Sunday 22 September 2024

John Kerry Calls for Relaxed Trade Rules with Communist China to Fight 'Climate Change'

Blogger Comment: This shows in part that the Biden-Harris Administration is in bed with Chinese Communist Party, for why would they do this otherwise, as China is our enemy...clearly...and where the Republicans have called China out for what it has been doing to undermine the USA internationally, but seemingly not the Democrats with their double-talk so you never know their true feelings for the American people by doing what they do and say with regard to the Chinese government...and stated from their own lips where Kerry is one of their top advisers and former SofS...and where this clearly borders on Treachery...surely...or am I missing something even more sinister here?

Former Biden-Harris administration “climate czar” John Kerry is calling on the U.S. government to relax trading rules with Communist China to supposedly tackle “global warming.”

Earlier this year, Kerry stepped down from his lucrative role as the first-ever United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate (SPEC).

The position was established for Kerry by his old friend President Joe Biden.

Kerry said he was stepping away from the role to focus on campaigning for Biden’s now-failed re-election bid.

However, Kerry still appears to be using the climate to advance his own agenda.

On Wednesday, Kerry urged the U.S. government to take a new look at global trade rules.

He called the existing mediator of trade disputes, the World Trade Organization, “neutered.”

The long-time diplomat made the calls during wide-ranging comments on trade, tariffs, and the energy transition from fossil fuels at the Gastech energy conference in Houston, Texas.

Kerry insists that cooperation with China is vital for tackling “climate change.”

“We need an understanding among nations, which China and the U.S. could help lead, about fair processes within the trading structure of the world,” said Kerry.

He argues that relaxing trade rules with the Chinese Communist Party will help to combat “global warming” because China is developing “technologies” for “transitioning” to “green energy.”

Kerry also blasted the rising use of tariffs on Chinese imports, arguing that they harm efforts to encourage clean energy businesses such as those that produce solar panels, batteries, and electric cars.

“I’m not big on tariffs at all,” Kerry said.

“I think historically tariffs have proven to be very problematic for the marketplace and countries.”

“I advocate working with China on climate because China is 30% of all emissions on the planet and is now the biggest producer of some of these (energy transition) technologies,” Kerry declared.

He warned that U.S. lawmakers and regulators need to help to advance clean energy projects by relaxing trade rules with China.

“We have some blockages – political and regulatory – and one of them is the permitting, you cannot take 10 years to permit this stuff, we don’t have that kind of time,” he said.

“Nobody else is going to sit around and wait for us to get our act together.”

This is not the first time Kerry has questionably used “climate change” while weighing in on global politics.

As Slay News reported, Kerry claimed in March that people around the world would “feel better” about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine if Moscow would “make a greater effort to reduce emissions.”

During a foreign press briefing in Washington, D.C., Kerry made a weak attempt to link the endless foreign war to his globalist green agenda.

The event was the last presser Kerry gave a “climate czar” as he departed from the position.

Kerry shockingly claimed that people are against the war because Russia doesn’t do enough to fight “climate change.”

However, Kerry failed to explain why he believes the two are linked.

In 2021, Biden appointed Kerry to be the U.S. SPEC, a position that he invented for his old friend.

The bureaucratic role had not previously existed and did not require Senate approval.

Kerry was operating without regulation in the powerful position, despite blowing vast sums of taxpayer cash and making major decisions on behalf of the American people that could impact lives for generations to come.

In the role, Kerry traveled worldwide on taxpayer-funded private jets, attending high-profile climate summits and diplomatic engagements.

The jet-setting was supposedly part of a push for a global transition from fossil fuels to “green” energy alternatives.


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