Thursday, 12 September 2024

What really makes us all ill

CHEMTRAILS and with after-spread of their  Initial  Discharged of Toxic Chemicals  

Even at Night (15 September 2024), Yorkshire, UK at very 'low-level' where they think that they would not be seen, but the Moon behind them catches their night-sky image - two together to give them more potency for people to inhale and breathe in

Chemtrails being destructively unleashed on all Humanity - our skies were never like this before 1947 and have been polluted even more since over the last 25-years than ever before

      Chemtrails dissipating                                                Casting a blanket over Humanity

Anne Heche the Actress was working on a new film before she died about Child Trafficking and prior to that she was in a film as lead actress exposing the genocidal killer of humanity, 'Chemtrails' 

The following is the Chemtrail film...

"Toxic Skies"

"Trump Declares War Against Chemtrails as Unmarked Planes Dump Toxic Payloads Over U.S."

The above is true and if you don't, want what is on the horizon for us, will become 100% true what is stated in the CIA Deagel's depopulation figures by the end of 2025...

"DEAGEL the Shadowy and Secretive CIA Intelligence Agency that Predicts the Future by Creating it so that it Always happens to and you will be fully enlightened to what is 'Really' Actually Happening"

Above equals extreme health problems for humans and 'never-ending' long-term and continuous "MASSIVE PROFITS"  for the the Global Pharmaceutical Industry for literally NOTHING other than "thin air" and the end product is massive and I mean Massive, deaths and depopulation never seen before of millions in the WEST...note not the East..

Large Geoengineering Chemtrails Ships & Aircraft Operation in the Middle of the Atlantic Ocean 

(a must watch for the TRUTH)

(November 16th, 2024) 

References: (only a few here of thousands - try Rumble for an independent appraisal and other 'uncensored' truth platforms)

1. Are persistent aircraft trails a threat to the environment and health? (EU)

2. Chemical trails harmful to health (EU)
4. Chemtrail Toxic Elements to human life consist of the following, but not exhaustive, as new experimental additions are being added to see what change they make by government and non-government private organizations
Aluminium oxide particles, arsenic, bacilli and moulds, barium titanates, cadmium, graphene oxide,  calcium, chromium, aluminium oxide, dessicated human red blood cells, ethylene dibromide, enterobacter, cloacal, enterobacteriaceae, human white blood cells, lead, lithium salts, mercury, methyl aluminium, mould sportes, micoplasma, nano aluminium coated fibreglass, nitrogen trifluoride, nickel, polymer fibres, pseudomonas aeruginosa, pseudomonas florescens, radioactive cesium, radioactive thorium, Selenium, Seratia Marcescens, sharp titanium shards, silver, streptomyces, Strontium, submicron particles, sulphur dioxide, unidentified bacteria, Uranium, Yellow fungal myxotoxins et al.
5. Exclusive: Commercial Pilot reveals the truth behind Chemtrails [SUBS]


Statement: NOT A SINGLE 'VIRUS' HAS has 'EVER' ACTUALLY BEEN ISOLATED within any laboratory in the world and what virologists call a virus is contaminated incidental material that is added to the so-called virus in the pursuit to find a virus in a petri dish within the whole process to identify and prove that viruses exist...therefore the claim that viruses exist is really based upon the introduction of additional contaminated material into the sample and where therefore that is called virology, and is just one "great lie and Ponzi Scheme", but where a gigantic hoax industry based upon what is called virology has been built up over the last 120 years in earnest. Indeed this global industry built on lies was created by no other than JD Rockefeller, the richest man in the world at the time, early in the 20th century and where even in those days his so-called vaccines killed the victims according to modern evidence based truths and just like his so-called vaccine that US American troops were forced to have prior to embarking to Europe and WW2, where Rockefeller's experimental vaccine was created from 'bacterial' material and not a viral substance, as THEY DO NOT EXIST IN NATURE or ANYWHERE. 

An excellent publication by two long-term researchers is "What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong" (by Dawn Lester & David Parker) with a rating of 4.7 out of 5.0 on Amazon            

For this jab, according to the long-term modern research of the history of the 'SPANISH FLU' has overridingly exposed now and been determined with a high degree and probability, to be  what we have called for over 100 years, 'The Spanish Flue', where the global pharmaceutical industry is a complete hoax, offering treatments for diseases that do not exist ever since. Indeed, the pharmaceutical industry is not in the business of cures, as if they found cures for illness, their vast hundreds of billions in profits every year would take an absolutely massive nose dive and why no cures for all the killer diseases (all bacterial that has been isolated...not VIRUSES) will ever be found, although the diseases to a great extent are created by agents allied to the pharma industry worldwide. Therefore no cures as this eminent lucrative global business in terms of corporate and shareholder profits, it the highest gross earner in the world on economic global turnover by far.

