Tuesday 3 September 2024

Australian Government Database Exposes Huge Death Toll from COVID Vaccines


The Australian government’s own database has exposed a huge death toll and staggering numbers of injuries from Covid vaccines.

The data is from Australia’s equivalent of the FDA  – the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

The data shows a shocking 139,000 reported injuries from the Covid vaccine.

The figure accounts for 20% of all recorded side effects from all medicines for the past 50 years.

Taking into account a conservative underreporting measure of ten this would total over a million injured.


Where is the outrage?

Where is the media?


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In Japan, meanwhile, thousands of doctors and university professors have risen up in protest against the government’s rollout of Bill Gates’s deadly new “vaccine” for Covid.

The group, known as “The United Citizens for Stopping mRNA Vaccines,” has voiced concerns about the “Replicon vaccine.”

The injection is a novel coronavirus vaccine developed by Arcturus Therapeutics.

Experts argue that the vaccine, scheduled to be administered to Japanese citizens in October, poses identified risks.

They warn that it should not be used on the public and refuse to administer the dangerous shots to their patients.

The doctors highlight that the Replicon vaccine is a “self-amplifying mRNA” vaccine that has not been tested on humans before.

These experimental vaccines are being pushed by Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Scientists around the world have been raising the alarm about the dangerous “self-amplifying mRNA” injections.

They express concerns about the vaccine’s self-replicating function, which may lead to the production of large amounts of spike protein in recipients without a brake mechanism.

Additionally, there are worries about the transmission of vaccine components from recipients to others.

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"The Rise of The World Economic Forum’s (The WEF) “Fourth Reich”:Part1. The Deadly Comparison ‘away’ from Freedom and where the Nazis are Coming Again' https://world-freedom.co.uk/2023/07/23/the-rise-of-the-world-economic-forums-the-wef-fourth-reich-part-1-the-deadly-comparison-away-from-freedom/

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