Friday 13 September 2024

Bill Gates Calls for 'Vaccine Misinformation' to Be Censored in Real-Time by our western Governments that are now totally 'CONTROLLED' by the GLOBALISTS...and cannot now be denied now for the people if they open their eyes...

Blogger Comment: Trust Gates to come up with this so that he can silence all dissent for his $10 billion investment in vaccines where he boasted that he expects a return on investment of $200 billion ($200,000 million), so all he is 100% interested in is vast money and not human many hundreds of millions of humanity have died, not because of Covid-19 so-called virus, but from the injections that he invests in...
"Bill Gates: My ‘best investment’ turned $10 billion into $200 billion worth of economic benefit"
But secondly, "Who Is Bill Gates?", as he has a great deal to do with what is happening in the World now...

Billionaire Bill Gates is calling for all questions and concerns about vaccines to be censored in real time by artificial intelligence (AI) as part of an effort to allegedly tackle so-called “misinformation.”

According to the Microsoft co-founder, one of the key missions of his Gates Foundation is stopping the spread of “vaccine misinformation” online.

Gates argues that critics of official narratives regarding vaccines must be silenced in order to convince skeptical or unwilling members of the public that experimental injections are “safe and effective.”

In order to stamp out “vaccine misinformation,” Gates is calling for opinions that counter the official narratives to be shut down with the help of AI.

Gates laid out his vision during an interview with CNBC.

According to Gates, the public’s free speech rights are a major obstacle to his plan.

He lamented that America’s Constitution and its speech protections are standing in the way of AI setting new “boundaries” for the flow of information online.

Gates claims to support free speech but insists that the First Amendment should have “rules” in case a person expresses a view that is “causing people not to take vaccines.”

“We should have free speech, but if you’re inciting violence, if you’re causing people not to take vaccines, where are those boundaries that even the US should have rules?” Gates said.

“And then if you have rules, what is it?”

Gates was less forthcoming about who he believes should have the authority to decide what those rules are, however.

Nevertheless, he insists censorship is necessary and must be ushered in without delay.

Gates argues that allowing people to express views without immediate censorship is causing “harm.”

In order to tackle this alleged issue, Gates is calling for every comment made online to be “fact-checked” and censored in real-time with the help of AI-powered machines.

“Is there some AI that encodes those rules because you have billions of activity and if you catch it a day later, the harm is done,” he said.

It comes as Gates has launched a crusade against free speech in recent weeks.

As Slay News recently reported, Gates demanded just last week that digital IDs be made mandatory in order to supposedly tackle so-called “misinformation.”

In a new interview, the Microsoft co-founder also blasted the First Amendment for protecting the free speech rights of the American people.

Gates argues that the First Amendment is standing in the way of censoring “misinformation” online.

He called for digital IDs as a way to skirt the First Amendment and curb “misinformation during an interview with CNET, where he also discussed artificial intelligence (AI) and “climate change.”

Gates claims he is grappling with what he believes to be the threats of “misinformation” and the technological phenomena of deepfakes.

While warning of this alleged threat, Gates argues that digital IDs will help curb this “misinformation” by forcing people to verify their identities online.

Gates told CNET that there must be limitations on free speech or order to crack down on “misinformation.”

He laments that Americans’ First Amendment protections are making it “tough” to censor online content.

“The U.S. is a tough one because we have the notion of the First Amendment and what are the exceptions like yelling ‘fire’ in a theater,” Gates explained.

“I do think over time, with things like deepfakes, most of the time you’re online you’re going to want to be in an environment where the people are truly identified, that is they’re connected to a real-world identity that you trust, instead of just people saying whatever they want,” Gates added.

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"Insider Reveals Bill Gates Running WHO: 'Tedros Is Just a Puppet' "

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