Sunday 22 September 2024

Leftist Don Lemon Warns Democrats: Black Men Are Aspiring to Be like Trump

Leftist former CNN anchor Don Lemon has warned Democrats that black men are now viewing President Donald Trump as an aspirational figure.

For years, Democrats and their allies in the corporate media have desperately tried to convince the American people that Trump is a racist and sexist who plays on the bigotry of voters to get put in power.

However, new evidence is emerging to suggest that Americans are seeing through the propaganda and even the Left is starting to be forced to admit it.

Anti-Trump reporter Don Lemon has never been one to give the 45th president any kudos.

But even Lemon can no longer deny what he’s seeing in America.

Millions of black men are supporting Trump because they see the example Trump is setting and they want to be like him, Lemon has admitted.

Lemon made his comments on a recent appearance on MSNBC’s “The Reid Out.”

Host Joy Reid asked Lemon to explain why Trump was enjoying so much popularity in the black community compared to Republican presidential candidates of the past.

Her questions revealed that the liberal media is outraged about the support Trump is enjoying.

Reid’s loaded questioning was an example of just how hard the media is trying to convince black people to abandon the Republican nominee.

“You did recently speak with a lot of black men supporting Trump,” Reid asked Lemon.

“I have to ask you about it. Here it is.

It was clear what kind of answer Reid was hoping for as she tried to lead leftist Lemon, calling Trump “disdainful” toward black people.

Lemon wasn’t anymore eager than Reid to give Trump his flowers, however.

He basically said that black voters who support Trump must be stupid for not knowing which political party gives them more handouts.

“I have been talking to a lot of black men who say they’re supporting Donald Trump. Who are you voting for?” Lemon said.

“After several black men answered ‘Trump,’ an unidentified man said, ‘I think the reason why the money he gave away last time he was in office is what they’re looking for again.'”

Reid wanted to know why black people might support Trump despite how terrible she thinks he is.

“What do you make of that?” Reid asked.

“What do you make of black men, as disdainful as Trump is to black people?”

Lemon responded:

“I think you’ll agree as a journalist, as an American, you should have some knowledge before you say you’re going to vote for them before you go into the polling place.

“A lot of them said I liked him because he gave me the stimulus check.

“I am like, ‘that did not come from Donald Trump.’

“His name was on it. It came from a Democratic Congress and Nancy Pelosi.

“I do think that some of it is bravado.

“I also think that it is aspirational.

“Donald Trump, devil may care, is flying around in airplanes, on gold toilets, beautiful women and all those things.

“I think maybe men who don’t have an agency that white men have in society, maybe it is aspirational to them, and they want to be like him, and therefore they say they will vote for him.”

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