator Harris (D-CA) said:

“I think there has to be some form of reparations, and we could discuss what that is, but look, we’re looking at more than 200 years of slavery.

“We’re looking at almost 100 years of Jim Crow.”

As a presidential candidate in 2019, Harris declared that, if elected president, she would sign a bill that would provide reparations to the descendants of African slaves.

The Harris campaign refuses to say whether the Democrat nominee still supports that position.


Mexican Government Begins Busing Migrants to America's Open Southern Border

Blogger Comment: Well this 'Article' is not surprising when, "Ted Cruz states that Vice-President Kamala Harris Is Coordinating with Mexico to Flood America with Illegal Aliens"        

The Mexican government has started busing migrants to America’s Southern Border in a controversial new scheme to transport “foreigners” from Mexico to the United States.

The migrants can make appointments using a phone app implemented by the Biden-Harris administration that allows them to be paroled into the U.S.

Once the migrants book the appointment using the app, the Mexican government transports them to America’s open border.

The Mexican National Institute of Migration posted a video of what it said was the first bus transporting “foreigners.”

The migrants were bused from Tapachula, in the south of the country near Guatemala, to Reynosa near the U.S. border.

The video said that migrants will attend their appointments scheduled via the Biden-Harris admin’s CBP One app.

WATCH: Click on the 'text' at the top of the Video block to view...
The CBP One app was expanded during the Biden-Harris admin to allow up to 1,450 migrants per day to schedule an appointment at a U.S. port of entry to be paroled into the U.S. if they meet certain conditions.

The app also allows them to upload documents ahead of that appointment.

The Biden-Harris admin has said that the app is a key part of its “migration strategy.”

The strategy involves increasing funding to the border while expanding “lawful” migration pathways.

It has also used the app to allow up to 30,000 nationals from four countries to fly directly into the U.S. after being approved.

But Republicans have accused the administration of abusing humanitarian parole.

The system is supposed to be used on a case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.

They have said that the administration is waving in migrants quasi-legally.

Republicans have pointed to numbers suggesting that over 95% of migrants who schedule an appointment are allowed in.

Critics note that the strategy is another tactic to “legally” flood the country with foreign nationals.

The Mexican government announced in a press release last month the plan to transport foreigners to the U.S. border as part of a “safe mobility corridor.”

Mexico said it will issue a temporary 20-day visa for those with a confirmed CBP One appointment, and give them transportation as well as food.

The app recently came under fire from a DHS Inspector General report.

The report found issues with vetting among other problems with the app.

“Although CBP uses biographic and biometric information submitted to CBP One to determine whether arriving noncitizens have derogatory records, it does not leverage the information to identify suspicious trends as part of its pre-arrival vetting procedures,” the report said.

Meanwhile, immigration has become a key election issue after a three-year border crisis.

The Southern Border that repeatedly smashed records for illegal crossing under the current administration.

The Biden-Harris admin has called for the backing of a “bipartisan” Senate bill that would increase funding for the border.

It has blamed the crisis on the failure of Congress to provide that funding.

DHS is also pointing to a sharp decrease in apprehensions since President Joe Biden signed an order to allow authorities to temporarily suspend the entry of illegal immigrants across the border.

Officials say that has led to a 50% decrease in apprehensions since that time.

It also says it has removed more than 131,000 individuals to 144 countries, including 420 international deportation flights.

Officials say they have also tripled the percentage of non-citizens processed through Expedited Removal to Mexico while in custody.

Republicans, including President Donald Trump, have blamed the crisis on the policies of the Biden-Harris admin.

After being sworn into office, Biden immediately began rolling back successful Trump-era policies.

Trump has promised to shut down parole policies and launch a massive deportation operation if elected in November.


Rape, Robbery, Assaults Skyrocketing under Biden-Harris Admin, Federal Data Reveals

Blogger Comment: Can you imagine another 4-years with Harris and the Democrats "in-charge" and what would the horrendous national crime be in America and for the American people that would be throughout the USA like a cancer and what would most probably kills a whole NATION?

A new analysis of federal crime data reveals that rape, robbery, and aggravated assault have skyrocketed by more than 40 percent under the Biden-Harris administration.

The surge was revealed in a report from the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC).

The CPRC analyzed federal data on crime statistics from the Department of Justice (DOJ).

The finding is significant as it highlights a massive surge in violent crime since President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris were sworn into office.

