Sunday 22 September 2024

Democrat Initiative to 'Reform' Supreme Court Slammed as Blatantly Unconstitutional

Democrats are demanding that the Supreme Court be “reformed” but the Left’s plans are provoking a backlash.

The push is due to the conservative majority on the Supreme Court, which comes after decades of a leftist majority.

Democrats from President Joe Biden down to the faceless radical activists of the Left are clamoring for a fundamental rebuild of the Supreme Court.

However, the plans seek to merely destroy the conservative majority.

“Reforms” range from term limits to packing the Supreme Court to change the ideological balance in favor of the Democrats.

Back in July, Biden proposed a plan that would introduce term limits that would force Supreme Court Justices to retire after 18 years.

18 years is an oddly specific number that conveniently would force Supreme Court Justices Roberts, Alito, and Thomas who have all served over 18 years with Alito and Roberts having just crossed the 18-year mark.

Democrats have been talking about respecting our institutions and preserving the nonpartisan nature of our government but are now openly trying to subvert the Supreme Court to retire conservative justices and replace them with leftist justices.

Besides Biden’s convenient plan to force multiple conservative justices to retire, other Democrats are openly endorsing packing the Supreme Court.

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) posted to X saying:

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: it’s time to expand the Court.”

Democrats deceptively disguise these demands as Supreme Court “reform” when this has nothing to do with a failure or inefficiency in the Supreme Court doing its job.

This is purely a political effort and Democrats are trying to convince Americans otherwise.

Expanding the Supreme Court is particularly insane in its partisanship as Democrats have proposed adding up to four justices.

The Supreme Court has never had more than 10 justices and the current figure of 9 has been the standard since 1869.

The only time expansion was seriously discussed was during FDR’s tyrannical push of “New Deal”      socialism which mirrors what Democrats are trying to do today.

The conservative Supreme Court has knocked down Roe v. Wade, enforced presidential immunity, and taken a chainsaw to the cancerous administrative state that has been allowed to grow for decades.

All of these decisions have either made life better for regular Americans or righted long-standing partisan decisions that stood at odds with the Constitution.

In the case of Roe v. Wade, that decision made a state-level issue a federal issue for far too long.

This has outraged the left who have been tearing down the Constitution for decades so it is no wonder that they talk about the Supreme Court needing reform as if the Supreme Court isn’t doing its job for the first time in years.

Democrats are supremely disqualified from casting judgement on the Supreme Court considering their open desire to subvert it and corrupt it.


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