The Secret Cartel
There is therefore definitely a secret arrangement been hatched and with a not made known agreement in existence with some of the largest businesses in the world,  and between government, the giant pharmaceutical corporations and the 'globalists' to make vast amounts of money out of the people in one massive "PONZI" Scheme...and forever...with now with the WHO and UN being fully involved...

For, "Global Pharmaceutical Giants have made Criminal Activity legal and the vast US multi-billion dollar Corruption Fines just a part of their Drug Costs" 

So what does make us ill?

"Chemtrails is Very Poisonous, to all Life!"

Well its been since 1947 now when Chemtrails commenced spreading their toxic chemicals into the atmosphere that we all have to breathe in to constantly and continually live, providing oxygen for the human body, we have had these airborne contaminated  chemicals were forced on us without our knowledge by our governments and where at least 57 'toxic' and harmful to humans have been identified by independent scientists who have studied this secretive process for over 75 years now add where they said to us that it was a conspiracy theory...and where this process is known universally as CHEMTRAILS and where these were only confirmed by government in relatively recent times, so officially we know now that they do exist and have existed for a very, very long time under the guise of weather modifications and in modern times to blot out the sun for a planet that they say is heating, but where very eminent and long-term independent "arctic scientists" are stating that the absolute opposite is happening and on fact 'cooling down'.

The following is the evidence that Chemtrails do exist and the experiments have existed for 76 years now...

USAF Veteran Blows Whistle: Chemtrails Op Has Target Kill Rate of 86%

Geoengineering, Weather Modification, and Weaponizing Nature

UN Council on chemtrail by Rosalind Peterson of the Agriculture Defense Coalition

Toxic Sky part 2- CHEMTRAILS (NBC4.TV)

CIA Director Admits for Geoengineering AKA Chemtrails

"Global chaos is accelerating in lockstep with unfolding biosphere collapse"...what's causing this unparalleled & unnatural NEVER seen before phenomena ?"

Chemtrails Are Real: "Cloud-seeding" By Spraying Heavy Chemicals!


Top Pilot Testifies: 'Bill Gates Is Fumigating Cities With Mood Altering Chemtrails'

Arrest warrants to be issued for spraying chemtrails

Michael Murphy Murdered for Exposing the Geo-Engineering War Against Humanity

Even Gates is at it again...if it is not so-called Covid Vaccinations....its using Chemtrails...

Whistleblower: Bill Gates Seeding Monkeypox in Major Cities via Chemtrails

Toxic Chemtrails Exposed

100% Slam Dunk Evidence of Chemtrails

🚨Incredible Chemtrail Attack on the United States (The World) Right This Minute!🚨

Chemtrail Kook HAARP Montauk Project MKUltra ORGONE Wilhelm Reich!

Chemtrail Operations Right This Moment! From Russia, Switzerland, United States, Canada,

Trump Admin will STOP the Crime of Chemtrails! | Man in America

What in the World Are They Spraying? GeoEngineering Chemtrails Documentary

And to confirm all this and the reason, the CIA/DEAGEL have stated what will be the case by the end of 2025...pure evil to say the very least...
"DEAGEL the Shadowy and Secretive CIA Intelligence Agency that Predicts the Future by Creating it so that it Always happens to and you will be fully enlightened to what is 'Really' Actually Happening" 

Blogger Postscript:

This is what is really going on and only TRUMP can stop this, as the Democrats and Harris are 'DEEP' into this insane mindset that only does harm to humanity...PERIOD !

For further and unprecedented 'Free-Speech' and 'uncensored' videos unlike what YouTube and other globalist controlled video platforms et al that seriously and unreservedly restrict to free-thinkers, visit the following platforms and where you can search to your heart's content...

Visit 'Rumble' for to view loads of Chemtrail videos -

Visit 'Odysee' for to view loads of Chemtrail videos -

Visit 'Bitchute' for to view loads of Chemtrail videos -

And some general intel that you may not have been made privy of or too by Western Media, as they are selective for their masters the multi-billionaire Globalists and BlackRock and Vanguard that they also control...also visit...

Allowed Published Articles on Blogger
And visit our Website for over 1,200 detailed “Articles” (and increasing by the week) and ‘full’ access that addressed the sanity of people with regard to the truth from 2013 onwards  


Blocked ‘TRUTH’ Articles by MSM in Wordpress
And also at our website with all the ‘Banned’ Articles that although were true, were too close to the bone for “Social Media” to leave on the WEB for too long – home truths that they could not allow for their financial and political masters

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