Friday 27 September 2024

Non-Citizens Admit Registering to Vote in Swing State Arizona

Blogger Comment: This is why Biden and HARRIS has had an 'Open Border' since they came to office in 2021 and where all this was "planned" and I hope that the American people, especially the Democrat voters, wake up to what has been going on for over 3 years now, as this will decimate  ALL Biden and HARRIS are working for the WEF Globalists and not for America or the American people..this is real...and please wake up to the reality of who Biden and Harris really work for...

Non-citizens in the key swing state of Arizona are admitting to illegally registering to vote in the critical 2024 presidential election.

Heritage Oversight Project published a video showing self-proclaimed non-citizens admitting they registered to vote.

Alarmingly, many of those non-citizens revealed they plan to vote for Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris over President Donald Trump.

The video features conversations with six non-citizens in Phoenix, Arizona.

They say that they registered to vote while at work or at the supermarket.

Several of them also explain that they prefer Harris over Trump.

In the 2020 election, Arizona, a key battleground state, was “won” by President Joe Biden by just 11,000 votes.

The 2020 race indicates that razor-thin margins could once again decide who garners the state’s 11 electoral votes.

An undercover journalist speaks with one woman residing at an apartment complex in Phoenix.

“Just out of curiosity, are you registered to vote?” the journalist asks the woman.

“Yes we’re already registered,” she responds.

She then admits moments later that she is not an American citizen.

Another resident at the Phoenix apartment complex says that he is “waiting for my residency right now” and is not a citizen.

However, he says that he registered to vote in the presidential election.

The resident, who says that he is from Cuba, reveals he registered “in the place of assistance where they help the Hispanics when we come here.

“I marked yes so I could vote, but if you wish you could register me.”

The non-citizen went on to say that he preferred Harris over Trump.

Some say that they registered to vote at work or at a supermarket.

Other non-citizens, meanwhile, say that canvassers registered them to vote at their apartment complex.

According to one resident, the complex primarily houses foreign nationals.

“There’s not a single citizen here,” he explains.

The same non-citizen also complains about the increase in prices under the Biden-Harris administration and touts Trump as a businessman.

However, he laments that “Trump says he’ll start deporting people on the first day” and says that he will vote for Harris because she “is with the community.”


The video comes as conservatives have warned that illegal aliens could vote in American elections.

However, some on the Left refuse to address the issue and, instead, mock the concern as “the big lie of 2024” or a “myth.”

The video comes just after America First Legal announced that it was suing all 15 Arizona counties.

The lawsuit alleges that the states have refused to remove illegal aliens from their voter rolls.

Virginia and Texas, meanwhile, have removed non-citizens from their voter rolls.

Some leftist organizations are attempting to leverage mass immigration to alter the outcome of America’s elections.

Left-wing nonprofits funded by Democrat mega-donor George Soros are working to naturalize non-citizens and mobilize them as voters.

One such organization maintains demographic reports of key swing states and boasts that immigration could “sway the outcome of national, state, and local elections.”

Meanwhile, the Biden-Harris administration has presided over the most severe border crisis in American history.

More than 10 million people have crossed the border under the Biden-Harris admin.

An estimated 1.7 million illegal immigrant gotaways have been recorded since Biden was inaugurated in 2021.

During the Trump administration, there were a total of 415,000 reported gotaways for 2018, 2019, and 2020 combined.


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