According to the CPRC’s estimate, violent crime fell 15 percent under President Donald Trump.

During his debate with Harris on Tuesday, Trump noted that crime has surged under the current administration.

“Despite their fraudulent statements that they made, crime in this country is through the roof,” Trump said.

“And we have a new form of crime.

“It’s called migrant crime.”

Migrant crime is rampant, according to the Trump campaign:

 ◦ Rachel Morin, a 37-year-old Maryland mother of five, was raped and strangled to death, allegedly by an illegal alien, in 2023. Her partially naked body was found in a drainage tunnel near a hiking trail.

 ◦ Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student from Georgia, was savagely murdered, allegedly by an illegal alien who strangled her and beat her over the head with a rock as she was out for a jog.

 ◦ Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old Houston girl, was brutally murdered, allegedly by two illegal aliens who allegedly lured her under a bridge, tied her up, and sexually assaulted her for hours before killing her and throwing her body into a bayou. One of her alleged assailants was wearing an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) ankle monitor as he allegedly committed the heinous crimes.

The report from the CPRC appears to support the Trump campaign’s findings:

Justice Department data revealed that violent crime soared under the Biden-Harris administration:

  • Rape increased 42 percent
  • Robbery increased 63 percent
  • Aggravated assault increased 55 percent

The CPRC reported:

“The just-released data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics’s National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) shows violent crime has soared under Biden-Harris.

“If you look at rape, robbery, and aggravated assaults (the NCVS doesn’t measure murder), between 2016 and 2020, violent crime fell by 15% under Trump and soared by 55% under Biden between 2020 and 2023.

“The year before they became president and then how it had changed by either the end of Trump’s presidency or the latest year for Biden-Harris.

“Even if you take the starting period for Biden as 2019 or the five-year average before COVID because the numbers may have been artificially depressed during COVID, violent crime rose by 19%.

“Under Biden, rape soared by 42%, robbery by 63%, and aggravated assaults by 55%.

“If you pick 2021 as the base year for comparison for Biden-Harris, though that makes them responsible for any changes that have already occurred during the first year of their presidency, the numbers are virtually unchanged, with the exception of aggravated assault, which is up much more under this measure.

“Violent crime is up 55%, rape up 42%, robbery up 53%, and aggravated assault up 67%.”

Read the CPRC’s full report here.


Kamala Harris Campaign Chief of Staff Pushed for Online Voting as Democrats Oppose Securing Elections

Blogger Comment: This is "typical" of the Biden-Harris Administration...make it easy for voter fraud and for the Democrats to manipulate the numbers... so that we win 'again' through  (fair) or foul means

Sheila Nix, the chief of staff for Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris’s campaign, has been leading an effort to push for insecure online voting in major elections.

Nix previously headed an organization that pushed for online voting despite security concerns, Just the News reported.

Critics recognize the pitfalls of mobile voting, including massive exposure to fraud.

Democrats insist that America’s elections are fair and free from fraud, despite multiple reports to the contrary.

However, they always support methods that open up the possibility of fraud, whether vote-by-mail or mobile app voting.

Nix is yet another in a cacophony of left-wing voices calling for things that will jeopardize the legitimacy of elections.

She and disgraced former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich co-founded an organization favoring this idea.

As the president of Tusk Montgomery Philanthropies, Nix and the organization’s co-founder Bradley Tusk penned an opinion piece championing online voting via a cellphone app.

They glossed over the problems of fraud and hacking in a 2017 article.

The Observer piece, titled “The Best Argument for Mobile Voting? Abysmal Primary Turnouts,” justified online voting to drive turnout.

This opinion piece came on the heels of President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential win.

“We all perform complicated transactions on our phones every day—we move money, buy goods and services, and express our views and ideas using them,” Nix and Tusk wrote.

“For most of us, our phone is more than a utility—it’s indispensable.

“Yet when it comes to the act that fundamentally maintains our democracy, we toss aside the object we rely on most and revert to an outdated, difficult approach.”

They mentioned obstacles, including work hours and childcare and the hassles of finding the polling place and dealing with the people running it.

“Not surprisingly, few people bother,” Nix and Tusk argued.

“The solution is simple: If we want more people to vote, we have to make it easier to do so.

“If voting requires just opening an app, a lot more people will do it.”

They only gave cursory acknowledgment of the problem of fraud.

“Some will be legitimate (such as concerns about fraud and hacking), but most will not,” the opinion piece asserted.

“But there will be some officials brave enough to do what’s right.

“We need to find them and convince them to begin the process.”

If voting for America’s leaders is so crucial to democracy, as Democrats say, then there’s no reason they should be calling for methods that are easy to hack.

Still, Democrats routinely object to commonsense concerns about vote-by-mail and fight voter ID laws tooth and nail.

Conveniently, recent incidents of voter fraud almost exclusively involve Democrats.

In 2021, Georgia sought to tighten its election laws with simple changes like limiting the number of drop boxes for ballots and providing proof identification for absentee ballots.

The Left, including President Joe Biden, was outraged over the move.

“I’m convinced that we’ll be able to stop this, because it is the most pernicious thing—this makes Jim Crow look like Jim Eagle,” Biden barked.

“This is gigantic what they’re trying to do and it cannot be sustained.”

There is nothing racist about secure elections, but the narrative is always the same.

For Nix to push online voting, which makes it significantly easier to commit fraud, only adds to the suspicion that fraud is a feature and not a bug.

There’s no reason people can’t show up on Election Day once a year for something so important as voting.

Objections to traditional voting provide convenient cover for the least secure options, and Democrats push for it every time.


WEF Advisor Demands Social Media Censorship to 'Control' AI 'Disinformation'

World Economic Forum (WEF) senior advisor Yuval Noah Harari has called for the mass censorship of social media to supposedly tackle the alleged “threat” of “disinformation” content that’s generated by artificial intelligence (AI).

Harari, who also serves as an advisor to Klaus Schwab and is credited as the architect of the WEF’s anti-human agenda, made the call during a new interview on CNN with Fareed Zakaria.

He argues that First Amendment rights must be pushed aside so the public can be censored under the pretext of regulating AI.

However, he claims the move is not about “harming the freedom of speech of human beings” but warns that censorship is necessary to ensure that the First Amendment is “not a bot right.”

Zakaria whether social media companies require “significant regulation” to curb so-called “disinformation” narratives.

“Yes, we need regulation,” Harari replied.

“And the regulation is not about harming the freedom of speech of human beings.

“It’s about regulating the algorithms and the bots.

“Freedom of speech is a human right. It’s not a bot right.”

“It’s the responsibility of people who run large media companies to make the right investments,” Harari said.

“The problem is not freedom of speech.

“The problem is that there are algorithms on Twitter, Facebook, and so forth that deliberately promote information that captures our attention even if it’s not true.”


Harari argues that social media algorithms are one way in which AI amplifies such “falsehoods” on the Internet.

He also claims that AI “is capable of creating content by itself” and warns that it could “escape our control.”

However, even AI-generated content that is shared online is the product of human actions.

If a meme emerges on Twitter that depicts President Donald Trump rescuing a cat from Haitian migrants, a person must have instructed an AI generator or bot to create the image.

Therefore, contrary to his claim, Harari is actually pushing to censor the speech of individuals who may use AI as a tool to communicate such speech.

In support of his claim that he wishes merely for the regulation of “bots” and not “human beings,” Harari asserted to Zakaria that AI “isn’t a tool” but is “an agent.”

An example of AI-generated content that Harari and Zakaria might consider to be “disinformation” is a recent viral audio montage of Kamala Harris.

The post, which was shared by Elon Musk on X, is overwhelmingly recognized as satire that was created by an individual with the help of AI.

The video clip, which looks like a campaign ad with a voiceover that sounds like Harris, mocks the VP as a presidential candidate.

California’s Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom responded by vowing to make AI voice manipulation illegal in his state.

Notably, Newsom has never responded to any AI-generated material related to President Trump.

that it will one day replace most of the human workforce.

He previously described humans in the new AI-dominated world he envisions as “useless.”

In addition, Harari has lauded AI for its ability to potentially create a new religion that he would consider to be “actually correct.”

“Just think about a religion whose holy book is written by an AI,” Harari said while speaking with  Portuguese-American journalist Pedro Pinto last year in Lisbon, Portugal.

“That could be a reality in a few years.

The transhumanist mocked the idea that the Bible “came from some superhuman intelligence.”

Harari holds a variety of bizarre views that attack humanity.

In recent years, he has said that “homo sapiens” are a “post-truth species.”

He has also remarked that “humans” are no longer “mysterious souls” but merely “hackable animals.”


Government Report Calls for All Airports Closed to Comply with 'Net Zero'

All airports must be closed and the consumption of meat and dairy products among the general public must be completely banned in order to comply with the globalist “Net Zero” agenda, according to a disturbing government report.

The report was produced by Oxford University and Imperial College London for the UK government.

Experts at the prestigious colleges are advising government officials on the drastic steps that must be taken to meet the “Net Zero” targets set by the United Nations (UN) and the World Economic Forum (WEF).

The report lays out a roadmap identifying when certain targets must be achieved.

It reveals that all airports will be ordered to close, eating beef and lamb will be made illegal, major restrictions will be placed on farming, and construction of new buildings will not be permitted.

To meet the legal commitment of complying with the WEF’s “Net Zero” by 2050, the report breaks down the goals into a list of targets that must be met before 2029, with further restrictions implemented by 2049.

The report states that all airports must close by 2029 with the exception of one main airport in England, Scotland, and Ireland.

Those airports -Heathrow, Glasgow, and Belfast – can only stay open on the condition people are only able to travel to them via rail.

However, those remaining airports must then close between 2030 and 2049 to meet “Net Zero” by 2050.

The report asserts that every member of the general public must “stop using airplanes.”

In addition, the report states that the public will be required to stop doing anything that causes emissions, regardless of its energy source.

According to the report, this will require the public to never eat beef or lamb ever again.

Those who consume meat and dairy products would be in violation of the law of the Climate Change Act, the report warns.

To achieve this target, the national consumption of beef and lamb will drop by 50% between 2020 and 2029.

Then, between 2030 and 2049, the consumption of meat and dairy products must be completely banned.

The WEF, one of the architects of the “Net Zero” agenda, has been increasingly pushing for restrictions on public freedom to supposedly “save the planet” from “climate change.”

Klaus Schwab’s organization has long been advocating for meat and dairy products to be replaced with lab-grown “beef” and insect-based “foods.”

The WEF has been one of the main drivers behind the global crackdown on the farming industry.

The unelected Switzerland-based organization has also been pressuring governments to ban private vehicle ownership and outlaw home-grown food.

Meanwhile, officials in the United States have been measures to ensure that the American people comply with these demands.

In the U.S., 14 cities have set a “target” to comply with the WEF green agenda goals by banning meat, dairy, and private car ownership by 2030.

The U.S. cities have formed a coalition called the “C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group” (C40).

The C40 has established an “ambitious target” to meet the WEF’s goals by the year 2030.

To fulfill the “target,” the C40 Cities have pledged that their residents will comply with the following list of mandatory rules:

  • “0 kg [of] meat consumption”
  • “0 kg [of] dairy consumption”
  • “3 new clothing items per person per year”
  • “0 private vehicles” owned
  • “1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person”

The C40 Cities’ dystopian goals can be found in its “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World” report.

Nearly 100 cities across the world make up the organization.

The American city members of C40 include:

  • Austin
  • Boston
  • Chicago
  • Houston
  • Los Angeles
  • Miami
  • New Orleans
  • New York City
  • Philadelphia
  • Phoenix
  • Portland
  • San Francisco
  • Washington, D.C.
  • Seattle

The WEF has been increasingly highlighting how restrictions implemented during the Covid pandemic could be used to force unpopular “Net Zero” targets onto the public.

As Slay News recently reported, WEF has declared that the Covid pandemic was merely “the test” for “a huge number of unimaginable restrictions” on the general public’s freedoms.

In a post on the WEF’s website, the organization gloats that the willingness of “billions of citizens across the world” to comply with Covid restrictions proves that members of the public can be manipulated into accepting “individual social responsibility.”

The WEF lauds how “billions” of people complied with Covid “restrictions,” arguing that they would do the same under the guise of reducing carbon emissions.

Titled “My Carbon: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities,” the article suggests that the same fear tactics could be used to impose further “restrictions” on the general public.

The subject of the piece is how to convince people to adopt “personal carbon allowance programs.”

The WEF laments that such schemes have so far been largely unsuccessful.

However, Schwab’s group notes that improvements in tracking and surveillance technology are helping to overcome “political resistance” against such programs.

“COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility,” the article asserts.

It continues by commending how “a huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world.”

“There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations, and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility,” the WEF adds.
